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They all planned to surprise Hriday with a celebration. It was a very emotional moment for them, seeing Hriday preparing to go back to London, the place where he felt he belonged. His heart stayed in London, so he was extremely happy to be returning. But he couldn't shake off a feeling of sadness because these people he had been friends with for more than six years had become like family and had captured a special place in his heart.

By Heart I mean Saanchi

Sid and Aayush were given the responsibility to stay calm and not reveal the secret. As Hriday was busy sleeping, all of them together began decorating the room. Alia was blowing up balloons and handing them over to Aayush. Diya, who was getting frustrated because Aayush kept confusing left and right, was berating him. In truth, it was Diya who got confused and said left when she meant right. But Aayush, being the lover boy he was, gave her an abrupt peck on the lips, making her stop mid-sentence. This left Samaira making a constipated face, as if she was allergic to PDA.

Once the room was finally decorated, they put the surprise gift they had all chipped in for right in the center. The decorations were perfect, with colorful balloons, streamers, and a big "Bon Voyage" banner on the wall. The gift, wrapped in shiny paper with a big bow, stood out as the highlight of their efforts.

They stepped back to admire their work, feeling proud and excited. Diya sent Sid and Aayush to wake Hriday up and bring him out with his eyes closed. But after a few minutes, they noticed something hilarious. Sid was carrying Hriday's upper body, and Aayush was carrying his lower half. Hriday was still asleep, slumped down between them. Everyone burst into laughter at the sight.

Hriday was on the floor, and Alia let out a gasp seeing the boys throw him down. Hriday woke up, joining both his palms and putting them behind his head like a pillow. He let out a growl, clearly not happy with the rude awakening. The others tried to stifle their laughter, but it was impossible not to find the whole scene funny.

"Get up, you Kumbakaran" said Diya, nudging Hriday.

"What is it, guys? Let me sleep in peace. We can have the surprise tomorrow" Hriday mumbled with his eyes closed.

Everyone was perplexed as to how he knew about the surprise. Diya and Alia looked at Aayush and Sid, thinking they might have spilled the beans, but before they could say anything, Hriday continued.

"How would I not guess it right? My friends are not with me while I'm sleeping alone in the room, and I could hear some vague noises. I'm sure Diya was making a fuss about the decorations. Samaira probably had her headphones on, nodding to whatever Diya was saying but doing her own thing. Alia must have been trying to calm her down, while Aayush and Sid, who are petrified of Diya, were trying to do everything according to her instructions" Hriday added with a smirk still keeping his eyes closed.

"Ab yeh sab guess karne ke liye tumhe koi award nahi milega, ab utho chalo" Diya said rolling her eyes

"Now go to your room and come back, aisa pretend karo jaise tumhe pata hi nahi tha," Alia instructed

"Ajeeb logo ko dost bana diya bhagwan ne" Hriday muttered while heading back to his room.

Hriday came back to the room, eyes wide with mock surprise. "Wow, I had no idea this was happening! You guys really got me!When did you all do this?" he said, trying to keep a straight face but failing as a grin spread across his face.

"ab itni drama ki bhi zaroorat nahi thi...I am going to miss you"Alia said grumpily making a face hugging him

"I will miss you too"Hriday says giving a peck on her hair

soon Diya joins the hug followed by Aayush.Aayush also pulled Sid along with him

"Do I have to give you an invitation?" Aayush asked Samaira, who hadn't joined their group hug because showing emotions and hugging wasn't really her thing but went ahead joined them when all together tried to crush her with the strong bone crushing hug.

"FIne now!!cut the cake,I am hungry"Samaira said breaking the hug

As Hriday moved forward, he noticed the gift box on the table. Curious, he opened it, wondering what was inside. To his surprise, he saw a beautiful platinum bracelet. He picked it up, looking at the shiny design.

His friends watched eagerly, smiling. "Wow, guys, this is amazing," Hriday said, feeling very touched. He looked up at them, eyes shining with gratitude.

Diya stepped forward, smiling warmly. "We wanted to give you something special to remember us by," she said. "Something you can wear and think of us, even when you're in London."

Alia nodded, adding, "Yeah, it's a symbol of our friendship. We all pitched in for it."

Hriday felt a lump in his throat as he tried to speak. "This means so much to me. You guys are the best," he said, his voice cracking a little.

Sid clapped him on the back. "We knew you'd like it, man. It's our way of saying thanks for all the memories and wishing you the best for your new journey."

Aayush grinned. "And you better wear it all the time, or we'll come to London and make sure you do."

Samaira, standing a bit apart from the group, nodded in agreement. "It's a reminder that no matter where you go, we're always with you."

