Read Stories The Kaichou's Heart(Fem! Reader x Megami Saikou) - TeenFic.Net




The Kaichou's Heart(Fem! Reader x Megami Saikou)

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Cover art by Tangsen_Malum on Twitter (link will be in the comments of 1st part)

Daughter of a General, let's be real he didn't train you to be a child soldier or whatever but he's protective after he made a mistake and put your life at risk but we glossing over that for now. You were six when you met the wonderful Megami, still so kind and naturally charming even to this day. But before you moved abroad because of your dad's occupation(and mistake) your best friends were and maybe still are: the firey badass and your local sun dragon: Osoro, the pretty and constantly exasperated tsundere: Osana, and the cute and admittedly very dense bookworm: Taro.

Now we focus on you, the smart, kind but still prepared to finish a fight: Y/n. I wonder... does your head hurt? Maybe your eyes? Don't worry, get lost in the eyes of Ms. Saikou herself because love has always been the best medicine believe me! I studied medicine.
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