"who? "

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Guk was beyond petrified looking at his unconscious brother it was a horrendous sight for him, a sight he wished he never saw

Seeing his brothers waist having a deep bloody wounds with small glass pieces being still stuck inside his skin

He took small steps towards him his heart beat raising with each step he took his body was unable to take more steps forward

He slowly sat on his knees cupping his brothers face while holding back his tears he hurriedly lifted his body  and rushed outside without wasting a single second.

He placed him in the car and sat in himself and drove off to the hospital.

After a while:-

Gukk was sitting silently while looking down feeling anxious and worried his mix emotions were taking the best of him he peeped up to see the doctor standing with the reports

"H-how i-s he?" He spoke with hesitancy

"The wound is

pretty deep and if it was more severe his muscles would have been injured but he is out of the danger alot blood was wasted im currently keeping him on drips"

Guk sighed and shook his head feeling  unpleasant about all this

"Uh to be frank can I know why this
all happened?" The doctor asked him

"Mr jue he was alright till yesterday yes he is hot headed but.. But.. I never saw him in any depression or sadness i... I.. " after some words he started to flattering and burst in tears

The doc stayed silenced and rubbed his back

"Its ok there young gentleman he is out of the danger but giving you a frank advise.... He should visit a therapist"

"I-ill t-ry talking to him"

"Dont try just now keep a check on his activities and health his emotions you can buy a book of psychology it will help you alot in studying someone" he  gave him an assuring smile

Guk forced a smile and nodded

"Thanks for being my adviser doc ill surely try it out"

"You may go check on your brother im sure he is waken now"

Guk nodded and went to pay for the bills.

Little did he know? someone was watching him from afar having a smirk filled with gladness.

"Jeon guk we met again huh and ill make sure this meeting will ruin you this good that you wont be able to grasp your own fate"


Im sorry but this chapter just had to be short for the sake of plot + i have finals going on so i couldn't write n think of anything much i hope yall understand.

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