Chapter 22

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Lay Pov

So I am dress and ready to go I fix me and Ray breakfast so we left out and head to Starbucks to get me a Ice Coffee and then head to school.

Nique: So LayLay how you and Ray is playing cool keeping y'all relationship on the low?
Lay: We are not cause we not really blood I am just his foster sister cause his mom adopted me.
Nique: Okay cause y'all are so damn cute.
Lay: Thanks boo. But how is you and Roc?
Nique: It's amazing he is really a sweet guy but let's get to class.
A/N: Do Lay and Nique head to their 1st period class which was precalculus.

Mrs. Alsina: Okay class good morning. Y'all do the bell work and I will come around and check it and go over it.
A/N: Everybody got started on the bell work then she start coming around and checking the bell work and she was shock that Lay was the only one that got all the right answers then after checking the bell work she start going over it then she past out the class work and everybody got start then the bell ring and they head to their 2nd period class which was Anatomy.

Mr. Thomas: Okay class do the bell work and I will check your bell work.
A/N: The class started their bell work then he came around and the only people to get the bell work right was Roc, Diggy, Lay, Nique, Ray, and Diggy then he finish checking the others.
Mr. Thomas: Okay I will tell you who your partners are.
A/N: And he call everybody partner and Ray was Lay partner and Diggy partner was Zoey and Myles partner was Tori and Roc partner was Nique then told them work on the classwork with their partners then the bell ring.
Skipping To The Lunch

Ray: So y'all want Subway?
Diggy: Hell yeah.
A/N: So they drive to Subway and got their food and head back to school.
Ray: Baby I won't be going home right after school I got football practice.
Roc: Me 2 baby.
Lay: So how me and Nique will get home?
Roc: You guys can take my car.
Lay: Okay.
A/N: So they finish eating their lunch and head to next class. Skipping To The End Of The Day

A/N: So school was over and Lay and Nique drive to Lay mom's house and start doing their homework when Keisha call to check up.
Keisha: Hey babygirl.
Lay: Hey mom.
Keisha: And hey Cymphonique.
Nique: Hey Keisha.
Keisha: Lay where is your brother?
Lay: At football practice.
Keisha: Oh. Well how is school?
Lay: It's good yeah I was just doing my homework with Nique.
Keisha: Okay, well I just call to check up now get back to your homework.
A/N: So Lay and Nique got back to their homework after they was done Lay made dinner for her and Ray then left to give Roc his car and then Ray and Lay drive home.

Lay: How was practice bae?
Ray: Practice was good are first game is Friday you coming.?
Lay: Yeah of course and I made dinner at home for you.
Ray: Good looking out baby.
Lay: Any time bae.
A/N: They got home Lay head upstairs since she already eat and take a shower and then went into Ray room and wait for him to get out the shower so they can cuddle.

Next chapter am skipping to Friday the first game for the boys and the first place Lay and Nique cheering will be. Comment & Vote

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