"jeon gguk"

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Staring at the board blankly tae wasn't paying attention to the teacher he never did no matter how much he gets scold him no shit effect him suddenly miss lee stopped speaking   "ok class as yall already know there are some transferred students from choi campus I would call some in here better great them warmly" she calls the students in tae obviously didn't payed attention or interest as they were introducing themselves  he yawned looking at a rabbit looking boy who came in front "um hi! My name is jeon guk i hope we all can get along well" he smiled softly as miss lee points beside tae "you can sit there" guk nods n silently sits beside him taking out his books as tae examined him from head to toe.
Guk silently took notes not paying attention to anyone around him as miss lee continued to teach he pouts a bit as his pen was out of ink scratching his head he looks at tae "uhm- uh- d-o you have an extra p-en?" Tae divert his gaze to guk "empty pen on first day?" Guk looks away in embarrassment making tae scoff giving him his pouch "take any you want i dont use em anyways" kook nods slowly n takes one giving him his pouch back as he start taking notes while tae was eyeing his face like he was studying his features his big doe eyes that soft small nose those soft lips those soft pink cheeks his hairs making him look like a coconut those rabbit like teeth

Soon the lecture ends as miss lee walks out and guk leans back with a sulky face obviously missing his friends as he sighs which didn't got unnoticed by taehyung "what is it there lil boy" guk looks at him with big eyes having forwn in them "who you calling a lil boy?! " tae doesn't says anything and just stared at him making guk gulp a bit as he looks away making tae scoff "a timid one i see" guk could feel his cheeks go red as he looks down and widen his eyes suddenly remembering he didn't informed his brother about his arrival making him smile nervously as he takes out his phone and slowly text him n nods seeing cold replies he is used to it anyways but still loves his brother to death
"Umm when is the break tho?" Tae yawns "who cares? If you are hungry just eat or bunk the lecture" guk rolled his eyes "come on tell.. " tae made annoyed face pointing at the schedule as kook side glares him n shrugs looking through it being and makes blank face as there were 2 solid periods left he knew he couldn't bunk though who would watch him? No one but the fear of his hyung keeps him straight like a line as he is alot strict about his studies and its obvious cuz he cares for him and his future but he still holds a hope that he might stop acting cold and reserved guk just shrugged leaning back as tae was getting annoyed cuz most of the girlies were eyeing him like some cheap perverts
"Why they looking at you like that-" guk asked out of curiosity as tae spoke "you will too." Guk makes wtf face "cant you answer without being dumb" tae just rolled his eyes "its you who is dumb they staring at me cuz obviously im handsome duh" guk made disgusted face and continues to use his phone huffing as there was nothing special "why you kept science tho?" Guk look at tae "uhm cuz i have interest in it what bout you?" Tae calmly answered "cuz obv i dont wana study maths" guk looks at him in disbelief but does not says anything as miss choi walks in and start taking the lecture.


Guk was waiting for his big bro in the parking being half tired and half nervous soon he sees a black Mercedes stopping in front of him surely it was his brother so guk slowly goes to the other side and sits in looking at him with big eyes as the older one looks at him with his usual cold face which softens a bit seeing him "told late." Guk gulps a bit "uhm hyung i actually forgot" the other one rolls his eyes "i  would leave you here alone if it again happened then you can wether take a taxi or walk to home" guk pout looking at him "im sorry!" The older one just nodded and focused on the road.

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