Injustice: Let There Be Carnage (Remake) (Harem X Male Reader)

Injustice: Let There Be Carnage (Remake) (Harem X Male Reader)

227 18 2

(Y/N)/Carnage: "Let there be...CARNAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"…

Devilman Crybaby: The Man In Blue (Male Reader)

Devilman Crybaby: The Man In Blue (Male Reader)

688 33 3

(Y/N): "Slay All."Dante: "We are the sons of Sparda. Within each of us flows his blood. But more importantly, his soul! And now, my soul is saying it wants to stop you!" He said.(Y/N) Sparda AKA Demon King.Dante and (Y/N) are the sons of Sparda and the Demon who protect the mankind from the attack of demons and Sparda was the Dark Knight who betray his own kind for his own love one Eva...then he was with her married and born two children as siblings that they are the boys...which they are Nephilim. Then our story back to (Y/N) Sparda the Elder brother had a Yamato sword who can cut through any portal to go anywhere he can by himself...him and his brother finish the demons who were invaded the world of mankind and finish Mundus once and for all...but it turns out (Y/N)'s duty been moving out into different universe.When he went into different earth and universe and he will learn about this world there were demons are exists among the humans...also his mission and job were slaughter the demons by himself and get motivation. But when he meet a god who want him to terminate this devil name Lucifer AKA Satan...The King Of Hell and this is how he is going to get started and what would Akira Fudo going to do when he meet (Y/N)...will he face him? Or maybe he find out he is Nephilim.…

TFP: The Ancient Titan (Arcee X Male Reader X Airachnid)

TFP: The Ancient Titan (Arcee X Male Reader X Airachnid)

4,291 308 31

The Rumbling is Awaken.(Y/N) (L/N) was the Berserk Or Destroyer Titan who destroy the mankind for long time ago and destroy all everything around in the world and he felt betrayed by his friends and love one Mikasa that they both want peace. But (Y/N) isn't...he showing these enemies about himself is Devil Of Paradise and yep...(Y/N) bring all everything down with his power of Titan and the Rumbling as well...everything that turn into an apocalypse. Then all the humans were wiped out by (Y/N)'s doing and everything that (Y/N) can kills and burn all the cities and villages down by himself...then (Y/N) want to kill himself for badly but turns out he did...he kill himself.After he was been killed and then he was reincarnated by God or maybe the little girl Ymir who was give (Y/N) a second chance that he can teleport into a different universe and world as well. But this world where (Y/N) isn't like his own world and it is something else that (Y/N) never knew about there was alien exist...Alien Robot in disguised as vehicles and (Y/N) will learn the whole things about this new world.…

TLOU 1&2: I am Her Guardian & Carnage (Ellie X Male Reader)

TLOU 1&2: I am Her Guardian & Carnage (Ellie X Male Reader)

2,723 306 36

(Y/N)/Carnage: "We'll kill for her...we are death, chaos...and Carnage!!!!!"In 2013 of Los Angeles city where the rest of people having their normal life but until something worst for this night had coming and something else came out it was outbreak...real outbreak at those victims who were turn them into an cannibal freaks that they are zombies. Then one person who was behind the outbreak when he was get freedom by himself and turn out that he had the symbiote in him...a monster inside at him...the young boy name is (Y/N) (L/N) and he had a normal life that his parent and love one was been killed by the clickers and (Y/N) will take no mercy toward to the zombies for what they did to his family.In 20 years later that everything was become apocalypse and real apocalypse has begun and no power...not anything else around here and just like a ghost town. Then (Y/N) with his age 16 year old and he was the only one who tries his best to survive in the apocalypse with his symbiote partner that he is helping (Y/N) out to fight the hunters, clickers, and any threats by himself...but until he meet her...Ellie.…

School-Bus Graveyard: The Thing Returns (Male Reader Insert)

School-Bus Graveyard: The Thing Returns (Male Reader Insert)

