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Sighing, I glanced at my watch for the millionth time.

She is so dead.

Cara and I are going to a book festival. She said she's going to come and pick me up at 8, but now it's already half past 8. Like I don't already know what makes her this late. Obviously her loving boyfriend.

I internally rolled my eyes and decided to make myself toasts. We were planning to eat breakfast outside, but my stomach couldn't wait any longer for that woman.

As I ate my toasts, someone rang my doorbell. At last. I rushed to the door with my toast and opened it to reveal the VIP. I leaned on the doorframe while crossing my arms onto my chest and looked at her boringly.

She smiles at me. "Come on, let's get going."

Now she's pretending like nothing is wrong. "Uh huh."


"You are incredibly late."

She sighed. "I'm sorry but Brian-"

"I knew it."

She ducked her head. "I'm sorry."

I smiled at her sincerity. "It's okay. Let's go." I grabbed my purse and stepped out of my house. I locked the door and went into the car with Cara beside me.

After an hour we arrived at the festival. Cara and Brian decided to leave me alone and go elsewhere to do their own business. Yes. Brian also came along. They can't even stay away from each other for like zero point one second. I internally scoffed.

Jealous? Of course I'm not jealous. Who would be jealous when their friend has someone whom they can be all lovey dovey with when I'm right here single as pringle. I'm totally not jealous at all.

I was getting bored by walking all on my own so I decided to sit down on a nearby bench. I took out the book I just bought and read the synopsis before looking at the insides. Suddenly somebody cleared their throat. I looked up to see an unfamiliar person standing in front of me.


"Is this seat taken?" He asked while pointing at the seat beside me. I shook my head no and he sat on it.

I didn't think too much of it and started to read the book when all of a sudden he started to speak up again.

"You're alone?"

"Uhh, I'm here with my friends."



"Where are your friends?"


He nodded and there comes another silence.

"I'm here with my little brother."

"Okay.." I seriously don't care.

Things have started to become awkward so I stood up. When I was all ready to go, the stranger grabbed my wrist.


I looked up at him and squinted my eyes in confusion.

"I.. Actually I've taken a liking on you so can you stay?"

What in the world is going on here? Do love at the first sights really exist?

Freaking not.

"Sorry but I need to go."

His grip tightened and I hissed. "Please. Just for a while."

"M-My friends a-are waiting for me." I cursed myself for stuttering.

Just before he could say anything else, someone pulled me away from him and before I knew it, that person hugged me in a protective manner.

"Go away." The person grumbled. I swear I could feel his chest vibrating.

"Chill dude I was ju-"

"Stay. Away. From. Us."

"F-Fine." And then I heard fast footsteps. I have no idea of what's going on because my hero hid my eyesight with his chest.

After what felt like two minutes, I struggled to get away from my hero but he just didn't want to let me go. He was breathing heavily, as if trying to calm himself down. I rubbed his back in soothing manner to help him calm.

"Can you let me go now?"

With that he slowly lets me go. I looked up to see my saviour's face but what stood in front of me made my breath hitched.


"Why are you so careless?!" He snapped.

"Don't you know it's dangerous to be out here alone?! What if you got kidnapped?! What if something happened and I wasn't there?! Huh?!"

It's been so long since the last time someone got mad at me. I looked around to see that everyone is looking at us. Some with apologetic looks and some with amusement clear on their faces.

"I-I'm s-sorry." I sniffled while tears slowly sliding down my cheeks.

He sighed and hugged me again.

"You scared the hell outta me.." He whispered.

"T-Thank you.."

"Come on, let's get you out of here." He tugged my hand along to the parking lot. He then opened his car door and made me sit on the passenger seat. He buckled me up before closing the door and jogged to the driver's side.

"Want some ice cream?" Hearing the word ice cream lighten up my mood. I nodded my head vigorously. He chuckled while seeing my response and put the ignition on before he drove off to a nearby ice cream shop.

"A scoop of chocolate and two scoops of cookies and cream, please." He ordered.

"Coming right up." The seller said.

"Here's your ice cream and have a wonderful date."

I looked at the seller in confusion before I turned my attention to Cuz. He raised our hands, which are perfectly intertwined together, up as if to answer my question.

So the seller got a different idea.

I nodded my head in understanding and soon we are back inside his car.

As soon as we've settled in, Cuz started to ask me a question as to why I was alone back then.

"I went with Cara but she and Brian had decided to go elsewhere."

"That son of a bitch." He muttered.

"Well it's not their fault for being too in love."

"But leaving you all alone is still wrong. Thank God I was there, or else you would've gotten kidnapped or something."

"Thank God you were there." I repeated.

We continued to spend time with each other by getting to know one another. I told him about my family, my favourite colour and even my love life. I could see his jaw clenched when I told him about Zander. But after I assured him that I'm completely fine, he instantly relaxed.

He also told me a lot about himself. Apparently his favourite colour is white. Shocking, I know. He said that the colour is 'clean' and pure, much to his liking. His hobby is to clean. He often clean his house whenever he felt like loosing some stress or when he's bored out of his mind. Oh and he has never had a relationship before. He didn't tell me anything about his family though.

His company has many rivals surely, but none of them have ever surpassed him.

Soon Cuz sent me to my apartment. I had to bid him farewell even though I didn't want to. But he assured me that we will meet again soon.

I thanked him and before I could get out of his car, he grabbed my wrist. I turned to him in confusion and before I could register anything else, he kissed my cheek.

I went inside contently.

He's not that bad, after all.

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