Read Stories (DISCONTINUED) Murder Drones x Male Human Reader - TeenFic.Net




(DISCONTINUED) Murder Drones x Male Human Reader

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Y/n lived on the exoplanet Copper-9 with his father and mother, he loved messing and learning with the innerworkings of technology and sorts since he was a teenager. It was destined as his parents worked for JC Jenson before moving. He and the friends he's made along the way work at a different branch of the company working on more experimental projects that the main company didn't have the time or need to focus on. They'd help from time to time in a few of the bigger projects. On one of these day's he was selected to be put in cryofreeze for one year at one of the sites but something went wrong during the experiment, the core of the exoplanet exploded killing everyone leaving it in a frozen wasteland. Some years in the future Y/n eventually wakes up from the cryofreeze now needing to survive this new world he's been put in.
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