1,184 87 24

Who goes there?(Y/N) Lloyd was son of Kate and Carter and before his mother die and (Y/N) will carrying her legacy that he know the secret about this alien foundation for what the Norwegians found the powerful alien spaceship was stuck under the ice like million long time ago before the dinosaurs and mankind born out. Then (Y/N) was reading his mother's diary about in 1982 where the Norwegian scientists were infected by alien virus...these creatures called the 'Things' and yes....these creatures are alien virus born out from the original one that they infect humans can become assimilated in 75% that the alien virus can take over them and become something worst nightmare in this world...thanks for his mother destroy the thing and send them to the hell.Now there were more of them were came out in this world and (Y/N)'s job will terminate the Things by himself with his weapons...the only weakness to kill these creature with flamethrower and when he meet the five teens who were survivors that they are facing at those creatures for what they called 'Phantoms' but they will never know about the things out there in this world. What would they do if they can trust each others?…

School Bus Graveyard: We Have Carnage (Male Reader Insert)

School Bus Graveyard: We Have Carnage (Male Reader Insert)

4,428 259 35

The Only Thing They Fear Is...Him.(Y/N)/Carnage: "There always death, chaos, and...CARNAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Ashlyn is a loner in high school with no friends. But when a fateful visit to a haunted house causes her and her classmates to see monsters at night, she'll be forced to forge bonds to survive.But until she was in trouble and meet someone who was an important to her and save her life away from these monsters and the person who make the Phantoms were fear of him...the death, devil, and Satan for himself. The monster what they need to be afraid at him...his name is (Y/N) (L/N) Kasady and he is the son of serial killer name is Cletus Kasady AKA Carnage...and the only child was alive because (Y/N) had the curse for what he bonded with the symbiote...the red symbiote for what make (Y/N) become stronger and more powerful to killing those Phantoms by himself.…

AOT: Nexus The Titan Hero (Harem X Male Reader)

AOT: Nexus The Titan Hero (Harem X Male Reader)

7,626 336 31

(Y/N): "NEXUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"(Y/N) (L/N) AKA Ultraman Nexus is the hero of galaxy and he was being sent by Ultraman King for the mission to rescue the mankind from the creatures were called is...Titans and they were same height as Ultramen. But the mission is eliminate the Titans and they both are threat of mankind in the future for themselves and then (Y/N) must save the mankind for the future of the different (Y/N) went there and made it to the different dimension and universe for himself...(Y/N) seen these creatures are taken over the mankind's world and (Y/N) will eliminate them and all every titans by himself and he cannot let these titans destroy the mankind by themselves.What will he do if he meet Titan Shifter? Shall he destroyed them? Or fighting them because he doesn't trust anybody else who were backstabbed at him.…

Skull Island: Monster Rider (Male Reader Insert)

Skull Island: Monster Rider (Male Reader Insert)

3,620 197 24

Monster-Verse Story. X Monster Hunter. Let just say that you are childhood friend of Annie that you two were in the ship for vacation...your parent with you and then one night later a rainstorm with thunder make the ship crashed down into different place...a different place where the monsters are exists in there. They say this island was belong to something else is there...where the king was rest in the throne by himself...Annie's dad and your parent were been killed by a monster Dog. The two of you were alone in the island and tries to survive by yourselves and then you tries to find something useful for protect your friend and yourself...few days later you found there was a stone from the ground and it looks like you need to use the kinship. You have the kinship with you that you can use the power of stone to control the monsters in the island found one of the egg from the monster but it was gone and if you use the power of kinship to controlling the monster by yourself...learn how to ride the monster with kinship power.…

Marvel: Carnivore (Harem X Male Carnitrix User Reader)

Marvel: Carnivore (Harem X Male Carnitrix User Reader)

14,532 492 39

Love The Man.Fear The Beasts.(Y/N): "Sometimes the world no longer need a hero...sometimes the world would need is...a monster."(Y/N) (L/N) is son of Burglar who kill Peter's uncle Ben and he was been killed by trip fall down where Spiderman was confront his killer as his uncle and make him was fall down on the ground and his neck was broken by the trip fall. Then (Y/N) was felt loss someone that he really care what was important lost his own father and make him was felt sad and getting mad about his own father's actions for murdered the old man and well...he was living a normal life as his own mother and two siblings with him and they both were together as family and as for (Y/N) who want to be peaceful in his own life also he had his own girlfriend name was Madison King and she is fallen love with him and the two of them become couple and they can married in the future. There was a universe...a galaxy...a shooting star to shoot down where the woods really is and then one day later that (Y/N) with his grandpa Max and his two cousins Ben, and Gwen that they both went out by themselves to camping trip...because (Y/N)'s summer is on already. Then (Y/N) went to where the smoke of shooting star and he saw there was a pod but something worst that he never knew what is in there...and the pod is opened and revealed a weird alien watch that is what (Y/N) find out.After it is opened and let the Carnitrix was attached on (Y/N)'s left hand and syringe stabbed at (Y/N)'s left wrist and arm and make him was release the most dangerous alien monster inside at him (Y/N) is no longer a human anymore but...a monster in this world.…

