18- Flash Vs Arrow Prt 1

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(Season 1 x8)

Katrina and Barry were running through the streets of Central City patrolling for any signs of crime, or people in need. "Barry, Katrina, bank robbery in progress at Cunningham and Sampere" they hear Cisco tell them.

"We got it" Barry replies as they head off that way, they arrive and it's all chaos. Barry has to stop a woman from shooting someone. Katrina and Barry stop others and head up stairs, when suddenly everyone stops fighting. Katrina and Barry look at one another in confusion before heading off. They change back out of their suits and grab their forensics gear, before coming back to the bank. Walking in they are greeted by Joe.

"Hey" Barry says to him.
"Busy morning, witness reported seeing a red and blue streak" he asks them.
"Joe, you should have seen it, everybody here was trying to kill each other, we got here just in time" Barry tells him as they start walking through the bank.

"It must've been a diversion, because there's a half-million bucks missing from the vault" Joe says pointing at the vault, "There's a tracer in the cash stacks, we're trying to find the signal" he tells them as they look around the bank. "Meantime, any idea what could've caused such mass....this?" Joe says.

"Maybe a neortoxin, we will need to swab some surfaces to see what we can find" Katrina says to him.
"I think maybe they got whammied" Barry then says.
"Did you just say whammied?" Joe asks him.
"I just got so angry, I can't believe I did that, I would never hurt anybody" they hear a woman walk past with Eddie saying.

Once they are done at the crime scene, Katrina and Barry head back to the precinct, and watch as Eddie is yelling at the captian, hearing the words red and blue streaks.

"This isn't good" Katrina says to Barry.
"No, no it's not" Barry says back to her.
"Hey, what's going on in there?" they then hear Iris asks as she comes up to them.

"We think that Eddie is trying to convince the Captain that the Flash and Bolt are a public menace." Katrina tells her.
"Excuse me" she says and the two just shrug their shoulders at her, when the door to the captians office opens and Eddie steps out. "So after weeks of my trying to convince you the Flash and Bolt are real now you that you finally do believe me, you're what trying to have them arrested. What the hell" Iris says mad at Eddie.

"Thanks Katrina, Barry" Eddie says to the two of them that have now sat down waiting.
"Sorry" Katrina says.
"No worries, the captian shot me down. Look, I'm not feeling like lunch, see you later" Eddie says to Iris as he walks away.

Iris then turns around looking at Barry and Katrina, "He's just jealous" she says to them.
"Of the Flash" Barry says and Katrina gently kicks him, "and Bolt" he quickly adds.
"Should he be?" Katrina then asks.

"No, I'll see you later" Iris says as she then walks away.
Joe then walks up to Katrina and Barry, "You two need to get to STAR labs" he says to them.

"Yeah we will after we eat" Barry says as the both look in at the captains desk. Barry and Katrina speed off, stealing the Captain's burger and fries.

Katrina and Barry arrive at STAR labs and informed them of what they had seen at the bank, "Anger, hate, aggression" Dr Wells says as he wheels across the room.

"A Jedi craves not these things" Cisco says imitading Yoda from Star Wars, and Katrina gives him a look, "No one is feeling that quote" he says to them.

"Everyone in the bank went total savage for like five minutes, and then they were fine again" Barry says as he crosses the room.

"Anger can be a powerful emotion, if this meta-human can endanger irrational feelings of anger in his victims he can do a lot of damage" Wells says to him.

"Detective West helped me get a copy of the CAT scans the hospital did on everyone at the bank" Caitlin says as she puts a jump drive in the computer, "Take a look" she says as the scans appear on the bigger screens.

"Look at this, the emotion centers of the brains are still showing signs of being overwhelmed" Wells notices.

"Particulary the area that controls the excutive function, that's the part that stops people from doing whatever random and potentially destructive things that pop into their heads" Caitlin explains.

"How do you think the meta does it to them?" Barry asks her.
"That's the half-million-dollar question" she says to him.
Katrina then watches as Barry takes his phone out and it dings, as he looks at it, "Hey, if you guys figure it out, just give me a call, okay" he says as he starts to walk away.

"Is the Flash off to another rooftop rendezvous with Iris?" Caitlin questions.
"No," he automatically says and both Caitlin and Katrina give him a look, "Yeah, but she probably just wants to ask me—I mean, you know, him, about meta-human stuff for her blog" he says to them.
"Barry can I give you some advice" Katrina says.
"No matter what I say, I'm, getting the advice, right?" he asks her.
"Barry, stop trying to get involved, as the Flash or yourself, your going to get Eddie and Iris to breakup and do you really want that on your conscience" she says to him.

"Yeah, okay" he says taking off.
"Damn it Barry, you're a pain in my ass" Katrina says as her cell phone begins to ring, and she notices it's Felcity.

"Hey cousin, what's up?" she asks her.
"Oh nothing just that we might need you and Barry for something" she says to her.
"Well I don't know about Barry, cause he's too busy off flirting with some other girl right now, but I can be there" she says.

