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The Bound Souls

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Four best friends.

One love disaster.

One heck of a promising year.

A friendship full of adventurous road-trips, mind-blowing pranks, and parties of the year.

But one question: "Who will they choose, their true love, or their friendship?"


When Brooklyn Smith, Jade Oliver, Ryan Fray, and William Black meet each other and become best friends under weird circumstances, their year kicks off with a fun start and beautiful adventures. But when love sparks between them, it causes the ship to sink, jealousy to rise, and different feelings to take over their friendship like hatred, betrayal, and anger. Having to fight over the same guy, choosing their fate leads them to a rocky road that may or may not damage their friendship. This is a story about a group of four friends that go through some hardship, but learn to love themselves during the journey of falling in love.

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