The Maui trip is going by much faster than I thought it would. It's already been over a week, and it feels like we got here only yesterday. It's been quite fun, even though we've all developed some horrific sunburns.
The pool has become our new favorite spot, and we've also gone on a few hikes. Hikes aren't exactly my favorite thing, but being able to hang out with the boys made it totally worth it. Not to mention the fact that Maui is absolutely gorgeous.
Even though we've spent a lot of time outside, we still have movie nights almost every night. It brings me so much joy because it brings back happy memories of the many movie nights we had back when we were filming. Even though Sav isn't here with us, it's still fun. And Charlie still wraps himself up in his blanket like a burrito every night.
I haven't had any nightmares since we've gotten here, which I am thankful for. This whole trip has helped get my mind off of the divorce mess, at least just a little bit.
All of the guys are out at the pool at the moment, but I stayed behind at the hotel so I could FaceTime Sav, Carolynn, and Madison. I initiate the FaceTime and Madison immediately picks up, soon followed by Sav and Carolynn.
"Hi!" I say excitedly.
"Hey guys, it feels like it's been forever since I've been able to talk to you all," Madison says.
"Right? I'm ready to see you all again," Carolynn adds.
"Jenny's lucked out- she's in Hawaii with the guys," Madison says. "I'm sure it's unbearable having to live with all of them together."
"Not unbearable... but definitely something," I respond. "Already almost burned down the hotel once, but that's about it."
"Only once? Not too bad," Sav smiles.
"Speaking of the guys, where are they at? Figured they'd be bothering you if they figured out you were on FaceTime," Carolynn says.
"They're currently at the pool. I just told them I had an important phone call to make and said I would stay behind. None of them cared too much to ask."
"Well, that doesn't surprise me," Sav says. "What all have you all done?"
"Not much honestly," I respond. "Lots of time at the pool, a few hikes, movie nights. Nothing too exciting, but enough for me."
"That sounds exciting to me," Madison adds. "I wish I could be there with you. Could help you tame the guys a bit."
"Honestly, Mads, that would be amazing. They're insane when they all get together. Jer is the only one with common sense, I believe."
"Jer is like the dad, and Charlie and Owen are the rambunctious children," Sav laughs. "You keep Owen in check, though. Charlie just runs wild, I don't think anyone could keep him in check."
"Very true," I agree. "Charlie's a free spirit."
"That's one way to put it," Madison scoffs.
"I don't know, Mads, I think you keep Charlie in check better than the rest of us," Carolynn says. "It at least, you call him out when he does dumb stuff. That may not stop him from doing the dumb stuff, but hey, your reactions are always priceless."
"Someone's gotta call him out on it, yeah?" she laughs.
We all continue to talk for a good while. I lose track of time because the conversation flows so naturally and easily that I kind of forget that we're actually talking. About an hour passes until the door of my room opens, and Owen walks in.
"Hey, we're back- who are you talking to?" he asks.
"Here, come say hi," I say, gesturing for him to come over to where I'm sitting. I point the phone to where he's standing so the girls can see him.
"Hey, Owen!" Madison says first. "I miss you!"
"Miss you too, Mads," Owen smiles. "Hey, Sav and Carolynn," he adds, waving to the phone. They wave back and say hello.
As the girls continue to talk, Owen pulls me over out of frame to where he's standing. "I'm gonna go take a shower, but would you maybe be up for a little date tonight? Nothing special, just something simple. I just wanna spend time with you. Alone time, not time with Jer and Charlie always lurking over us."
"I would love that, O," I say, and he grins. I go back over to my phone and quickly inform them of what Owen just said.
"Ugh, stop," Sav says. "You're making me feel extremely single, Jenny, and I don't appreciate it."
"Don't I always, though?" I say, half-jokingly.
I finally force myself to get off of FaceTime with them when Owen gets out of the shower so that I can get ready for whatever he has planned for tonight.
"So... what should I plan for tonight?" I ask him.
"Well, I thought we could maybe do a little picnic on the beach or something little like that. Nothing too fancy, I just feel like I haven't gotten to spend a lot of time with just you lately."
"That sounds good to me," I smile.
"Can you be ready around six?" he asks, and I nod. "Want me to help you get ready?"
"What are you gonna do?"
"I can do your hair. Maybe pick out your outfit."
I hesitantly agree with his proposal. He starts with my hair, making me sit on the bed with him while he carefully braids my hair back. Once he's done with that, he starts going through all of my clothes (which are all in messy piles at the moment) to try to help me pick an outfit. We settle on a light pink sundress that I don't totally hate. He gets ready after me and goes to pack up the stuff for our picnic.
