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Kenta's POV.

"Hey don't mess my hair up"

Chae Hee shouted as she tickled that Yongguk guy.I looked at her face and the way she smiles....was very cute but then again a frown made it's way on my face when I thought that I won't be able to make you smile like that.

"Hyung let's go!" Donghan said as he hang his arm on my shoulder.

"Oh...uhh...okay."I mumbled and took one last glance at Chae Hee before walking out the door.

"Hyung what's the problem?" Donghan asked.

"Oh I was just thinking,let's go."I said and quickly escaped.

Third Person POV.

"Hey get back here !"Taehyun shouted,but he just pretended that  he didn't heard him.

*A kitten suddenly meows*

"Wait did you heard.... something?"Kenta said and walked towards an old box.As he looked inside the box he saw a little lonely kitten ,and Kenta was flustered when he saw the kitten looking at him  directly in the eye.

"Hyung look it's a kitten!"Kenta said and signaled them to come close to him.

"Seriously,come on Donghan let's leave him alone here."Taehyun said and walked away with Donghan following him behind.

On the other hand Kenta just watched them walk away when suddenly the kitten meow again,which caught his attention.

"Do you want to come along little guy?"He mumbled and smiled at the little kitten.

The kitten then meowed again which made him chuckle.

"Okay...I'll take that as a yes."He said,and with that he took the kitten and went home.

As he walked back home ,he felt something wet on his head and then on his arm when realization hits him,it was raining.

He quickly covered the kitten with his jacket and run towards a nearby bus stop.

Aishh,why does it have to rain now.

He thought as he dried himself up.He took the little kitten out of his jacket and dried it as well.

"There you go."He muttered.

He watched closely  as the rain drops fall down from the sky.

Kenta did'nt know how to go home so he sat there and waited for the rain to stop.He looked back at the cat and smiled.

"Let's wait here."He said and patted the cat's head.

"Can I wait here as well?"Someone said,which caught Kenta's attention.

He looked at the person behind him and surprisingly it was Chae Hee.

"H-How...did y-you..."Kenta stuttered as his eyes went bigger.

"Oh I was about to go home when it rain so I went to this bus stop."she saud and pointed at the sign that reads bus stop.Kenta then nods his head unsure of what to say.

"Oh...ahh...Okay you can wait here."

"Meow" The kitten meowed.

"Oh is that a looks cute."

"Yep,I saw it alone on the streets awhile ago."
he said and eyed Chae Hee.

"Are you alone little guy?"Chae Hee asked and hugged the  kitten.

"You must love cats." He said and smiled sheepishly.

"Yes ,I do I love taking care if them,I like dogs too."She explained.

(A/N Share lang po ni Chae Hee lmao)


"Yep I have a pet dog when I was a kid,and a cat when I was 10."

"Wow...I never knew you loved both."He laughed.

On the other hand Chae Hee was looking at a laughing Kenta while hugging the kitten.


She thought,as she laughed with him too.

The two stayed there for about 30 minutes now,and Chae Hee's eyes couldn't help but close,she was really sleepy and so as Kenta but he remained focused despite his droopy eyes.

Chae Hee's eyes couldn't take it anymore and it closed.Later on Kenta noticed her,and a small smile made it's way to his lips.

He put's Chae Hee's head on his shoulder and looked at her sleeping figure.

"Hnnn....can you wake me up later...I just need to sleep"Chae Hee said as she put her head comfortably on top of his shoulder.

Kenta hummed in response,and looked back at the rain.


Hi Readers,thank you for showing love for this fanfic,I precias it.Sorry for not updating I'm just really stressed from school.Anyways thanks for reading and see yah on the next chapter:)


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