Read Stories The Mage (BxB Story)COMPLETE - TeenFic.Net




The Mage (BxB Story)COMPLETE

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I look around to see if anyone was watching. It was dark also. I stood there sucking the last bit of my cig and blew the smoke out. The smoke began forming a shape and I smirk as I chanted something. More like in a whisper. A command.

"Move. Listen. Obey." I said after the chant and the smoke formed a shape of a wolf. It was still just a smoke but it was alive and moving.

"Master." It's voice was low and i
t echoed in my ears. The smoke wolf bowed at me dropping his ears in submission.

No one knew.

I was this much of a freak.

A/N: This is a BxB story. Read at your own risk. :)
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