Read Stories The Bad-Boy Saw Me Naked - TeenFic.Net

Teen Fiction



The Bad-Boy Saw Me Naked

274,518 likes / 9,178,269 reads
Avery and Josh were complete oppisites.

Josh was a little badass. Barely, passable grades, rude additude, tattoos, piercings, and a wall built so hard, not even Miley Cyrus's wrecking ball could tear it down.

Avery, or Avy to her friends, was a goody- two shoes. Straight A student, nice to everyone, class president, cheerleading captain, and perfect daughter.

Until Josh moved next door...

She had come out the shower and her towel was off. Her favorite song came on and she started dancing. And Josh was at his window. And was staring at her birthday suit...

for clarification purposes.. i wrote this book when i was 13. it's been almost 7 years later now, i turn 20 this year (2020) more than half the book sucks but i'm too lazy to rewrite and edit it. i'm so sorry for anything cringey and inappropriate. i have no idea how it's gotten so popular throughout the years. many apologies.

enjoy what you can !
lots of love.
- AK


highest rankings so far

1 in bad boy next door !
1 in teen drama !
1 in teen romance !
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