RWBY: Maximum Carnage (Harem X Male Reader)

RWBY: Maximum Carnage (Harem X Male Reader)

6,540 299 38

(A/N: Goddamnit! Rooster Teeth is shut down by Warner...Damnit! Now this world is screwed!!! It is screwed!!!!!! DAMNIT!!!!!!! Alright, so this story will be volume 9 where Ruby Rose was fighting Curious Cat. Also this book will be reality world.)(Y/N)/Carnage: "Let there be...CARNAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"(Y/N) (L/N) Kasady was a young man living in the New York city by himself and he was living normal life by himself until something goes change to make his life goes upside down and turns out he meet those characters comes from RWBY show. They are appeared out of nowhere and land down on his old home by himself and (Y/N) doesn't understand but how are they got here and alive by themselves until he think this is must be he got RWBY girls and other were with him until few moment later that the girls are awake and they saw (Y/N)...but they thinking him is threat...but turns out he wasn't like that. Then he told them about the truth about this world and make them definitely understood.The girls will know about the Earth...but question is...can't they learn about this new strange world? Or maybe (Y/N) will unleashed something terrifying for himself inside at him.…

RWBY: Maximum Venom (Harem X Male Reader)

RWBY: Maximum Venom (Harem X Male Reader)

3,849 362 39

(Y/N)/Venom: "We...Are...VENOM!"(Y/N) Osborn is the son of Norman Osborn and he living a normal life in his home...then (Y/N) was done the school by himself and he is in the summer for what he was fun and yes, for fun by himself. Then (Y/N) had an cancer inside at him and which is dying but (Y/N) doesn't want to die by the cancer and one day that his father found something for his own son...which it is a cure...a cure for his own son that he need to be better and what he found the subject comes from the outer space and that is what he called an alien...a symbiote. When (Y/N) was infected by the symbiote which it is making him become stronger and more stronger that he really need to become good person better...but the question long is he controlling the symbiote.In reality that (Y/N) living in a normal life until he saw there was someone else got appeared here by a portal and which it is his favorite anime cartoon that he remembered them...RWBY...he love that show when he was 13 year old and watching the anime cartoon. Then (Y/N) wasn't know how do they get here...but the others going to be love how the girls will meet (Y/N) that they are going to love him?…

Lycoris Recoil: The Wolverine (Chisato X Male Reader X Takina)

Lycoris Recoil: The Wolverine (Chisato X Male Reader X Takina)

3,952 214 24

(Y/N): "The Wolverine." He said in growl.My name is (Y/N) (L/N) and I am called is 'The Wolverine' and I am the mutant experiment that they called me an assassin, and killer...well, I got been kidnapped by someone name is Striker with his other experiment work to create me as a weapon and dangerous weapon that I become unstoppable and unkillable...I have this curse for what I called is claws...claws out of my knuckles. They turn me into an animal and monster goes berserk with rage that I attack and kills whoever stood on my ways but for now...I escape that place and get away from there but my mission is hunt down Striker and his other workers that I need to end the son of I kill him with my bare hands.Now I got my own revenge is done and all everything that I just did is vengeance and I need to leave before something else happened...the government or somebody else tries to go after me...I decide to go to Tokyo by myself.(A/N: This is different universe and not MCU's universe as well...but this story can be different and cameo too.)…

Kyochuu Rettou: Minus One (Male Reader Insert)

Kyochuu Rettou: Minus One (Male Reader Insert)

