Read Stories Little Mouse, The Giant Dragon (Snotlout X Oc) ⚠️ see description for warnings - TeenFic.Net




Little Mouse, The Giant Dragon (Snotlout X Oc) ⚠️ see description for warnings

389 likes / 22,003 reads
Name: Mouse Taylor
Age: 15 (beginning) 30 (end)
Height: 4ft 7in (began) 6ft 3in (end)
Job: Cobbler, Dragon Trainer, Dragon Protector
⚠️ = a chapter that DEFINITELY needs one of the following tags

⚠️ Death of family members
⚠️Graphics Depictions of violence (throughout)
⚠️ NSFW - chapter marked
⚠️ first person unaliving (scenes may be unsettling to some readers)
⚠️ Major character death (same as movies so obviously spoilers)

Story begins with first HTTYD movie and ends with holiday special. Includes tv shows (currently working on HTTYD 2)
List of Chapter
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