Year 1: Chapter 8

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"So this is my surprise?" I asked quietly...


I looked at my parents in shock. She was pregnant? I was going to be a big sister? My parents began to look worried, but that all changed when my face broke put into the biggest smile that's ever been seen on my face.

"Oh my goodness mom! You should've just told me! I'm so excited! Is it a boy or a girl?" I rambled. They looked at each other and smiled.

"Its a boy. We were thinking of naming him Logan. What do you think?" My father said. I've never seen him so happy. I guess he wanted a boy more than a girl, and now he finally has the boy he wanted all those years ago.

A frown overtook my face for a split second before I replaced it with another smile. I think they noticed, but they didn't say anything if they did.

To be honest, I loved the name. It fit with mine perfectly.

"I love it. Its perfect." I commented softly. I sort of went off into a daze before I heard a throat clear behind me. I turned around quickly and saw Seamus standing behind me. I smiled at him, which he returned.

"My mam says its okay stay for the whole Christmas break if its ok with your parents." He informed me. Oh yeah! I forgot to ask.

"Thank you for reminding me to ask!" I exclaimed, turning to my parents.

"Do you think it'd be ok if Seamus stayed for Christmas break?" I asked. They looked at each other and had what looked like a mental argument with each other about it.

My mother finally turned back to me and nodded.

"I guess that'd be ok as long as you two don't get too close." She said, giving me a wink. I blushed bright red and groaned.

"Mom!" I complained. I turned around when I heard more footsteps behind me. I turned back around to see Dean and Neville standing there.

"It's a no from my Gran. Apparently we're doing something special this year." Neville explained, looking a bit sad. I nodded in understanding. Before I could say anything, Dean butted in.

"Yeah, and my parents don't want me to stay with a girl. They're protective." He explained.

"That's ok guys. There's always summer." I suggested. They nodded and gave me a hug each. Then they went on their way.

"My goodness Nora. Did you make any friends that aren't guys?" My mom asked jokingly. I thought back.

"Actually, no, not really." I replied in all seriousness. She laughed, probably thinking that I was joking while father gave me a stern look.

"It's alright Mr and Mrs. Pierce. We're the most girliest guys she could've picked to be her friends in my opinion." Seamus said with a wink in my direction. I don't think that my parents saw the wink, but if they did, oh boy.

"Well, if you say so. What is your name?" My mother asked.

"Seamus Finnegan miss." Seamus replied cheerfully. She smiled at him while my father just nodded in approval in his direction.

"Well, we gladly welcome you to our home Seamus." Father said shortly. Seamus thanked him and turned back to me.

"So...where will I be staying?" He asked. I shrugged.

"As long as you aren't in my room my parents will be fine. You could sleep on the table and they wouldn't care, but you probably want something a little more comfortable so you can take the guest bedroom if you want." I rambled.

"Of course he'll sleep in the guest bedroom. Where else would he sleep?" My father asked rhetorically. I shrugged my shoulders and put my head down. My father and I have never really gotten along, and I thought he had actually cared when he said goodbye at the station at the beginning of the school year. I guess not.

Seamus noticed my change in mood and sent me a questioning glance. I gave him a look that said I'd tell him later.

My mother sensed the tension that was slowly forming between the group and spoke up.

"We should get going. I have hamburgers cooking in the oven. I don't want to burn the house down. We all know how easy that is to do." My mother said trying to make a joke but that just made me feel worse than I already felt.

Nevertheless, it hurried us along. My mother grabbed my fathers hand, and I grabbed hers. Seamus grabbed my hand, then my father put his hand on Seamus's shoulder. Suddenly, we were being compressed from every direction. I felt like I was going to puke, but then it all stopped.

I looked up to see that we were standing in front of my small two story cottage home. I smiled lightly, pushing the thoughts of my father out of my head for a while. I ran up to the door and opened it, and I was immediately hit with the smell of vanilla and roses.

I almost climbed up the stairs to get to my room. I was excited to see my own bed after not seeing it for such a long time. I threw open the door to my room, and my smile immediately fell off my face.

Where my bed had been, a crib now stood. The walls had been painted green, replacing my favorite light yellow walls. Instead of a dresser being in the corner of the room, there was a changing table. I ran over to the closet to see that instead of my clothes, there was tiny baby clothes hanging up.

I almost cried right then and there. They gave my room to the baby? Without even asking?

I ran out of the room and began opening and closing all of the doors in the hallway. I heard Seamus stomping up the stairs with a trunk in hand. He looked confused when he saw me and what I was doing.

"Nora, what are you doing?" He asked, basically reading my mind. I threw open the last door in the hallway and found my bed sitting in the room.

"I was looking for my room, but I guess I've found it." I replied. I'm sure that made no sense to him, by I didn't care at the moment. All I cared about is why they didn't give the baby this room instead of mine.

"How did you not know which room was yours?" Seamus asked, looking very confused. I shook my head, telling him that it didn't matter.

"You'll probably hear." I stated. He looked even more confused at this statement, but he'll understand once I start.

I slid down the banister to face my parents. Father glared at me.

"Nora! How many times do I have to tell you? Don't slide down the banister! Oh, and next time you leave your things in the car, I won't let that Seamus boy take them up for you!" He yelled. I almost flinched, but then I realized why I went down there in the first place.

"I thought you guys said that you'd ask before doing things drastic." I accused. My mother gave me a guilty look while my father just stared at me.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, we just-" Mother started before my father interrupted her.

"No, don't apologise. This is not your house this is my house, and you are a guest here. You do not control what happens in this house. I do. You need to deal with the fact that this happened. I did not raise you to be a whiny brat." My father spat.

I was taken aback. Apparently, so was my mother. She started yelling at him as I teared up. I ran up to what was now my room. Seamus was sitting on my bed with an awkward expression. He had heard everything, including what my father had said.

The second I made eye contact with him, I burst into tears. Seamus jumped at the sudden noise, but held his arms out to give me a hug. I gratefully accepted it.

After a minute or two my sobs died down, and I was just sniffling. I pulled away slowly and looked down at the blue carpeted floor that was now mine.

"Thank you Seamus." I said, my voice cracking slightly. He looked at me sympathetically.

"What happened down there? What-" I cut him off.

"Don't. I just, I don't want to talk about it." I snapped, then sighed, "Sorry."

Seamus still held the same look. Understanding. I was confused. How could he not be mad at me. I just basically yelled at him. Last time I did that he blew up in my face. No pun intended. I took a deep breath and looked down at my feet.

"My father and I, we, well, we never really got along. We were doing better before school, but I guess now that he's getting another child, he's kind of thrown me off to the side." I explained. I couldn't bring myself to look up. I knew that Seamus probably wanted to go home, and I would be left here all alone.

He surprised me by lifting my head up with his hand. He stared at me in silence for a moment before speaking.

"It's okay Nora. Even if your father isn't there for you. Always know that I'll be there for you. No doubt about that. I promise." Seamus promised softly, still staring directly into my eyes.

I smiled. If my father wasn't going to be in my life then I count on Seamus to be there for me.


A/N : Sorry this one is short, but I need to get into the Winter break. Hope you guys enjoyed. Sorry about the wait.

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