3,986 259 35

Godzilla: "*ROAR*"(Y/N) (L/N) was an American construction worker who was working with Japanese construction workers in the Odo Island and it is abandoned for long time ago in 1954 and now (Y/N) just enjoying happy to do the job of this Japan with his friends. Then at night something terrible happened and something worst had came here and it looks like there was a giant prehistoric monster-dinosaur is attack at the camp construction place where the rest of workers and co-workers there and the creature was called is...Godzilla and it massacre all the workers and co workers where (Y/N) was working there that everything he had was been lost...and now (Y/N) become depressed and alone by himself.It's 15 months that (Y/N) tries to contact the rescue radio or anything and finally there was an plane crashed down on the crash site of Odo island and then (Y/N) found the survivors who were highschool students. Then (Y/N) was definitely going to protect them at all costs from the mutated monsters...these creatures are back there strong and killing machine...but (Y/N) need to survive in this Odo island.…

JWCC: Zilla Jr. In Isla Nublar/Remake (Brooklynn X Male Reader X Yasmina)

JWCC: Zilla Jr. In Isla Nublar/Remake (Brooklynn X Male Reader X Yasmina)

4,270 321 38

Size Does Matter What He Is.When (Y/N) Tatopoulos is the Twin Brother of Nick Tatopoulos Soldier and Combatant Martial Artist along with his kaiju son: Zilla Junior working together since Nick and his friends are retired of H.E.A.T. and then him and Zilla Junior travel to Isla Nublar. Where the extinction of dinosaurs were reborn out by the scientist name is John Hammond and he was passes away for long time ago...this Isla Nublar from 1993 it was abandoned for long time ago because the dinosaurs were breakout from the power was shutdown and now it only rebuilding back by someone...the only one director who was control making the Jurassic Park rebuild in Jurassic World and her name is Claire Dearing and she is the one who told (Y/N) take a visit to Jurassic World.Alongside with his new friends: Darius, Kenji, Ben, Sammy, Yashima, and Brooklynn that they both were campers and (Y/N) is work along with them but his mission is defend the island away from dangerous people also criminals...also Godzilla will fight some monsters who were dare to go on this Isla Nublar.…

Blood: The Vampire & The Symbiote (Saya X Male Reader)

Blood: The Vampire & The Symbiote (Saya X Male Reader)

1,521 114 16

(Y/N)/Venom: "We...Are Venom."(A/N: So classic Spiderman comic book will be in here...and I don't choose the original Venom comic...but only PS5 of Venom form.)(Y/N) Brock AKA Venom The Lethal Protector who was fighting Spiderman In New York City for long time ago because he was been humiliated by Peter Parker with the symbiote inside at him and it realize to know what he did to (Y/N)'s camera and also everything life...he loses his job because of Peter Parker...then one day later (Y/N) found out the truth about Peter Parker is Spiderman because he get rid some kind of black slime thing out of him. Then (Y/N) was been infected by the black slime called 'symbiote' from the outer space and make (Y/N) is become something worst evil and demonic monster by himself and he called himself is...Venom.(Y/N) was left away from New York because his action damage the New York city and cause he was hurting the innocent people when he was battling with Spiderman and he realize for what he really become a monster...killing Spiderman won't be the way and because he thought it was good for him to become a hero? But no...a murderer and monster. Then (Y/N) take his leave far and far away from here and he decide to head a different way to live a normal peaceful life....sooner when he found out about there is supernaturals in this world.…

The Backrooms (Anime Harem X Male Reader)

The Backrooms (Anime Harem X Male Reader)

9,345 280 34

(Y/N): "Madness can't escape...eternity...but monsters are there."There is no escape...It is eternity in there...It is hell & madness.(Y/N) (L/N) was son of All For One...he's quirkless and he doesn't like to become a hero or villain because he hate them...he just work as an mercenary by himself and become a deadliest assassin soldier and he got an order by the other squad to take him to the meeting will take his mission to rescue the hostage is a boy...the boy was the son of gangster. Then (Y/N) was rescue the boy in the building where the hostage taken by the kidnappers or terrorists and once he got him but...out of nowhere an portal appeared out of nowhere it seems like the two of them were suck through by the portal...and they have no idea where they really are.But they are in the most deepest dangerous place where they really are in...the Backrooms...this is most mysterious unknown place where they are...and they will face some monsters in this Backrooms...question is...will they tries to escape and succeed alive? Let's find out.…

Ben 10: What If Carnage Get Chaquetrix (Harem X Male Reader)

