Read Stories The Clique: FilmBreaker - TeenFic.Net




The Clique: FilmBreaker

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Massie Block: just got informed that the all time famous, movie director, Charlie Lanston, is coming to OCD!! And he already promised the PC that they'll be the stars of his new movie. But what happens when Charlie turns out to be a phony?

Alicia Rivera: was the first one to hear about Charlie coming and she wants to get the deats on her teen dream co-star Jason Alvert, who soon becomes her enemey, but what happens when Jason starts taking a liking in her and she starts taking a liking him?

Dylan Marvil: feels free and has lost two pounds now that she's running after Jason Alvert's hawt co-star. But will her free and light new spirit get her kicked off the set?

Kristen Gregory: Alicia and Dylan aren't the only one's who are hanging with the stars. She starts to get close to Hadley Mason, but she finds out that the preppy little diva is a preppy little b****!

Claire Lyons: is so glad that the whole Pretty Committee got cast for the movie but something suspicious is going on with Charlie Lanston and it's up to her and Massie to figure out what.
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