Clove is walking down the lunchroom stairs when she spots Sam in front of her. She quickly creeps up behind him and waits to get to the bottom of the stairs. She jumps on his back and she almost gets flung off, "EARTH BOY!!" she squeals.
Sam laughs and sets her down. He spins around and pulls her in a tight hug, "Clo. I missed you!" With her face buried in his chest Clove mumbles, "I have missed you too Earth boy."
He pulls out of the hug and checks his phone, "Hey Clo. You know I would love to chat but I gotta be somewhere. Meet me in the greenhouse later with Terra for a study sesh! Love you, Clo!" She waved him off with having to time to respond.
Across the lunchroom Musa and Aisha stare at this interaction. Musas eyes flashed purple before Clove jumps on his back. She feels a twinge of jealousy as she feels love from Clove and boy reciprocating for each other.
"What just happened?" Aisha questioned at Musas eyes flashing. "I'm not entirely sure." After Sam and Clove talked, Clove made her way into the lunchroom heading to the table where the other girls sat.
"Hey guys," Clove waved to the girls and sat next to Bloom. "So, here's what we should do. Maybe we can make a list of emotional triggers-"
"Aisha, um, I appreciate what you're doing, but I can figure this out on my own." Bloom said. "I'm sure. I just think you might be in your head about the changeling stuff and overthinking." Everyone paused on eating and Clove looked between Bloom and Aisha.
"So everyone knows." Bloom stated. "So that's why you freaked out at the Vessel? That makes more sense. That's gonna be the easiest assignment we will have-" Clove shook her head, "-And i'm making it worse." Clove nodded and focused back on her food.
Stella and Sky walked up to the table, "So we have a plan to get my ring back." She placed down a big map in front of everyone. "What's this?"
"It's Alfea," Terra points out. Terra goes on a big rant and Sky checks on Bloom. Clove tries not to mind it but a little pang goes through her chest. "Hilarious. Um, Sky.Where do you think they're keeping it again?" He gets up immediately and stands back next to Stella.
"Um..." He glances and Clove who was playing with the wrapper of her food. "Uh, there's only so many buildings outside the barrier they can secure a creature like that. There's the barn and the mill." Clove begins to squirm in her seat uncomfortably at the mention of the creature.
"Oh, the barn would be my bet. My dad fortified the beams because he was chaining this wounded horse-" Terra suggested. "So, we just have to sneak in there and get my ring."
Aisha gave a funny look, "Strange how casually you're tossing about the word WE" Musa supports that, "Yeah, sounds more like a YOU kinda deal."
"Except I didn't lose it," Stella fights back. "When do we go?" All heads snapped towards her. Cloves eyes widened at her suggestion.
"Gonna be blunt. Sorry. Bloom, you have zero control over your magic. That is if you manage to channel it. Bad idea." Aisha bluntly replies. "I lost the ring. I'm gonna get it back."
Sky cuts in noticing the overwhelming feeling surrounding the table, especially from the protector fairy, "Guys, maybe we should take a second-"
Stella cuts him off, "I think everyone is making this a bigger deal of this than it needs to be-"
"A bigger deal?" Everyone looks to Clove shocked due to her no saying one word this entire time. "You toss this situation around like it's no big deal. You act like we are not risking our lives over YOUR ring. Yes Bloom lost it, but you can't blame her. She was attacked by that burned one on the brink of life and death. She didn't have time to think. This is a big deal Stella. So stop acting like it's all her fault and that we shouldn't be worried about this because we should be."
Everyone goes deadly silent at her speech, shocked by her words. Stella gave a sarcastic smile, "No one asked for your input. It's not like you haven't encountered one anyways." Clove was fuming at this point and wanted to say she has, but she restrained herself. She packed up her things and left the lunchroom. Sky watched after her with troubled eyes. He decided to leave her be for now and check up on her later.
Sky glared at Stella for saying those things. Terra spoke up, "That was a low blow Stella. You don't know anything about her." Stella scoffed and brushed it off, "You said the burned one is locked up right?"
Terra glared, "And Subdued. I'm pretty sure my dad is distilling this oil that will subdue it. It's called Zanbaq. I could probably make some more."
Stella gave a fake smile, "Thank you, Terra, for being helpful. And thank you, Bloom, for taking responsibility. And thank you, everyone else, for... nothing I guess. Thanks for nothing."
"Let me know when you want to do it," Bloom gathered her stuff and left the lunchroom. All three girls turned to each other as Stella and Sky left, "That was an eventful lunch."
hey! longer chapter! hope u like it!! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR 5k READS! I AM SO THANKFUL FOR ALL THE SUPPORT! stay safe!! 💕💕
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