Read Stories Smoke and Fire {Seamus Finnegan} - TeenFic.Net




Smoke and Fire {Seamus Finnegan}

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Nora Pierce is just about as normal as people come. She's outgoing and always has someone by her side or something to talk about. The only strange abnormal thing about her is her knack for blowing things up. Not because she wants to, but because that's all her magic seems to want to do. She always thought no one would like her because they were afraid or thought she was a freak so she grew to hate that power. But when she goes to Hogwarts for the first time she meets someone who's all too familiar with her problem.

This is my first fan fiction so don't hate. I know the description was terrible, but it was the best I could do. there will be no cussing or nasty scenes in this book. I find those disgusting so don't ask for any of that to be in the book.
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