Chapter 10

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6 weeks Later

Ray Pov

It's been 6 weeks since Layla never came home. With that I call my mom she upstairs in her room crying. Man I want my sister back. Whoever this creep is that have my sister need to bring her back home. Lately in school Prince don't eat lunch with us he is always leaving saying he have some business to handle and he never cry look like he care that she is missing and always giving me this stink eye. I have a feeling he know where she is.

Prince House

Prince: Good morning baby.
Layla: I am not your baby I dumb your crazy ass.
Prince: YOU ARE MY MINES!!!!
Layla: Let me go it's been 6 weeks since you taken me. Let go so I can go home.
Prince: No you are mines and you are not leaving me.
Layla: I just want to see how Ray and my mom are doing please.
Prince didn't I tell you not bring that nigga name up in this house you stupid bitch.
Layla: I am sorry Prince but that's my brother.
Prince: I am not stupid you like him. See the way you look at him.
Layla: So what if I like him. He is a better guy than you. He would never do this to me if we ever dated.
Prince: Of course he won't cause he have soft spot for girls he madly in love with.
Layla: Yeah but don't worry Ray will find me.
Prince: Have had with you bring this boy name up in this house.

Rape Scene Part 3

He was pushing harder and it started to hurt.

"Ow Prince stop, please that hurts"

She felt his finger exit her private area she couldn't feel him anymore. A couple of minutes later the rope was no longer tied neither were her legs. She felt his hands around her neck and she was yanked out of the living room thrown into the bedroom room where she felt the bed and a naked body landed on top of her. Prince was kissing her neck. I am not going down without a fight this time. She kneed him in his balls and push him off her. She got off the bed and landed on the floor. You thought you could leave me you just made it worst.

School Day

Ray Pov

I had got up for school got ready told my mom I was leaving but she never answer back. My mom is really going through it. Before I head to school I head to Prince mom's house and I ask her if he is she said she haven't seen him since 6 months and I was like I see everyday and I told her bye got in my car drive to school. Now that was weird he doesn't stay with his mom since 6 months and Layla been missing for 6 months and I knew it he had something to do with my sister. So for lunch I will follow him to where ever he go cause it will lead me to my sister. Skipping to lunch.

So Prince is leaving I was already in my car. I drive a little far back so he doesn't think I am following him. I saw him stop at this house and got out and he had food in his hand then park up behind this big black truck and got out and went inside I hear screaming and crying. I call for Layla's name then I saw Prince came out. Saying how you find me here. He was like you follow me. Just let you know she not leaving. And I was like yes she is I beat the shit out of Prince then push h down the stairs and went to untied Layla then when got her on untied Prince came back Layla was in a lot of pain from all the times Prince beat her and rape her. Then Ray soccer punch him and Prince was knocked out cool and Ray grabbed Layla and take her to the hospital and call his mom.

Hours Later

Keisha: Doctor how is she?
Doctor: She is fine she just in a little pain.
Ray: Can we go see her?
Doctor: Yeah but for the rest of school she should be relaxing okay.
Keisha: Okay.
Keisha: Hey Layla it me your mom Keisha. I miss you baby.
Layla: I miss you to mom. Where is Ray.
Keisha: Getting something to eat.
Layla: Ohk.
Keisha: Look after y'all finish school we are moving to New York my new job is out there.
Layla: I will like that.
Keisha: Well Ray will be here any minute and I head back to finish packing y'all have 2 and half month left before we leave for New York. But can you tell me who did this to you.
Layla: Jacob did this to me.
Keisha: Jacob as in Jacob Perez as in Ray friend.
Ray: Well not no more.
Keisha: I will go and give you guys sometime to catch up.
Ray: Sist I miss you so much.
Layla: I miss you to big bro.
Ray: You go home tomorrow and I will make you anything to eat and I will bring home all your homework and help you.
Layla: Awe Ray you don't have to.
Ray: I want to.
Layla: Was Nique missing me?
Ray: Well yeah but she end up never coming school since you was never there.
Layla: Okay. Did mom tell you we are moving to New York after school is over?
Ray: Yeah am happy to move fresh start for you and me.
Layla: Yeah.
Ray: Well get some sleep while I go get your clothes for you to go home tomorrow.
Layla: Okay.

Y'all think Prince is crazy?
And y'all happy Layla is back with Ray and Keisha?
And Do you guys think Prince will go to jail for life? Comment and Vote

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