Read Stories TSBS One-Shot Book (Consists of SAMS, LAES, EAPS, and some MASM) - TeenFic.Net




TSBS One-Shot Book (Consists of SAMS, LAES, EAPS, and some MASM)

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Due to demand and me needing a place to put my ideas that I don't have enough motivation to make a full fanfic of, I have created a one-shot book! I would explain more, but I don't think that many people read the description.

I do not own the Sun and Moon Show, nor the cover art. For once I know who made it. Nomi! Please let me know if I can't use her art because I am unaware if they have a problem with it. I'm also going to be using characters from the Lunar and Earth Show, the Eclipse and Puppet Show, and the Moon and Sun Minecraft Channel (which I don't own).
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