Come Together- Epilogue

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Camp Half-Blood, Long Island Sound

A hoard of demigods were gathered around the son of Jupiters's infirmary bed, watching an anxious son of Apollo monitor the Roman demigod's vitals. The son of Jupiter, Jason Grace had arrived at Camp Half-Blood nearly two hours ago via Hippocampus, along with daughter of Athena, Annabeth Chase. Upon seeing their conditions, no questions were asked and both were rushed to the Infirmary where they were precariously tended to. The atmosphere was tense as the entire camp watched the son of Jupiter, Annabeth having recovered enough to sit upright in her bed. A bright flash filled the room and countless hands flew to cover eyes instinctively. When the light faded, before the demigods stood the goddess Athena herself.

"Demigods, it is with great sadness that I bare this news. Our great hero, Perseus Jackson has perished." The room was dead silent and looks of disbelief were passed around the room. There were no tears yet, no grief, because it simply wasn't possible.

"That's impossible! He's not dead, I saw him two hours ago? If he's dead then where's his body?" The daughter of Athena protested desperately.

"Iris," the goddess muttered, and before them appeared an Iris Message. "Show us the end of the battle Perseus fought against Atlas." And as the scene unfolded before them, they watched as the mighty son of Poseidon defeated the Titan of the Sky, but fell at the Titan's last move of desperate fury.  So enthralled they were in the gruesome scene they bares witness that they didn't notice the son of Jupiter's heart rate slowing. They watched as Perseus muttered his last words in the arms of a boy who looked just like him, confessed his love to a girlfriend who wasn't there, and disintegrated into ash. And when the Iris Message was over, not a face of a demigod in that room was left tear free and one daughter of Athena sobbed for her love lost. And one by one they fell into each other, trying to find a strength they couldn't find in themselves.

"Will! Jason's heart stopped beating!"

Hogwarts, Scotland

There were rows upon rows of chairs, all filled with mourning witches and wizards. A funeral for two lost lives. Albus Dumbledore and Perseus Jackson, the only casualties of a long fought battle two nights before. This would mark a change in many. Many students would find it hard to smile for a very long time, and many teachers would find it hard to hope. Difficult times were ahead and companionship would be needed more than ever.

Yet, as sorrowful hearts mourned their loss, three friends were brought back together. Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. With the loss of Perseus Jackson, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley have come to realize the true value of friendship and how to treasure what one has before it's too late. And now, with the very obvious war approaching, too late could be any second. Hermione Granger has learned to give people a chance, or else you might regret it the rest of your life.

And Draco Malfoy. He sat alone in the back, silent tears of silent grief, but his heart wept oceans of grief. Then comes a hand on his shoulder and he looks up into the eyes of his arch nemesis. And when Harry Potter sits down next to him, he hands him a vial half filled with ashes... Perseus's ashes. And Harry Potter stays so that Draco isn't alone.

For what awaits, everyone has come together.


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