Greed of blood (taekook)

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Embers of the past

Embers of the past

24 8 8

Nora and Ashraf were high school sweethearts until when Nora broke up with him without any reason Years later, Nora start working as Ashraf's secretary and he decide to make her life a living hell as a payback for leaving him, what he doesn't know is that she is still in love with him after all those years.Stay tuned to find out why Nora broke up with him and if their love will win in the end…

Now that you're mine (Senior High)

Now that you're mine (Senior High)

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Snippets of Tim and Poch life as a couple, taking on new challenges and falling even deeper ♥️♥️♥️.…

Word Of God

Word Of God

30 0 4

Included in this written piece are words of comfort that was taken out of the Bible. If you ever feel down and need a short word of comfort to set you off on your day be reminded of God words for you. Let me also remind you that in this book is mostly a book consist of a few words and not huge paragraphs. It's more of a short copy script of some of the words that touch my heart while reading the bible. i hope it will he able touch yours as well. ❤️‍🩹Help Support the Author by following voting sharing and commenting if possible. Remember: "A bible verse today tends to keep the devil away"…

Sunshine °𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬

Sunshine °𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬

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Amelia gilmore was the definition of the sky and blonde she was dumb well made dumb decisions You couldnt say she was dumb when she got into chilton now she wasnt Lorelei 's real daughter but she felt like it most of the time. She knew her mother and her father they would give her present's on the holodays call her on the weekends which she didn't understand like they selled her off to someone they barely know well not sell but left her oh yea forgot to mention her father is the brother of Lorelei gilmore which made her technicaly a gilmore she couldnt be mad at her father though considering he didn't know he was going overseas and her mother is her step mom her real mom wants nothing to do with her but they use to be best friends Join her on her adventure through chilton while keeping up with her friendsThere will be spelling and grammar mistakesoc × oc*I love making myself suffer*…



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《新西兰文凭证书英文急速办理坎特伯雷大学电子版毕业证书》Q微-1954 292 140《新西兰坎特伯雷大学电子版毕业证书办理》如已删请点开网页快照,办理坎特伯雷大学真实教育部学位认证,国外假文凭成绩单,假学历,假毕业证,国外假文凭找工作!给家人看!为留学生提供以下服务:一、坎特伯雷大学毕业证#成绩单等全套材料《新西兰文凭证书英文急速办理坎特伯雷大学电子版毕业证书》【Q/微1954292140】《永久可查坎特伯雷大学学位证书》,从防伪到印刷,从水印到钢印烫金,跟学校原版100%相同.二、真实教育部认证,教育部存档,中国教育部留学服务中心认证(即教育部留服认证)网站100%可查.三、真实使馆认证(即留学人员回国证明),使馆存档可通过大使馆查询确认.四、真实留信网认证,国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书,留信网永久存档可查.文凭学历证书办理流程《新西兰文凭证书英文急速办理坎特伯雷大学电子版毕业证书》《Q微1954292140》:1、客户提供办理信息:姓名、生日、专业、学位、毕业时间等(如信息不确定可以咨询顾问:微信1954292140我们有专业老师帮你查询);2、客户付定金下单;3、公司确认到账转制作点做电子图;4、电子图做好发给客户确认;5、电子图确认好转成品部做成品;6、成品做好拍照或者视频确认再付余款;7、快递给客户(国内顺丰,国外DHL)。【公司采用定金+余款的付款流程,以最大化保障您的利益,让您放心无忧】…

Slytherin princess

Slytherin princess

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This girl named Lainey Mae Tidwell is hated by her parents. Her parent found out that she had these special powers that they'd don't have. A man came and helped the girl. He brought her to a special school. What all will happen in Lainey Mae's life. Will she be loved? Hated? Will she be treated horribly? Greatly? Read toFind out what will happen. I only own Lainey Mae Tidwell and a fee others from Lainey's school.…

A Expensas De La Muerte: Infección

A Expensas De La Muerte: Infección

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Al verse rodeados por una especie de no-muertos caníbales un grupo de personas intentara sobrevivir en un mundo de perspectiva post-apocalíptica aguardando toda especie de desastres y tragedias que pasen mientras intentan que su propia raza no se extinga…



3 3 2

MARWA a 26 year old girl who has never had it easy in life. MARWA never enjoyed her childhood like other kids despite being with her father.everyone dislikes her in the kingdom because her mother died while giving birth to her which the society believes is a sign of a bad omen.MARWA believe her life has come to an end when she was forced into trade.MARWA was used as a trade by her father.MARWA was traded to the Zazzau kingdom. The kingdom where women are enacted to different rite.Whereas serving the kingdom is their priority.…

The Library of Lost Love

The Library of Lost Love

7 4 4

"Darsh... Darsh Mehra." He extended his hand. "Dhriti. It's nice meeting you again." I grumbled half taunting. "I wish I could say the same." His voice echoed in the room. His grip on my hand tightening every minute.…

Unfinished love..

Unfinished love..

28 7 8

She: I don't love you.He:You are my enemy. I can't live a happy life with you. You are useless. I will get so many girls who are more beautiful and talented than you.( But they really love each other. This can see in their eyes)She: Then go and find other one.I hate you.(He become very angry and he pinned her on the wall and hold her hands tightly)She : leave me . You have no rights to touch me.He: I'm your husband. And don't talk about the rights , you can't walk for weeks when I show my real face. Do you want that. Then I have to lift you all the time. She: And you don't know me well. So don't try to play with your dirty tricks.He: I didn't started yet.She: I hate you. I don't care if you are alive or not.( He was holding a glass in his hands and after hearing this he suddenly broke the glass , and his hands filled with the blood. She become afraid and torn her duppatta and tries to wrap up on his wound.But he pulled her towards him and their breaths are mixing..She was his enemy but he fell for her.He was her husband but she killed her.…