11: The Edge

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Razzle and I were flying towards Berk on an old familiar route when a storm came up and forced us to land and make camp on an island I didn't know very well.

The wind was howling and thunder crashed as I finished making camp and Razzle lit the fire. Suddenly, everything stopped in the eye of the storm. Razzle forced herself further into the cave behind me and put her head in my lap, her one good eye glaring protectively out of the cave.

It's going to be a big one... I thought, listening for the silence to replace itself with wind and rain once more. Before the rain could begin I unmistakably heard two voices, though I couldn't tell what they said.

I pushed Razzle off my lap and pulled my bow from her back, hoping to Thor that it would be someone friendly and I wouldn't have to deal with dragon hunters tonight.

I let out a slow breath as I steadied my arrow at the opening of the cave. I could feel Razzle tense behind me at the sound of someone's heavy foot steps quickly approaching us.

"Snotlout!" A familiar voice yelled. "No!"

A young man appeared in my line of sight and I loosed my arrow. My arrow embedded it's self in the boy's vest and pinned him to the tree as he yelled in surprise. I quickly knocked another arrow.

"Snotlout!" The voice yelled again before a familiar young man with one leg appeared. His hands shot up in surrender at the sight of the arrow aimed at his head. "Woah! It's okay! We're friends! I'm Hiccup!"

I smiled. Snotlout hadn't changed at all but Hiccup had begun to fill out in the years I'd been gone. Still a bit stringy but not as bad as when we were young.

"I told you!" Snotlout yelled. "This is HER relm!"

"'Her,' Snotlout?" Hiccup asked.

"Freya!" He said pointing at me.

I would have laughed loudly if I was capable. My shoulders bounced heartily.

"It's not Freya," Hiccup said, "It's... no way. Mouse?"

I nodded my head.

"Well, Mouse, can we interest you and," Hiccup glanced at the dragon behind me, "and your Monsterous Nightmare in a dry place to sleep for the night?"

I nodded with a smile and stood up. I made a kissy noise for Razzle to follow me.

"What?!" Snotlout yelled. He cowered when I approached. "I mean, I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me, Miss Freya!" I pulled the arrow from the wood and pulled it through his fur vest. "Oh."


"Welcome to Dragon's Edge," Hiccup said. "That's my hut there," he pointed as he spoke. "That one belongs to the twins, Ruffnutt and Tuffnutt. That's Astrid's, and there's Snotlout's."

"Don't tell her that!" Snotlout crossed his arms. "I'm still not sure she's NOT Freya..."

Hiccup ignored him. "Fishlegs' is over there, as well as the stables. And finally, the dining hall. Where you'll stay for the night." Hiccup pushed the door open. "And this is everyone."

Everyone looked at us as thunder crashed and the rain began to pelt down on the roof. Razzle nudged me in discomfort. I pointed to the stables and clicked my tongue. Razzle quickly made her way to the overhang.

"Look who we found and brought home, everybody," Snotlout said as he walked past us. "Freya, goddess of war and death!"

"It's not Freya," Hiccup said. "This is-"

"Mouse?" Astrid asked incredulously. "You're so tall!"

"Woah," Tuffnutt said. "Mouse isn't dead?"

"Where have you been, Mouse?" Fishlegs asked.

I sighed heavily and pinched the bottom of my throat, knowing they wouldn't understand the silent language spoken with my hands, and spoke as best I could. "Studying and protecting dragons." My voice came from the air in my chest rather than my vocal cords. I was hardly audible thanks to the rain. I felt awkward speaking like that. Valka had helped me figure out the speaking mechanics but she understood my sign language as well so I didn't have to speak often.

"Woah..." Astrid said with empathy written across her face. "You must have been through a lot out there."

"Forget me," I breathed out. "Tell me about what you have all been doing." I heard the sound of the door behind me.


I smiled as I turned to see a life long friend. 'Heather,' I signed.

"You know each other?" Hiccup asked.

"Mouse and I spent time together as children."

'We are cousins, of course,' I signed.

"Yeah," Heather smiled. "We created a silent language with our hands in case of dragon attacks."

'Look at you,' I smiled. "A dragon rider!"

'Look at you,' she signed back. 'You're so tall now!'

"What a wonderful reunion," Snotlout muttered. "Freya has family on the Edge. Terrific."

"Freya?" Heather shook her head. "That must have been your Monsterous Nightmare seeking shelter. I let her in the stable for you."

'Thank you,' I said.


Hiccup stared at his game map as he thought. "Extra ships on the perimeter. Guards everywhere. Catapults and watchtowers on the cliffs. Dragon Root arrow launchers on every sea stack within a half mile. There's no way in or out. Period."

"Hiccup," Tuffnutt said. "Hiccup, Hiccup, think positive."

"And how do you suggest I do that?" Asked Hiccup.

"Rapid-fire," Tuffnutt said. "Mug, half-empty or half-full?"

"Definitely empty," Hiccup said.

Ruffnutt shook her head. "Don't waste your time."

"It is, however, the perfect opportunity to put a big dent in Viggo's dragon trade," Hiccup said.

"But how?" Astrid asked.

Astrid, I'm sure Hiccup has an idea" Fishlegs said. "You do have an idea, right?"

"Let me guess," Snotlout said. "Cruise right into the place and announce ourselves."

Hiccup thought for a second. "You know, I think we need someone to get close to Viggo. Keep him busy while we find the rest of those dragons. Now, it has to be someone Viggo wouldn't suspect, because he's never seen him up close."

Astrid looked to Snotlout who was picking his nose. "You've got to be kidding me." Heather and I shook our heads.

"Wait," Hiccup said, "no, he's the only one who was never captured by Viggo or Ryker. He's the only one they don't know." He glanced at me. "Well, the only one who can be heard in a crowd."

Fishlegs nodded, glancing at me. "He's the only one who's clueless enough to actually pull it off."

"Ha. Sounds like a real winner, Hookfang. Right? I'd hate to be caught dead with that guy." Snotlout realized everyone was looking at him. "Wait, what?"

"I hate to be the bearer of most unfortunate news, Master Hiccup," Johann said, "but unless you are hiding a pile of gold in the crevices of your tunic, you won't see the dragons, let alone bid on them."

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