"We're Breaking Free!"

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Ron PoV

It was different, without Harry, it was hard. Sure, yeah, I missed Hermione too, but the reason why we weren't talking and the reason why Harry and I weren't talking were completely different. I had hope for Harry. Hope that he would see his mistakes and realize that this new leaf he was on was dead and rotten. His dislike of Percy—which quite possibly was growing into hatred— was rooted in a sense of betrayal, loss, and abandonment. Or, at least that was how I saw it. Percy befriending Harry's sworn enemy ignited a feeling of betrayal, as if Percy was picking Malfoy over him. Or that Malfoy had stolen Percy from him and that Percy just went with it, abandoning Harry. I knew the same Harry who had so solidly defended Percy for months couldn't really hate him. He was just hurt.

Hermione, on the other hand, was being stubborn, ignorant, and self-righteous. She refused to accept any sense of reason that wasn't what she perceived to be reasonable. To Hermione, Percy's always been 'evil' or a Death Eater or a malevolence-intent person. What evidence did she have to support this? With her being a woman of facts, I found it increasingly hard to believe that she could gon on believing in something that wasn't supported by facts. All I could gather would be the mysterious prophecies, Percy's cousin, and Malfoy—though I had already come to terms with their friendship. She couldn't look past herself, past her brain that she refused to accept didn't know everything, refused to accept was wrong. And that's why I was upset with her. Because she was being selfish, and so was Harry—per say— but in a different sense of the word.

But besides my anger, I felt hurt, sometimes lonely, and upset. There was nothing I could do because neither were willing to budge. And currently, nothing was happening anytime soon considering the barricade standstill in the middle of our 'friendship.' There were no civil greetings, only blatant ignorance of each other and immature glares cast from Harry and Hermione. I worried that it would get worse, that there would be no apologies or fixing if this and that eventually, the idea of a friendship between us would be repulsive and outrageous. That we would grow to hate each other. But if that were to happen, it would be for the best, because to me, if it got to that point, than any friendship we'd had beforehand had been ill placed.

Percy and Malfoy were good company—for the most part—, but they weren't my best friend for six years. But I knew I was doing the right thing. I could only hope Harry and Hermione would come to see that themselves.

When put in perspective, it's pretty funny that I would be the logical one over the two of them. But my maturity and the way I think... I have years of being friends with Hermione and months of being friends with Percy to thank for that. Without that, I probably would be right there with Harry and Hermione.

I sighed, tugging on my shirt collar, listening to Slughorn drone on and on about "these amazing potions!" There were instructions scribbled on the blackboard, instructions I wasn't paying attention to. My gaze was fixed on the back Harry's head, burning so hard I was surprised he didn't feel it. I wanted him to turn around so bad, but at the same time was glad he was looking forwards. Fingers tapping absentmindedly on my potions book, I finally turned my attention to Slughorn, ripping my gaze from Harry's dark locks. As Slughorn finished his rant that almost half the class probably wasn't listening to, the students erupted into chatter, odd glances being thrown at Harry and I.

"Hey," Percy tapped me on the shoulder, throwing a thumb over his shoulder to point at the door. "You should start packing up, class is ending in like..." He paused to glance at his watch—which wasn't supposed to work. "... two minutes." I nodded and smiled and thanks, instinctively turning in search of Harry. And for the first time the entire class period, his gaze met mine. Surprised, I blinked and looked away, not having even made the decision to look for him consciously. Stuffing my potions book into my bag and my piece of parchment with absentminded scribbles into the trash, I stood up, the chair I was sitting on scuffing loudly against the stone floor.

Heading to the door with Percy in the lead, I was stopped by an arm pushing against my chest, stopping me from walking farther. My head swiveled incredulously to see who it was, but I already knew it was Harry because, who else would it be.

"Ron, don't do this." Harry gazed at me imploringly and Hermione stood behind him, eyes averted and fingers tapping on a book no doubt from the library. She's always reading something... it's cute. Startled by my thoughts, I flinched and Harry retracted his arm, probably thinking it was him. I scoffed to play off what they didn't even pick up on.

"Don't do what, Harry?" He narrowed his gaze and leaned in, eyes clouding.

"Throw away our friendship!" He hissed quietly, not wanting the nosy student body to hear our conversation. I shook my head and laughed drily.

"Harry, I'm not the one throwing away our friendship." Harry's jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed further, anger nestled between his brows.

"So you're saying I'm the one throwing away our friendship? Last I checked, I'm not the one who abandoned their friends for someone you've hated for years and someone you've only known for months!" A crowd was forming, ears straining to hear what was being said. I spotted Percy at the door, gazing at me inquiringly. I nodded to show I was fine. Harry followed my gaze and scoffed, muttering an 'of course' under his breath. I turned back to him, adjusting the strap to my bag.

"Yes, Harry, that is what I'm saying. I didn't abandon you, you abandoned your morals. At any time you could have come up to me, tried to look past your stubbornness and hurt feelings to realize you were wrong. I'm doing this to help you, because the way you're acting isn't something you'd be proud of if your judgement wasn't so clouded. You are the only thing keeping us apart, that's causing this rift. The moment you look past what you think you see or know, you'll realize you were wrong. And that is all it will take for you to try and fix this and then we can be all dandy and fine again. But until then, I don't want to be connected to, attached to, or apart of this campaign you and Hermione have against Percy." I puffed out a breath, the hair at the forefront of my head rustling with the hot air. Harry's expression flittered inconsistently, from anger, to confusion, to incredulity—a repeating cycle. Finally, it settled on anger and incredulity.

"Campaign?" Harry scoffed. "What, are you breaking off?" His tone was sarcastic and I rolled my eyes.

"You know what, Harry, how fitting. I guess you could say it like that, or rather more like I'm breaking free." His squinted eyes clearly showed how stupid he thought that was, but I didn't say it for him... I said it for me. Not feeling like talking anymore, I started the short route to Percy at the door. Pausing, I flexed my fingers against my bag strap.

"And, also, Hermione, I like how you just stood there and let Harry do all the talking. How generous of you." An odd chime sounded and we flooded out of the door, me walking with Percy as we exited the Potions room and headed to our next class, Charms.

All of that in only three minutes. Merlin, help me.


OMG, what is this new side of Ron? Bold, confident, independent?

Guys, this book is wrapping up, only TEN chapters left and I am so excited!

Notice: If you are wrecked by the ending, DON'T COME AFTER ME!

But seriously guys, what I have planned.... Any guesses as to how it will all end?

ANYWAYS! Don't forget to comment... or not.

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