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Nick came up behind me and threw me onto my bed.
E-hey what was that for?
N-I dunno cause I wanted too
E-whatever now let me go say hi to the Sway boys
N-Josh was checking you out tho
E-Josh is one of my good friends. It was probably just as a joke
N-fine but I'm staying close
E-come on Nick
We went downstairs and you were wearing this btw

You always laughed when Nick gave you the goofiest smile. But then when he did you just looked sad.
N-What's wring?
C-hey what's wrong?
You say as tears filled your eyes. You remember the date as the day you got raped. No one knows except your parents not even you besties know. It's really hard to forget and you have been struggling with this since it happened 5 years ago. You were only 12. You are really distancing yourself from everyone and you have been having suicidal thoughts so you decided to tell them. "I don't want to hurt myself yet I may try and then know will be best" I tell my parents on FaceTime. They agree. "Nick and Charli are really worried about you" they added. I nodded and asked Thomas if I could talk to the house about something serious. He agreed thankfully everyone was there even some Sway members and you decided to include them to since they were like big brothers to you.
Th-ok everyone is here. What's up El?
E- I have never told anyone except mom and dad. This is going to be emotional and hard. Okay.....When I was 12 I was at a friends house and the friend left me with her dad for 30 minutes to help her mom. He took that as an advantage and raped me. I had never been the same old self. I try to stay positive but I can't.
You take deep breath as you are crying and the girls are leaking tears.
E-I wanted to tell you guys because well.....I have attempted suicide 4 times just this past year. I don't really want to lose myself in my thoughts and actually succeed. If you all know you can maybe catch me before I fall. I've been angry today because today was when it happened. The man who did this gets out of jail  in a month and I'm nervous after he has sent threat letters. That is why i might move somewhere safer.
C-I'm do sorry sis!
She hugged me. Nick came over and I put my head in his chest and cry. It started softly then turned to bawling. You have been through a lot! First being raped then tortured by your ex.
I posted this for my fans.

The girl is (I'm sorry I don't know her name) replaced by Addi.
Ella-I love y'all but I might take a break

User1-FINALLY a break from your fake self
Charli-Excuse me? Don't talk to my sister like that she is perfect and beautiful. She is       going through a lot and could use less hate    actually no hate.

Nick-I will always be here Ella I love you ❤️
Ella-thank you bubs

Fan1-She called him BUBS! 🚢 anyways Ella I love you so much you have inspired me. I am here I know it sounds weird since we don't know each other but seriously. ❤️
Ella-thank you I luv you too.
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I hugged everyone and went to my room. Nick followed me and we cuddled. I fell asleep. I woke up to him still asleep. He was so cute!!

Authors corner
Hey poppies🌺
This was INTENSE
I kinda thinking that the threats won't be that big of a deal
QandA with you all
•Who your favorite famous couple?
•what is your favorite subject?
Okay imma done I lazy!

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