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Chae Hee's POV.
I walked towards the elevator and saw Yongguk typing something on his phone.

I tapped his shoulder and smiled.

"Oh Good morning Mr. Kim."I said emphasizing the Mr.Kim.

"Don't call me Mr.Kim ,Yongguk is fine."He replied pouting abit.

"Oh but I must Mr.Kim."I chuckled.

"Haha very funny....hey can you go eat with me during your break."

"Why,are you that lonely that you haven't even made any friends in this company,which you worked on for over 3 years already."I replied sarcastically .

Yongguk then gasped and pouted again.

"You're to harsh,I'm still your, boss you know?"

"Alright Mr.Kim I'll go with you during lunch,happy now?"I said and rolled my eyes.

"Yep,I'm happy now."He smiled.


And as if on cue the elevator doors opened.

"Well...I guess I'll see you later then." He said and took a bow before walking away tsk.

"Tsk,Boss my foot."I mumbled.

I sighed as I waited for Yongguk to show up.

Aishh,why does he always make the girls wait.

"Hello sorry for making you wait."He said while panting.

"Yeah,yeah I get it,now let's go I'm hungry feed me peasant."I said jokingly.

"Don't you peasant me,you sheep."

"Don't call me sheep,now let's go peasant."

"What ever you say master."He said while pinching my cheeks,I don't think it's romantic though cause trust me... it is so Freaking painful.

"Ouch ,STop!"I shouted.

"Okay ,but don't shout even the deaf people can hear you."He replied while laughing.

"Kim YoNgguk you little bitc--"I didn't get to finish what I was saying since he already covered my mouth.

"Hey,stop shouting will you,people might think you're from a tribe or something."

"I'll stop shouting if you stop all this sh*t."

"Haha,sorry let's go master."He said while chuckling.

"Master my foot,now let's eat you filthy peasant."I said obviously pissed.

"Oh but I'm your peasant master."He replied ,while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Then I'll sell you."I said and continued to walk.

"Hey,you can't sell me!"He shouted.

"Oh,from what tribe are you?"I asked while laughing.

"Chae Hee....I won't feed you anymore I change my mind,goodbye master!"He said and walked away.

"Hey You can't leave me here."I shouted.

"Oh yes I can."He smirked.

I sighed heavily and tilted my head to the left when I suddenly noticed a familiar face,and it was staring at me.

"Hello"The man said,oh wait is that kenta?

"Hi ,what are you doing here?"I asked.

"Oh I was just eating with my friends,you?"

"Oh,well I'm good,until my Dumbass friend,promised to take me out to lunch and left me afterwards."I replied with a hint of sarcasm on my voice.

"Woah...I didn't know that you have this side of you."He laughed.

"Yep I have."I replied.

"Hey I was just joking--who's this?"Yongguk then entered the scene and asked about Kenta's existance.

"A human being named Kenta,he's my friend."I said.

"Oh nice to meet you then,I'm Yongguk Chae Hee's boss."Yongguk then extended his hand towards Kenta with a smile,and they shook hands.

"You're not my boss,you're a peasant."

"I'm your boss,now shut up before I fire you!"

"Oh Alright Mr.Kim ,I'll shut up."I replied as I put on a fake smile.

"Good,I thought you wanted me to fire you."He then repliex and ruffled my hair.

"Hey don't mess my hair up."I said but at the corner of my eye I saw a frowning Kenta.

Why? Is he sad?

I thought on why he was like that.

HEY guys thanks for reading I hope you liked it,also I hope you still keep on supporting me even though my school will be starting tomorrow.

Vote if you like tis chapter and I'll update soon.


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