Seien wir doch einmal alle ehrlich:Wer legt sich denn schon abends ins Bett, vollkommen entspannt, und denkt sich: "Hey! Das war doch heute mal wieder ein richtig toller und entspannender Tag. Ich musste mich weder über andere Menschen, noch über irgendwas in den Nachrichten, noch über irgendwelche anderen Dinge aufregen, die im Alltag unausweichlich sind und werde deshalb mich jetzt umdrehen und sofort einschlafen, weil es nichts mehr gibt, worüber ich die nächsten fünf stunden noch philosophieren könnte"Richtig das tut keiner. Ich auch nicht. Das ist der Grund warum DU jetzt die das ganze hier durchliest. Weil ich mir einmal gedacht habe, dass es eine gute Idee wäre mal die ganzen Dinge, die mir nachts den Schlaf rauben, in kleine Texte zu fassen und hier auf Wattpad zu stellen.Na dann: Let the show begin.…
HIGHEST ACHIEVEMENTS#1 in experience#1 in expressions#1 in expressyourself#1 in latenightthoughts#1 in reality #1 in thoughs and feelings#1 in poet#1 in expressions- #2 in thoughts and feelings #2 in poetThe ABC Collection-BOOK 1…
This is a book two, the first one can be found on my profile page because I can't remember what it's called!Enjoy!…
Just a collection of the first drafts of some poems I wrote from December 2024 to February 2025.In other words, the beginning of my journey as a poet. I'll just call it a practice version.P.s. final versions of all these poems will be reuploaded as part of my other (actual) poetry collections. You can find them on my profile when I post them.---Highest Rankings:#1 in latenightthoughts - 15/01/2025#79 in poems - 15/01/2025#22 in vent - 15/01/2025#5 in meaning - 15/01/2025#89 in thoughts - 15/01/2025#82 in poetry - 07/12/2024#55 in lighthearted - 15/01/2025#31 in words - 15/01/2025#111 in asia- 31/12/2024#114 in poem - 15/01/2025…
This is really just a book full of Marauder's incorrect quotes I found on Pintetest lolThis would be best among Harry Potter fans ofc, but if you wanna read and you dont know HP that's okay, you'll just be confused a lot about who certain ppl are :)Also, this is book one because all the ones I wanted to put wouldn't fit here 🫠 Enjoy!…
a story about jack and his late night other people.just jack.((this story was written when I was a child so it's kinda dark but also extremely shitty and is in dire need of updating. I'm sorry it's bad!))*the art in the cover is not mine! credit to the artist, I don't know their @*¡ trigger warning !…
This book conveys freestyle poems about love, longing, acceptance, destiny. If you are someone who lost their love, who lost the path to love, you can relate to these beautiful lines here. Thank you for giving it a chancelove, sviya<3…
Poems.From young to old.Happy to unhappy.Friends to family.Poetry to many lines of words.Only one author to write it all.××××Ranks:#27 in meaning…
just for those H moods and girl talk, ya dig?…
Basically me ranting and talking stuff out every day.…
"Goodbye."Warning: If suicide affects you, don't read it. Everything's pretty alright, nothing too harsh.…
collection of random thoughts, feelings generated from the depths of my mind.••••I don't own the illustrated picture on the cover it belongs to its respective owner.…
I felt like it.…
Literally just Cissy x Y/N late night/high thoughts. This is pure crack. I'm not sorry at all.…
Something was missing, something was different.…
i danced in moonlight swallowed by darknesssinging like a nightingalea song never to be heard~✨…
There's just something so peaceful about the late hours that brings out the creativity in me. I have had these poems in my journals and diaries for years, thought it was time somebody read them. I hope you like it..<3…
This book includes multiple short stories of my unsent stories that I've never sent them.Both love and regret.From me to them.…
book 4 of LNT…