Can I Love Again?

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I'm still crying every night because if Nick. We went through so much. We even almost had a baby. Everyone looks so happy with their boyfriends or girlfriends. I decided to go on a date if someone asks. Unless it's Nick. Just then someone knocked on my door. It opened to be Noah. He smiled and said
N-I'm sorry about what happened with Nick.
E-thanks Noah that's sweet of you.
(Btw Ella will replace Dixie when it comes to their relationship. Dixie is dating Tayler or Griffin in this story)
N-I-I wanted to ask something.
N-Ella I know you just got out of a rough break up but do you...
N-yes! Sorry anyway let's go to the beach tomorrow.
E-ok I will see you then.
He smiles and hugs me then goes back downstairs. I follow him to see what everyone was doing. Dixie was playing with Charlis hair. Thomas and Mia were laughing at something. Calvin and Patty were doing lord knows what. Tony and Ondreaz were doing tik toks  and Addi and Bryce were arguing. Noah and I went to the Addi and Bryce situation. They were arguing over donuts. Bryce ate Addis donut.
A-just buy me a new one or else
B-but I don't have any money
A-liar liar pants on fire
B-shut up I'll get you more donuts.
We all laugh and Noah put his arm around my shoulder. I got this weird butterfly feeling in my guts. More than ever. Even with Nick. I was tired and so I went to bed. Niah followed and we cuddled for a while and fell asleep. I woke up to hear giggling. I start to sit up when Noah pulls me back down
N-stay please🥺
E-fine but who's giggling?
N-I dunno I'm gonna look at insta
We than saw this all over Instagram

Brycehall-look I found them snuggling. Ship alert. Nola!!

Addison-Omg I love these two!

       Ella-yeah uh
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Authors corner
I'm kinda bored 😑
Hi my freakin poppies🌺
Questions of the day
•how are you?
•how old are you? What age do you want to be
•are you ever bored of being bored?
Bye my wonderful poppies🌺

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