Hype House as a D'melio

178 likes / 24,889 reads
You are the middle child in the D'melio family. You look just like Charli. (Using Charli's pics)
Suicidal,and some thing get steamy
May be you like?
Dark Romance

Dark Romance

47 18 3

Embrace the shadows and surrender to love's flame.Let's Dive into the world of Mafia with "ALESSIO and STELLA"…

OC book

OC book

153 4 14

Oc book cuz why not? Most of them are adopts,…

عُمر الندى

عُمر الندى

34 2 5

ندى محسن: تدرس بكليه الالسن عمرها 22عاما متوسطه الطول ذو شعر اسود طويل يغطيه حجابها وعينين بنيه تشبه القهوه ورموشها الطويله ذو بشره بيضاء شفتتان ممتلئه ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــسعاد ام ندى طيبه القلب وام حنونه منفصله عن والد ندى عندما كانت ندي بالخامسه من عمرها لاسباب سوف نتعرف عليها بالاحداث ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــانس الاخ الوحيد لندى انهى دراسته بكليه الصيدله منذ خمس اعوام ويعمل صيدلي طويل القامه برونزي البشره يحب اخته وامه كثيرا ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــآيه صديقه ندى منذ الثانويه قصيره القامه ذو شعر قصير اسود وعينين رماديه ذو جسد ممشوق وتعمل سكرتيره بجانب دراستها ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــعمر العمري: شاب في اواخر العشرينات طويل القامه برونزي البشره ذو شعر كثيف وانف مستقيم ومنكبين حادتان وشفاه غليظه يعمل بشركه العمري التابعه لعده شركات العمري ولكنها الشركه الام هو من كبر شركات والده وجعل لها عده فروع ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــمعتز العمر…

my first love

my first love

1 0 2

I am new here trying my best to write the school crush story to adulthood love story ❤️💓The story will start from there school journey 😄 ....destiny plays very important role in one's life ❤️ ...main leads -:karan soni 27 years a famous personality ...hot , arrogant , handsome , world's global crush 🥰 belives only in his friends ✨Aadvika Kapoor 25 year engineer simple , strong and mature for world ❤️💓 loved by all family members 💕…

Deep In Desires

Deep In Desires

0 0 1

Rup is an ordinary girl who loves her family, friends, designing jewelry, and painting. Her life, though filled with love, feels mundane until fate intervenes.Atharv, a self-made CEO known for his stubbornness and privilege, unexpectedly collides with Rup's world when his car meets Pushpa, Rup's beloved scooter. This chance encounter sets off a clash of personalities that unfolds a journey of unexpected desires and hidden truths.Can Rup and Atharv handle their differences and the magnetic pull between them? What would happen when they are forced to date each other, igniting a fiery passion that threatens to consume them both? As they discover that sometimes, the deepest desires stem from the most unexpected collisions, their journey unfolds in ways neither anticipated.…

El Vendedor Maestro

El Vendedor Maestro

0 0 1

"Carlos siempre había soñado con ser el mejor vendedor de su empresa, pero algo siempre parecía fallar en sus interacciones con los clientes. Un día, descubrió un libro antiguo en la biblioteca sobre el arte de la comunicación en ventas. A medida que leía, comenzó a aplicar los consejos: desde cómo ajustar su tono de voz hasta cómo mantener una postura abierta y acogedora. Cada capítulo lo llevaba a una nueva aventura donde practicaba sus habilidades con diferentes clientes, enfrentando y superando nuevos desafíos que le enseñaban el poder del lenguaje corporal y la empatía. A través de esta historia, Carlos no solo mejoraba sus ventas, sino que también transformaba su vida, ganándose la confianza y el respeto de todos a su alrededor."…

Father of Humanity: The First Thinker Edition

Father of Humanity: The First Thinker Edition

35 4 7

Inspired by Minmin24's "Please, Someone Love Me" This was originally a series of snippets that I was going to end at ten chapters, however, I decided to make it a story on its own.Adam awakens his memories and great intelligence of his previous life as a version of Azmuth that met an untimely end. The former Galvan, reborn as the father of humanity has to deal with whatever heaven has to throw at him.…

The Cold One's Tribrid Mate

The Cold One's Tribrid Mate

835 37 11

Harley Jaida Beck is a tribrid. Part vampire, part witch, and part werewolf. She was born to one of the most powerful witches in existence, Macie Beck, and the legendary original hybrid, Klaus Mikaelson, not that Harley knows who her father is. Harley never knew her father, she's never met him, she doesn't even know his name, all she knows is what her mom told her before she was killed many years ago, that he was someone known to be horrible, deadly, and ruthless, but all he really needed was love. The only thing she has of his is a necklace she never takes off with an M crest on it. Her father gave it to her mother. Harley also figured that she got her werewolf and vampire gene from her father as well since her mother came from a line of witches.After knowing she had to move on from the town she was in, she decided to blindly throw a dart on the map for her next destination. She walked over to the map and saw it landed on a place called Forks, Washington.What's going to happen when Harley arrives in Forks? What happens when she runs into a group of Cold Ones? Will she find trouble? Or will she finally find the home she always wanted?I do not own The Vampire Diaries or any of its spinoffs, nor do I own the Twilight series. I only own my original characters and their unique storylines.…

Tom Riddle-Stalker

Tom Riddle-Stalker

2 1 2

One day, you get a random message.. The next few months turn into hell, your stalker won't leave you alone! What is he planning? Who is he? You have so many questions! but you keep playing his games for the safety of your friends.…

Scalpel to my heart-Married in red fanfic

Scalpel to my heart-Married in red fanfic

0 0 1

In this universe, da jeong never blamed it on bok-su, instead bok-su is the one that made a mistake and da jeong took the blame and saved her career while destroying her own.(Won't spoil more than that!!)…