Haunted by dreams of Adam, Shiro turns to Allura to help him reach out to his lost love. The Paladins aid him in traveling to the Astral Plane in hopes of meeting Adam one last time.
SUMMARY OF BONUS CHAPTERS: Reality stopped existing for a few minutes despite having successfully saved the universe with no lives lost. After realizing the other versions of themselves in the branch of reality must have caused this, the Paladins and friends return to the astral plane to hear the full story only to discover they are needed to save all the non-physical planes.
Art by @Nainsook
"I started this fic in the morning and ever since I can't stop crying. S08 of Voltron is canceled, this is the only thing I'll accept as canon now!!!!" - KuroNezushi (AO3 user)
"...I just finished reading what you have and I screamed in joy a lot, i laughed, and I cried. 10/10 one of my favorite fics. Like this is absolutely amazing." - @IreneHartley
"This story is so interesting funny and precious also I love how it is like a background of the characters' pasts. And it shows their vulnerability and strengths and support for each other!!❤️" - JessicaFTfan (A03 user)
"I loved every second of this. Watching Shiro and Adam's relationship evolve was everything!" - jordanpf93 (AO3 user)
"Holy crap this story is amazing! I am very impressed! Dude this is stunning! I love this so much!" - @Annsthesuper