Ben 10: What If Carnage Get Chaquetrix (Harem X Male Reader)

19,243 554 36

(Y/N)/Carnage: "Let there be...CARNAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"A young boy name is (Y/N) (L/N) and he was a friend of Ben Tennyson...a childhood best friend that the two of them were being together in this world by themselves and they both were definitely having a good memory time with each others. Until the summer was finally came and the two of them were going out with Max Tennyson and Ben's cousin Gwen...the four of them went to the woods and having a camp by themselves until few moment later there was something came up in this summer and yep...there was a shooting stars came down on the Earth and there was two devices out from the of them is Omnitrix and other one is...Chaquetrix.Ben get his Omnitrix and (Y/N) get Chaquetrix...well Ben can change into aliens and (Y/N) can summon his guardians as alien wives who were fighting enemies and fighting for their lover by themselves and they want to be with him forever...and get marries with pregnant. Then (Y/N) was definitely having a hard time with his lovely girlfriends but question is...(Y/N) release something else inside at him and it looks like monstrous dark demonic came out from him.…

Sekirei: The Beast In Shinto Teito (Harem X Male Reader)

Sekirei: The Beast In Shinto Teito (Harem X Male Reader)

5,066 266 33

(Y/N)'s Genome Cyborg.Shapeshifter to change into beasts.(Y/N) Custer was a genome cyborg the third Ultimate Alpha and he was created by Dr. Eric Jobs and he was a mercenary who was working with the government for long time ago but (Y/N)'s memories was been erased by the whole things that he can't remembered. Then (Y/N) was being sent to the island where Eric was been living there until something else coming right's like an outbreak all everything toward to the monsters were living there. But (Y/N)'s mission was research for Dr. Eric Jobs and he tries to recollecting his own memories and he find out the truth is...Anastasia the second genome cyborg who was behind this and then he defeat her.(Y/N) must going out to somewhere and he need to hide away from the government because his power and curse for what he become and the power of genome chirps that he can shapeshift into monsters and fighting enemies. But he must using these powers for emergencies and now (Y/N) just keep his identity hide for anyone else who will find out...he went to Shinto Tei that he will find out what exactly Sekirei Plan game up to.…

Fate Stay Night: The Rider In Fuyuki City (Harem X Male Reader)

Fate Stay Night: The Rider In Fuyuki City (Harem X Male Reader)

11,745 607 34

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "Look into my eyes...your soul stained by the bloods of innocent...Feel their pain.~"My name is (Y/N) (L/N) Blaze...and I am Ghost Rider...The Spirit Of Vengeance that I was a bounty hunter who hunting the supernatural in this job is protecting the innocent people. Once I was a kid and I am happy normal kid but until my parent had a cancer and I thought my parent was felt better right now but there was a man came here to make a deal with save my parent. But turns out that man was a devil...Mephisto...he trick me that I can save my parent to make deal with the day later my parent was felt better until me and my parent went home and out of nowhere a car rammed me and my was accident but they...are dead.I was felt sad, depresses, and anger about my parent's death by Mephisto's hand...until one night later I become grew up and I felt something burn inside at me and I don't know what I am become...but I just change into...Ghost Rider and hunt this Mephisto down by myself and avenge my parent.There was a Holy Grail War coming right up and I need to be prepare fight.…

Gargoyles: The Supernatural Hunter (Harem X Male Reader)

Gargoyles: The Supernatural Hunter (Harem X Male Reader)

6,807 374 33

Gargoyles From Disney.Constantine From DC.I own nothing.(Y/N) Constantine is the exorcist and supernatural hunter/Hell-Blazer and he was the one who hunting some monsters like demons, angels, vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, and lot of monsters that (Y/N) was been fighting through and killing some of them and send them to the hell. When the hell-blazer was sent to the New York City for investigating the mysterious of creature refer is...Gargoyles and this is impossible for what (Y/N) heard the Gargoyles but they don't exist in this world and only one way to find out the mystery of Gargoyles that's what (Y/N) need to find out the whole things of this mystery case supernatural of Gargoyles.(Y/N) is going to find out the whole things in this world that's what he need tries to do...but soon he will get answers from the Gargoyles who want to seen (Y/N) as a threat. But except for females who was interest at (Y/N) and they have no idea what capable of (Y/N) really is.…