Chapter 8

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Hadley's Trailer

Tuesday May 20

7:58 A.M.

"Gretta, more ice tea." Hadley commanded as a black-haired lady that looked about thirty-something poured Hadley some more ice tea. "So, ehem," She coughed as she sat down her ice tea and smiled sweetly, "What do you want, Kristen?" Hadley asked kinda snobbish. "I just wanna know if you'd like to get some lunch after this next shoot?" Kristen asked as she let her pink wet toes dry. "Do you need your fingers scrubbed?" Hadley asked. "Uh, no than-" Kristen denied but Hadley cut her off. "Gretta, Kristen wants her fingers scrubbed," Hadley shouted at the poor woman but Gretta pretended that she didn't hear her, "NOW!!" She exploded as Gretta qucikly made her way to Kristen with a finger scrubber.

" it's okay Gretta." Kristen told Gretta as she sat back down. "GRETTA MY NAILS ARE DONE," Hadley growled at Gretta, "And to answer your question I can't, for some reason everytime I'm at the end of shooting a movie I get super busy." She responded. "Oh, what about tomorrow?" Kristen chimed. "Uh, what about never!?" Hadley smirked. Kristen's mouth hung open. "What?" She said, confused. "Did I stutter," Hadley proclaimed, "I said never, I mean don't you get it, I was pretending to be your friend for publicity." She informed.

Kristen was too in shock to speak. "Buh, but." She mumbled. "Gretta, let's go," Hadley snapped as Gretta followed her out the door, "Awww, Kristen, that's show biz." She smiled inecently, patted Kristen on the cheek, and left the trailer.

Starbucks Cafe

Tuesday May, 20

4:02 P.M.

"May I have a vanilla-bean latte?" Alicia shrugged as she looked at her phone. The cashier girl pressed some buttons on the cash register. "That'll be six twenty-one." The cashier girl charged. Alicia rolled her eyes. This is the last time I go to Sixbucks! Alicia laughed about the inside joke that the PC made. "Thank you," The cashier girl smiled as Alicia handed her a ten dollar bill. Alicia went to go find a table. Suddenly, her phone started vibrating.

Massie: ? r u

Alicia: @ sixbucks ;)

Massie: get me a caramel frappacino

Alicia: @@ fine

Massie: anyways, i've got major gossip

Alicia: how much iz it worth?

Massie: prob ten

Alicia: spill

Massie: charlie is a fake, some french guy sends him movie plots and stuff and the french guy makes up everything

Alicia: EMG no way

Massie: totally true!

Alicia locked her phone and went to get Massie's order. "That'll be another five fifty-four." The cashier said. Alicia paid for Massie's drink as she went back to her table. All of sudden, a warm tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around to see Jason. "Uch, what?" Alicia hissed. Jason started backing away slowly. "Calm down, I just wanted to talk." He said, slowly. "Fine," Alicia sighed and gestured him to sit down. Jason sat and said, "Sooo......," He smiled. Alicia rolled her eyes, she was getting sick of Jason even if she did have a small crush on him, it's to bad that she broke up with Josh.

Jason leaned in and looked her straight in the eye. "I've got to be honoist, I really enjoyed you being here." He smiled shyly. "Me too." Alicia admitted. He leaned in further and so did she when suddenly she felt his lips touch hers. Something flashed behind them but Alicia didn't care because she was kissing the all-time famous Jason Alvert.

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