Read Stories Percy Jackson at Hogwarts - TeenFic.Net




Percy Jackson at Hogwarts

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In the worlds of Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, Harry is eating dinner in the Great Hall and Percy is being chased by monsters. How do the two worlds meet? Simple. Percy falls through the enchanted glass ceiling of the great hall unconscious. Percy doesn't know where he is, only that he's being chased by monsters. Fighting in the sky with Blackjack, there are only two monsters left. The monsters hit Blackjack and Percy with their clubs upside the head, rendering them unconscious and spiralling in different directions. As Percy plummets downwards, Riptide slips out of his hand and slices through the two remaining monsters, killing them out of pure luck. Or is it pure luck? When Percy wakes up in the Hogwarts infirmary and tries to leave, Hecate tell him to stay and protect the Boy Who Lived and his two closest friends. Except how is he supposed to protect people that don't trust him?

Disclaimer: I do not own PJO, HOO, or HP.
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