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His Victoria

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⚠️ Cringe Warning ⚠️
my story is literally a joke
don't say i didn't warn you 💀


Victoria Kalie Maurice, despite having a terrible truth about herself, she just lives her life to the fullest as if nothing is absolutely wrong. She just can't let the thing that ruins her steals her life away.

No. She wants to be that carefree 18-year-old, just like her other peers.

Lucas Carter William is a 21-year-old dude who has never fell in love before, not when there is no woman who actually deserves it. His past has made his trust towards women sank.

But what happened when he bumped into a woman at his cousin's birthday party? Not just any woman, but a woman with eyes full of hidden secrets?

Well, he started to fall for her of course. Not caring about his past, he let himself got wrapped around her little fingers.


"What are you afraid of?"

The silence is killing me as I waited for her to answer. She is just staring down at the floor, not once has she glanced up to me, making my heart breaks a little more.

Finally she looked at me, making me almost sigh in relief. But what she said next made me feel as if I'm the most useless person in the whole wide world ever.

"Me. I'm afraid of myself."


most impressive rankings :
#1 in tragedy
#1 in jealous
#2 in overprotective
#2 in romance
#3 in love
#3 in possessive

[Previously named as My Friend's Boyfriend's Cousin]

Read at your own risk :)

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