Hriday put the bracelet on his wrist, feeling a wave of emotions. "I promise I'll wear it every day," he said, looking around at his friends, who had become like family to him. "Thank you all so much. This is the best gift I could have asked for."

They all gathered around Hriday for another group hug, even Samaira, who reluctantly joined in this time, understanding how special the moment was. The room was filled with happiness and a hint of sadness, knowing this was a farewell, but also a celebration of their strong bond.

Soon Hriday had cut the take and they enjoyed a lot.

They were all feeling a bit tired and decided to rest for a while back in the airbnb.The group lounged around, chatting and relaxing, but soon they started to feel bored. That's when Hriday suggested they play a game to liven things up.

"Let's play truth or dare," Hriday suggested, and everyone agreed

They all gathered in the hallway, sitting in a circle on the floor. In the center of their circle, they placed an empty beer bottle.

Hriday took charge and explained the rules to make sure everyone knew how the game would work. "Okay, here's how it goes," he began. "We'll spin the bottle, and when it stops, the person it points to at the tip has to choose between truth or dare. The person at the bottom of the bottle, the opposite end, will ask the question or give the dare."

"Yeah!!can we start now" Alia asked impatiently

"Ruko zara,sabr karo"Hriday said dramtically making Alia roll her eyes

Hriday continued, "If you don't want to answer the question or do the dare, you can skip it. But if you skip, you have to take a shot." He pointed to a bottle of tequila and some shot glasses they had brought for the game.

Diya smiled and said, "This is going to be fun!"

Samaira laughed and added, "Just don't chicken out, guys."

With the rules set, they were ready to begin. Hriday spun the bottle first. It landed with the tip pointing at Samaira and the bottom at Hriday.

"Truth or dare?" Hriday asked.

Samaira thought for a moment before saying, "Truth."

Hriday grinned. "What was your first impression of me?"

Samaira laughed. "Honestly, I thought you were super serious and kinda intimidating. But then I got to know you and realized you're just a big softie."

Everyone chuckled, and Hriday spun the bottle again. the bottle spun again, landing on Alia with the bottom at Samaira.

Samaira looked at Alia with a sly grin. "Who in this room would you most like to kiss?"

Alia's face turned crimson. She knew Samaira was trying to get her to admit her feelings for Siddharth. Instead of answering, Alia took a shot, avoiding everyone's gaze.

Next, Diya spun the bottle, and it landed on Siddharth with the bottom at Aayush.

Aayush smirked. "Have you ever been caught in the act?"

Siddharth sighed and nodded. "Yes, once"

The group erupted in laughter, and Siddharth spun the bottle again. It landed on Hriday with the bottom at Samaira.

Samaira didn't hesitate. "What's the most daring thing you've done while being intimate?"

Hriday's face turned red, and he quickly reached for a shot glass, downing the tequila. "I'm not answering that!" he said, shaking his head.

Everyone laughed, and Hriday spun the bottle. This time, it pointed at Alia with the bottom at Hriday.

Hriday smirked. "What's the most embarrassing thing you've posted on social media?"

Alia laughed. "Oh, that's easy. When I lost the codewar and you and Aayush made me wear different types of shoes to uni."

Everyone laughed again, remembering the incident. The game continued, and the bottle landed on Aayush with the bottom at Diya.

Diya smiled sweetly. "What do you like the most about me?"

Aayush looked into her eyes. "I love how caring and kind you are. And there's something else, but I can't say it in front of everyone."

Diya blushed and smacked him playfully. "Aayush!" she scolded, but she was smiling.

The bottle spun again, landing on Alia with the bottom at Samaira.

Samaira grinned wickedly. "Tell me one of your wildest fantasies."

Alia blushed deeply. "That's only for my husband to know," she said firmly.

Hriday raised an eyebrow. "Take a shot then."

Alia took the shot, and the game continued. The bottle landed on Diya with the bottom at Siddharth.

Siddharth smiled. "Share one of your funniest childhood stories."

Diya giggled. "When I was five, I tried to cook for my parents and ended up burning the toast so badly that the fire alarm went off."

Everyone laughed at the mental image

The bottle spun again, landing on Alia with the bottom at Aayush.

Aayush smirked. "Have you ever stalked someone on social media? Who and why?"

Alia's heart raced. She had been stalking Siddharth's profile for weeks. Without a word, she took another shot.

Siddharth watched Alia closely, feeling a strange sense of protectiveness and curiosity. Why was she avoiding so many questions?

The bottle spun, landing on Alia again with the bottom at Siddharth.

Siddharth grinned. "Let someone tickle you for one minute without trying to stop them."

Alia shook her head vigorously and took another shot. Siddharth's grin widened.