"Still haven't told him yet have you?" she asks her.
"No Felicity I have not, tell me where you guys are and I can be there shortly," Katrina tells her.
"I'll text you the coordinates, and can you possibly stop by Big Belly and get me and Diggle some burgers" she asks her.

"I think I can swing by one of those" she says, "See you shortly" Katrina says hanging up.
"Well I got somewhere to be, so if you guys need anything call in the love sick puppy" Katrina says as she leaves STAR labs. Katrina checks her phone and gets the coordinates Felicity sent her, and she takes off running. The speedster stops by a Big Belly Burger and grabs some food before racing off to the middle of nowhere.

"Hey, sorry, you might want to wait to drink those" she says as she goes to hand Diggle the food, he just stares at her, in disbelief.
"You're...you're fast" he stutters at her.
"I think he is trying to say thanks" Felicity says as she takes the food from her cousin.
"So where's Oliver?" she asks her.
"He took off into town, looking for Barry, so he shouldn't be too long. We picked up on a call about a bank robber that the CCPD found." Felicity explains.

"You do know I could just zip back into town to get them" I say to her.
"I highly doubt Oliver will want you speeding him back here, plus I am so glad that you brought this" she says as they begin to eat.

"It's comforting to know that no matter what city you go to Big Belly Burger is always going to taste like Big Belly Burger" Felicity says to Katrina and Diggle.

"You mean full of grease and salt?" Diggle asks her.
"I thought those were the secret ingredients" Felecity says as they then hear a motorcycle nearby.
"Wild guess that's Oliver" Katrina says to her.

Within seconds Barry appears, blowing their burger wrappers and fries everywhere and suprising DIggle, just like Katrina had.

"By the way I gave Oliver like a half-hour head start" Barry says, "Oh hey Kat" he says.
"Hey" she says.
"HI Barry" Felicity then says.

"Hey, Felicity" he smiles at her. "How you doing Dig?" he then says to DIggle who is not saying a word just like he did with Katrina.

"You're fast" is all he says to Barry.
"Did you get the same reaction?" Barry ask Katrina.
"Yeah, yeah I did, I think he's still just processing what we can do, I mean I did work beside him for a year" Katrina says as Oliver pulls up and parks the motorcycle.

He walks over to the four of them, "Hey thanks for showing up back there, but I had that" Barry says to him.
"Uh-huh" Oliver says not believing him.
"I was getting ready to make my move" Barry says.
"What move? The one to the morgue" Oliver says to him.
"He didn't have me by his side, or he would have been fine" Katrina says earning a look from Barry.
"Wait, so what are you guys doing in Central City?" he asks ignoring the comments from Oliver and Katrina.

"Working a case" Felicity says as she goes into her bag, "Suspicious homicide in Starling where the murder weapon" she takes an ecvidence bag out, "is a boomerang" she shows them.

Barry reaches in and takes the boomerang out "Cool" he says and both Oliver and Katrina give him a stern look, "I mean, awful" he then says.

"I found traces of iron oxide on it, I know it's a long shot but Central City has the highest concentration of iron oxide in the country" Felecity explains.
"Did you know Australian aboriginals used boomerangs to hunt" Barry says, "Mainly on kangaroo, which is a surprisingly low-fat source of" he rambles.
"Ahem, we were following up on a lead when we heard the SWAT raid over the radio and I thought that I would come by, watch you make your move" Oliver says to Barry who just smiles.

"I had a cousin who got hit by lightning once, he just developed a stutter" Diggle says out of nowhere.
"Huh, well my team and I" Barry says when Katrina nudges him, "our team and us are after a nasty meta-human who makes people angry" he then says.
"Cool" Felicity says and Oliver looks at her, "I mean, awful" she then says.

"Well, since you guys are here, why don't we team up, we help you find your boomerang guy, you help us find our super rageaholic" Barry suggests.
"We'd love too" "No" Felcity and Oliver say at the same time.
"We'll handle our business and head home" Oliver says to him.

"Oliver our team can help, the fastest way to find out about your boomerang guy is to get our guys on it" Katrina explains to him.
"Enough people know my secret identity, and you of all people should know how important it is too keep these just that a secret" Oliver says to her.

"Fine if you are feeling that way, Felicity can just come along, they have already met her, so you guys can drop her off and meet up later" Katrina says.
"How about I just give her a lift" Barry then goes over to Felicity and picks her up taking off.
"Man, that's not freaking you out" Diggle says.

"Just watch me" Katrina smiles at him before she then takes off, passing Barry and Felicity and arriving at the lab before them.
Barry gets there with Felcity and places her down, "So, what'd you think?" he asks her smiling.

"I think- my shirts on fire" she then feaks out as Barry tries to put it out, and she tears it off tossing it aside.
"Oh, I'm sorry" Barry apologizes.

Felicity just stands there in her bra when Cisco and Caitlin walk in they look at Felcity who takes her bag from Barry and covers herself up, "I'm glad I decided not to go braless"
"You guys umm remember my cousin" Katrina says as she gives Felicity a STAR labs sweater.