We leave quietly, trying not to alert Charlie about our date because we knew that if we told him, we'd probably never get to leave. Owen does text him once we're out of the hotel just to tell him that we're not dead or anything.
Our little picnic was honestly quite refreshing. Being able to be with Owen and talk openly with him without fear of Charlie or anyone else listening in was quite nice.
"So, how has this trip been for you so far?" he asks. "Is it helping get your mind off of... things?"
"Actually, it has. It's always nice being away from home because I don't have to worry about my parents as much. But I think being around you, Charlie, and Jer has helped my mood a lot. I think it's impossible to be sad when you three are around."
"Good to know," he smiles. "No more nightmares, right?"
"Yeah, I haven't had any so far."
"Good. I'm always worried that you're gonna have one without me knowing and that you won't tell me. I wake up multiple times throughout the night and try to make sure you seem calm."
"Kinda creepy, O. But sweet, I guess?"
"Hey, it's not creepy, you're cute when you're asleep. Especially when you're just waking up and your eyes are only open halfway and you talk really softly. That's extremely cute. I'll wake up early just to see that."
"I like being your personal alarm clock, though," I laugh.
"I can't complain when my personal alarm clock wakes me up with kisses. I think that's the best way to wake up, hands down."
"It is good, isn't it?" I grin.
"Definitely," he agrees. I can see him hesitate for a few seconds after that, trying to figure out what to say next. "Jenny, can I ask you something?"
"Course, O."
"You're planning to go back to your aunt's house after we leave?"
"Yeah, I guess. Don't really have anywhere else to go. Are you going back to Oklahoma?"
"Well, that's what I wanted to ask you," he says. "I was thinking... I know you've mentioned getting an apartment in LA and getting a job teaching dance, and I've also had the thought of moving to LA. So, I thought... what if we both moved to LA? Got an apartment, and moved in together? I mean, it's just a hypothetical, you don't have to if you don't want to. Just wanted to put the idea out there."
I could tell he was nervous because he was looking all over the place. I grab both of his hands in an attempt to calm him down. "O, I would love that. I mean, the whole moving process is never easy, but of course it's worth it if it means I get to be with you every day."
He grins in response. "I've been looking at apartments, and I've found a couple that I think would be good. I can share them with you when we get back. I just wanted to see if that was something you'd wanna do because I've honestly been thinking about it since we first left Vancouver. I don't like being away from you."
"And I don't like being away from you. I don't even care where we move to, because if I'm with you, then I'm home."
"Bugaboo, you really gotta stop saying cute stuff like that all the time."
"Why?" I laugh. "I like reminding you how much you mean to me. Is that a crime?"
"Most definitely not," he says, pulling me into a tight hug. He pulls back just a little bit so that he can kiss me, which I immediately reciprocate. His hands stay on my back, and mine go to his hair. Even when he pulls away, our faces are still only centimeters apart.
"Can I tell you something?" I whisper.
I feel my heartbeat start to rise, and I know he can feel it too. I can see the concern in his eyes, like he's trying to figure me out but can't quite get it. I'm getting deja vu- this is the exact facial expression he gave me right before I kissed him for the first time.
I've never been one to keep secrets. And these feelings I have for Owen, not all of them are secrets. And it's probably no secret that I love him. But I haven't said it to him yet. And maybe that's because love really was ruined for me with my parents, but I know that I do love Owen. It's just scary, because once I say it, it makes it real. But I feel like he should know. I must've hesitated for too long because he speaks before I do.
"You can tell me anything, Jenny, you know that. But if you don't feel comfortable with it, you don't have to."
I nod, silently telling him that I understand. I take a couple more deep breaths before I try to speak.
"I love you."
I instantly start to regret my words once I say them, but Owen just gives me one of the biggest smiles I've ever seen him give me before.
"Jenny Rose Taylor, you have no idea how long I've wanted to hear you say that," he grins. "I love you so much, you can't even begin to comprehend it."
"Yes, really! Jenny, I'm so in love with you. Isn't it obvious?"
"I don't know, maybe you should say it again. Just to be sure," I say jokingly.
"I love you," he grins.
"I love you too."
He wraps me in his arms again, hugging me tighter than he ever has before. There is no doubt in my mind that I love the boy in front of me. He's cared for me in ways that I've never been cared for before, and he's taught me so many new things since I've met him. Including what real love should feel like.
He's my home.
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