Read Stories Ray Ray's Foster Sister (Ray Ray Story) - TeenFic.Net




Ray Ray's Foster Sister (Ray Ray Story)

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Hi my name is Layla Brooklyn Smith I 16 years old am smart child love to sing, dance, write, and model. I been in the Foster Care since I was 3 mom give me up cause she wasn't ready for a kid never came back to see how I was doing nobody never came to adopt me yet but I know I will never get adopted but my birthday is January 12 2001 I never had a boyfriend single I don't have any friends cause I am focus on school I wear glasses cause I can't see well. I am thick light skin 5'6. If want know what will happen in this book read to find out.
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๐Ÿ“with๐Ÿซ bl (boys love)โ€ฆ



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