"I'll always remember this" Cisco says.
"Hi, Felicity, it's so good to see you, what brings you back to Central City? Not Barry?" Caitlin then asks as Felicity puts the sweater on.

"No, not Barry, this, not happening, nope there's other people for us, plus I know someone who is much better for him" Felicity says, "by the way why didn't her clothes catch fire?" she asks looking at Katrina.

"I got Cisco to create a fire-resitance spray for all my clothes" she says to her.
"Right, anyway I'm here because of this" Felicity says as she takes the boomerang out of her bag, and shows it to Cisco and Caitlin.

"Awesome" Cisco says taking it from here and taking it out of the bag, "What are the wings made of?" he asks all excited.
"Not sure, I'm thinking some sort of composite or high-density plastic" Felicity tells him.

"Reinforced with carbon fiber" Cisco says as he starts walking, "oh that's weird, it almost feels like it's"
"Vibrating" Felicity says to him.
"Yeah""Yeah" they both say together.
"Oh I wanna run some tests, and I wanna run them right now" Cisco says as the two of them walk away to go do just that.

Katrina smiles at them before looking over at Barry, who is also smiling. "You guys come up with anything new on our meta?" Barry then asks as they go over to Caitlin.
"The officer who was affected tonight said he saw a flash of red before he lost control" she explains, "I suspect the meta is inducing rage via the ocular nerve" she goes on to say. "Oh Dr Wells wants to see you" she then says.

"Barry or both of us?" Katrina asks her.
"Both of you" she says.
"Great " Katrina says and the two of them walk away looking for Dr Wells.

Entering the room they see Joe seated with Dr Wells and they both look concerned, "Why do I feel like we are getting called into the principals office?" Katrina says.
"Starling City vigilante" Joe says to them.
"I think he calls himself the Arrow" Katrina says.
"Oh, does he Bolt" Joe then says.
"Wait, what's the problem?" Barry then asks.
"We don't trust him" Wells says.
"Seriously you guys don't even know him" Katrina says.
"I know he was wanted for murder in at least 12 different cases dating back three years" Joe says.

"I know there's been two major terrorist attacks in Starling since he became active" Wells says.
"The cops are cool with him now, he doesn't kill people anymore" Barry says to them.
"What about all the criminals that he put arrows in? Those, what, don't count" Joe asks.

"He's a hero, Joe" Barry says.
"You're a hero, Barry just like Katrina. You offer protection, hope, light. What that man does is carry out a dark reckoning for his city. It is a brutal, violent vision of justice, One we do not share, you truly think he's a hero, fine, so be it but he's not the kind you should be looking up to" Wells says and before Katrina or Barry can say anything they here glass shattering and screaming. Rushing out of the room, they see Caitlin running through the room screaming, and see the boomerang chasing her. It then crashes into a wall, "That's my bad, that's on me" Cisco comes out saying.
Joe looks around then at Barry and Katrina, "I want that Arrow out of my city tonight" he says to them.

The next day Barry and Katrina meet up with Oliver and Felicity at CC Jitters, "Hey" Barry says when they see them seated at a table.
"The bad guy you're after, the one who robbed the bank, his name is Roy G Bivolo" Oliver tells them.

"Uh...thanks, how did you find that out?" Barry asks. Oliver doesn't say a word, " the guy's still alive, right" he says and Oliver looks at him, "I'm just asking, I thought you didn't wanna help" he adds.

"I'm not, it's just a name" Oliver says.
"All right" Barry says as Iris comes over with drinks for Felicity and Oliver.
"Hey" she smiles at Barry and Katrina, "One nonfat latte, extra sugar for Felicity, and one coffee, black, for Oliver" Iris says smiling at Oliver, "I brewed you a fresh pot, so"

"Thank You" Oliver says to her.
"Yeah" Iris says and Barry , Katrina, Felcity and Oliver all exchange looks.
"Barry, can I talk to you a second" Iris then says.
"Uh yeah" the two of them then walk away.
"That wasn't weird at all" Katrina says as she then looks at Felicity who is starting intently at Oliver.

"We need to help Barry and Kat with this case" she then says, and Oliver just sighs, "Why don't you wanna help?" she asks.
"Because Barry doesn't want my help, and I'm sure Katrina is capable of solving this case with him" he says.
"Not really, she is right we could use your help" Katrina tells her, "besides Harrison and Joe, Barry's cop foster dad both said you were dangerous and a bad influence and Barry he defended you" she tells him.

"You are both gonna hawk me about this, until I say yes, aren't you?" he asks the women.
"She's a hawker" Katrina smiles at him. Oliver then looks at both of them before getting up and going over to Barry, Katrina follows him.

"Okay" Oliver says to Barry.
"Okay, what?" Barry asks him.
"Okay, we'll help you catch your bad guy" Oliver informs him.

"Great, meta-human" he smiles at Oliver.
"I'm not calling him that, Barry" Oliver says to him.
"Partners" Barry then says to him.
"Partners" Barry agrees as they shake hands.

Barry, Katrina and Oliver all agree to meet out where his team is hiding out later to work together. Barry and Katrina leave Jitters, a wide smile on

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