chapter fifty-four

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"Um... is Charlie okay?"

He's currently sitting across from us on the plane, looking about as nervous as I feel every time I have to interact with someone new.

"I think he's a nervous flyer," Owen whispers to me, and I nod my head in understanding. Flying isn't exactly my cup of tea either. I feel bad for him, we have a long flight ahead of us.

We try to watch a movie, but I only make it through about the first hour until I fall asleep. I blame that on the eventful night I had last night and the fact that I didn't get much sleep. I felt really bad for Owen because I kept tossing and turning all night. He was super understanding, though, and played with my hair or rubbed my back to try to help me fall asleep.

When I finally woke up, I found that both Charlie and Owen were also asleep. I took advantage of this opportunity to gently play with Owen's hair. I've been asleep for a while, we only have about an hour before we're supposed to land.

Charlie wakes up before Owen and laughs as soon as he sees Owen all snuggled up on my shoulder. He takes a picture of us, to my dismay. I'm sure I did not look very friendly in that picture, considering the very snarky look I gave Charlie.

I ended up having to wake Owen up when we landed, and he didn't seem very enthusiastic about the fact that he was woken up, not that I blame him. I don't think he got any more sleep than I did last night.

We all walk off together and manage to get all of our bags before getting an Uber to take us to the place we're staying. I don't know much about where we're staying, all I know is that Kenny is paying for it. And Jeremy should be here by now too, so I'm excited to get to see him again. I haven't seen him since filming ended. I miss his dad energy, and I'll probably need his help keeping Owen and Charlie in check.

When we arrive at the hotel, we all struggle to get all of our bags out. Charlie tells us our room number, and we make our way there. We decide to be respectful for once and knock before we enter.

Jeremy is the one to open the door for us. His face instantly lights up when he sees us all standing together.

"Hi! Come on in," he says, letting us all in.

The place is ginormous. We're currently in the middle of a large living area, and there's a kitchen off to the side, and multiple doors all around leading to who-knows-where.

"I've missed you guys," Jer says, with all of us taking turns hugging him.

"We've missed you too, Jer. But now the band is back together again!" Charlie grins. "Well, plus Jenny. Sorry, Jenny, but I've heard you sing. You've got some mad dancing skills, but singing... definitely not your strong suit."

"You're mean," I say, matter-of-factly. "But it is very nice to have you back, Jer. I need all the help I can get keeping these two in check," I smile, pointing at Charlie and Owen.

"Don't hate on us just 'cause we're chaotic. You know you love it," Charlie says, throwing his arm around my shoulder, making me roll my eyes.

"While I do miss your chaotic-ness when I'm not around you two, you can't deny that it's a little much to handle sometimes."

"You love us anyway, though," Charlie smiles.

I sigh. "Yes, of course."

"Jer, where's Kenny?" Owen asks.

"He went down to the pool about an hour ago, so he should be back soon. In the meantime, let me show you all around! That's Kenny's room, and that's my room," he says, pointing to the two doors on the left. "There's two other bedrooms over there, which I'm taking a wild guess in saying that Jenny and Owen will share one."

"Your wild guess was correct," Owen grins. "Sorry, Charlie."

"Oh well, I'll just go sleep in Jeremy's room if I get lonely. Sorry, Carolynn."

"Don't let him do that, Jer," I say. "I've seen Charlie sleep. He'll steal all of the blanket just so he can wrap himself up like a burrito."

"Are you guys ever going to let me live that down?" Charlie asks exasperatedly.

"No," Owen and I say at the same time.

Charlie rolls his eyes and walks into one of the unoccupied rooms, giving up on trying to talk to us. Owen and I go into the other room.

"You know, this room reminds me a lot of my room in my old apartment. Brings back good memories," I say.

"It does kinda look like your old room," Owen agrees. "Except less messy."

"Yeah, it's not the same when I don't have a crap ton of empty strawberry milk cups lying around."

"Very true," Owen responds and then jumps onto the bed. "Oh, this bed feels comfy," he says as he snuggles into one of the pillows. I find Kitty in one of my bags and throw it onto the bed, accidentally hitting Owen in the face.

"Sorry," I grimace.

He only sighs and lays Kitty in between two of the pillows he was just laying on. "Did you pack my favorite blanket?" he asks.

"I thought I gave that blanket to you when we left Vancouver."

"You did. But did you pack it?"

"Yes, O. I packed it. At least, I think I did. I was quite out of it last night."

"Well, let's try not to think about that while we're here, okay? We're here to have a fun time with our friends, and that's what we're gonna do."

"Yeah, I'm gonna try my best," I agree. "Gotta enjoy being with you three again, because who knows the next time that it'll happen?"

"Oh, my pessimistic Jenny," Owen sighs. "Believe me, I understand. But let's just enjoy being together."

"Okay, O."

We unpack a bit, but we walk back out to the living room when we hear the door open and hear Kenny's voice.

"Jenny, Owen! How nice to see you two again," Kenny smiles, hugging both of us. "I see you two are still as inseparable as always."

"Of course," Owen answers for me, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer to him, making Kenny smile. "It's great to see you again too, Kenny."

Charlie comes out of his room soon after and greets Kenny quite enthusiastically, Charlie-style. We spend most of the rest of the day just talking, catching each other up on things that have happened within the past month or so since filming ended. Jeremy also catches us up on Carolynn, which I greatly appreciate. I miss her so much.

Despite Owen's advice, I'm still thinking about how sad I'm going to be when we're gonna have to leave. I love these people so much, and I feel whole when I'm with them. But I guess I'll just have to hold onto these little moments I get with them as much as I can.

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