Read Stories The Playboy Stole My First Kiss - TeenFic.Net

Teen Fiction



The Playboy Stole My First Kiss

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"You're a bad kisser"
I said as we pulled away.

"And you're a bad liar"
he replied as he laughed.
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She hates him.
Because he stole her first kiss.

He hates her.
Because she kneed him in the ornaments right after.

When playboy Sean Handerson decided to steal Liz's precious first kiss in front of the school's cafeteria just to win a bet, she kneed him and stormed out.

With his ego wounded and with her first kiss stolen,
they became sworn enemies within a day...
and it doesn't help that Sean Handerson coincidentally started working in Liz's Grandma's Pizzeria.

But as they say, there's a thin line between love and hate.

Through endless sarcastic remarks, lame puns, awkward moments, jealousy, shared secrets and even more sarcastic remarks,
Liz Summers might have her first kiss stolen by Sean Henderson , but...
Sean Henderson might have his heart stolen by Liz Summers.

This is my first book so the development and writing of the story might sound amateurish but please give it a try! I promise you won't be disappointed! :)
Feel free to correct any grammatical errors
(nicely please) :))
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