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Shadows of the Past

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Somebody's Diary

Somebody's Diary

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Brandon Bardot was a rebellious bad boy with a troubled past. Growing up in a dysfunctional family, he was forced to become emancipated at a young age. Turning to street fighting as a means of making money, he quickly became known for his skills and raked in a substantial amount of cash. With his earnings, he was able to afford a luxurious penthouse in the city's most prestigious hotel. However, his father's shady business and his involvement in street fights only added to the chaos that seemed to follow him wherever he went.On the other hand, Valeria Rodríguez was a timid girl who had faced numerous hardships in her life. From her mother's abandonment to her father's indifference and her stepmother's intrusive behavior, she had endured more than her fair share of sorrow. Despite her father's wealth, Valeria was often seen wearing tattered clothing, as no one seemed to care enough to provide her with new clothing. Needless to say this made her social life in high school nonexistent, where she was constantly bullied by the popular clique.When Valeria first laid eyes on Brandon, she was immediately drawn to him, though he never seemed to notice the quiet girl who kept to herself. Fate intervened when Brandon stumbled upon Valeria's diary hidden behind a loose brick on the school's back walls. Intrigued by her words, which mirrored his own feelings of loneliness and despair, he embarked on a quest to find the mysterious girl who had captured his interest. Despite his efforts, months passed without any success in locating her.Meanwhile, Valeria's struggles continued to shape her into a resilient individual. Determined to overcome her hardships, she shed her timid persona and returned to school the following year with a newfound sense of strength and determination. No longer willing to be a victim, she transformed into a person seeking retribution for the pain she had endured.…

Fifty shades of curly dick

Fifty shades of curly dick

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Grew up in an orphanage Violet and Aiden were everything to each other.Now they are grown up and they moved to a new apartment, being alone in privacy for the first time made them realise they have something more than just being just friends.While Violet trying to figure out the what she actually feels. Once made Aiden's wrong doings comes to haunt him again.Will they be able to keep with the pace of their lives and hold onto each other as promised .…

Her Destined Love

Her Destined Love

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Ever heard that the TRUTH Or DARE game led to love stories?? Join the journey of Avinash Sharma and Myra Rajput with me and unfold the story of their college love..____.____.____.____.____.____.____.____.____.____.____.____.____.Note -1. This is my very first story and I have no experience in writing novels. So, I request you to share your views with me so I can improve my writing skills and give you better content in my future novels.2. This story is in the Hinglish (Hindi+English) language. Also, English is not my first language, so I apologise in advance for all the grammatical errors.3. The pictures used in the book cover and aesthetics are taken from Pinterest. None of them are mine. Credits go to their respective owners.…

The Unconfessed Equation

The Unconfessed Equation

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This book captures the essence of my secret someone and the uncertainty of my feelings. Don't get me wrong , he is the first guy I ever laid my eyes on, in 18 years (and also in upcoming 10 years).Oh my, how do I explain the repulsive attraction I have for him. Maybe pouring it all out may help?(THE "HIM" MAY OR MAY NOT EXIST BTW)…

forget about us ...

forget about us ...

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trójka rodzeństwa dołącza do mafii założonej przez ich ojca .od tego czasu dzieją się coraz dziwniejsze rzeczy…

Fate Stay Night: The Rider In Fuyuki City (Harem X Male Reader)

Fate Stay Night: The Rider In Fuyuki City (Harem X Male Reader)

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(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "Look into my eyes...your soul stained by the bloods of innocent...Feel their pain.~"My name is (Y/N) (L/N) Blaze...and I am Ghost Rider...The Spirit Of Vengeance that I was a bounty hunter who hunting the supernatural in this job is protecting the innocent people. Once I was a kid and I am happy normal kid but until my parent had a cancer and I thought my parent was felt better right now but there was a man came here to make a deal with save my parent. But turns out that man was a devil...Mephisto...he trick me that I can save my parent to make deal with the day later my parent was felt better until me and my parent went home and out of nowhere a car rammed me and my was accident but they...are dead.I was felt sad, depresses, and anger about my parent's death by Mephisto's hand...until one night later I become grew up and I felt something burn inside at me and I don't know what I am become...but I just change into...Ghost Rider and hunt this Mephisto down by myself and avenge my parent.There was a Holy Grail War coming right up and I need to be prepare fight.…

wall between us (Slow Update)

wall between us (Slow Update)

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jimin X y/n This is my first ever story I hope you guys like it .........y/n: "plzz come back I really miss you"..........jimin:"who are you just leave me alone"All right reserved…

Trolls Fanfiction Stories

Trolls Fanfiction Stories

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This is just where I put random information and stuff about Trolls fan fictions I make.…

ノルウェー77人殺害犯が国提訴 過酷な収容環境で「自殺追い込み」

ノルウェー77人殺害犯が国提訴 過酷な収容環境で「自殺追い込み」

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"AFP=時事】2011年にノルウェーで起きた爆破・銃乱射事件で77人を殺害した罪で禁錮21年の判決を受け服役中のアンネシュ・ベーリング・ブレイビク(Anders Behring Breivik)受刑者(44)が8日、刑務所での隔離生活が人権を侵害しているとして国を相手取り提訴した。9日には、国が過酷な収容環境で「私を自殺に追い込もうとしている」と涙ながらに訴えた。当局は、同受刑者は今も非常に暴力的で隔離は妥当だと反論した。 ブレイビク受刑者は、2011年7月22日にオスロの政府庁舎前で爆弾を爆発させ8人を殺害。その後、ウトヤ(Utoeya)島で開かれていた労働党青年部のキャンプで10代の若者ら69人を射殺した。2012年に禁錮21年を言い渡されたが、脅威と見なされる限り刑期は延びる可能性がある。厳重警戒が敷かれた刑務所で、他の受刑者から隔離された状態で12年近く服役している。 同受刑者は、長期の隔離は「非人道的」または「品位を傷つける」待遇を禁じる欧州人権条約第3条に違反すると主張している。 ブレイビク受刑者は公判2日目、「政府の狙いは、私を自殺に追い込もうとしていることにあるという印象を受ける」「その狙いは成功に近づいている。人との交流がなければ、もう生きてはいけない」と語った。公判は、警備上の理由から同受刑者が収容されているリンゲリケ(Ringerike)刑務所の体育館で開かれた。 ブレイビク受刑者は、ウトヤ島を囲む湖のほとりにある同刑務所でキッチン、家庭用ゲーム機のあるテレビルーム、エクササイズルームなど、複数の部屋への出入りを許されている。また、ペットを飼いたいという同受刑者の要望に応え、矯正当…