The bottle landed on Aayush next with the bottom at Samaira.

Samaira's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Have you ever done it in the car?"

Aayush nodded sheepishly, to which Hriday yelled, "In my car? What the hell?"

Everyone laughed, and Aayush spun the bottle. It landed on Samaira with the bottom at Aayush.

Aayush grinned. "Send a voice message saying 'I have a crush on you' to a random person in your contacts."

Samaira shook her head and took a shot, laughing. "Not happening!"

Hriday spun the bottle next, and it landed on Alia with the bottom at Hriday.

Hriday looked at Alia. "Who was your first crush?"

Alia's eyes flickered to Siddharth, and she quickly took a shot, not wanting to reveal it.

Siddharth's mind was racing. He didn't like the idea of Alia having feelings for someone else, even if it was in the past. He kept wondering who this guy could be and why it seemed to affect him so much.

Alia spun the bottle, and it landed on Siddharth with the bottom at Alia.

Alia grinned. "I dare you to let me post a goofy picture of you on your social media."

Siddharth shook his head and took a shot. "No way!"

After my third shot, I started feeling a warm, fuzzy happiness spreading through me. The room seemed brighter, the laughter of my friends louder and more joyful. I couldn't stop smiling. I felt light, almost like I was floating. The music in the background was perfect, and suddenly, I had the urge to twirl around like a princess in a fairy tale.

I wanted to go to the beachside with my girlies, but Samaira had long passed out, and I couldn't find Diya. But I did find Aayush.

"Where is Diya, Aayush?" I asked him.

"Uhmm... mere dil mein," he said with a cheeky grin his eyes half-closed and a silly grin on his face.

"I giggled at his response. "Mujhe bhi leke chalo uske paas... tumhare dil mein," I replied, wobbling a bit as I tried to keep my balance.

"Kiske dil mein jaana hain tumhe?" Sid asked suddenly, scaring me.

"Mujhe Diya ke paas jaana hain... uske saath I will go to the beach," I said.

"Diya is sleeping, and you should too. You can go to the beach tomorrow," Sid said. Hearing this, Aayush went off saying, "I am a good boy. Main gaya sone."

"I am a very bad girl. Mujhe beach jaana hain," I said and tried to go, but Sid caught my hand.

"Go to your room," Sid said. I tried to let go of my hand from his grip, but he did not budge, so I bit his hand. He let me go, and I ran quickly to the beach.

Sid ran behind me, calling out for me to stop. I turned and pleaded, "Sid, let me have some fun! We are going back tomorrow."

He hesitated for a moment, then sighed."Fine,but please dont jump into the beach"

I giggled as I started spinning slowly, my arms stretched out. My dress fluttered around me, and I felt like I was in a dream. Each twirl made the world blur into a swirl of colors and lights.

"Look at me!" I exclaimed, feeling like a little girl again, carefree and full of joy. "I'm a princess!No one can catch me" I kept twirling, the alcohol making me feel fearless and free.

Sid watched me with an amused expression, shaking his head slightly but smiling. "Careful, princess, you might get dizzy," he said as sat down his voice filled with a mix of amusement and affection.

I stopped for a moment, catching my breath, and looked at him with a playful grin. "Oh, Sid, live a little!" I laughed, feeling more alive than ever.

I sat next to Sid placing my head on my shoulders and taking his arm into my hold.

"you know you are funny ,Sometimes"I said genuinely looking at him 

"and also nice"I said as he was also looking into my eyes shocked 

"and you are very crazy"I continued with a smirk

"but you are also cute so I will let it pass "I said still looking into his eyes and he said to it and was still looking into my eyes.

He smiled at that, his gaze locking with mine, and for a moment, it felt like time had stopped. The world around us faded, and it was just the two of us, sitting close, feeling the connection that had always been there but was now undeniable.

I felt a sudden urge to kiss him.I wondered how it would feel to kiss him, to taste the warmth of his breath and feel the softness of his mouth against mine. My heartbeat quickened at the thought, a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling up inside me.It was like a magnetic pull, drawing me closer to him. My eyes kept drifting to his lips, my thoughts swirling with the desire to close the distance between us.

Should I? Could I? My mind raced, but my heart was already decided. I leaned in, closing my eyes as I let my feelings take over. The moment our lips met, it was like everything clicked into place. The kiss was soft and warm, sending a thrill through me. It was better than I had imagined, a perfect mix of tenderness and passion.

Sid kissed me back.It felt right, like this was what we were meant to do all along. The world around us disappeared, and all that mattered was this moment, this kiss, and the connection we shared.

Hey everyone!!Finally They kissed each other!

But What will happen after this?!

What do you all think?

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