ReWriten Chapt 4: The Promening

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Edit: There's basically nothing different this chapter, just a slight change dialogue.

Quickly this is how you look. You can change it if you want.

The Art is technically not mine as it's just a recolor with a few changes so original layout of if belongs to it's rightfully owner.

Words: 3322







Y/n sat in the landing pod trying to fix his replacement robotic arm, N was sent off to get something for V and him. Much to Y/n's disappointment he was only ruining the machine as he wasn't left handed. Groaning he threw his wrench at one of the walls rubbing his eyes. 'Jesus Christ. This is impossible.' He mumbled running a hand through his hair. Over the week after the incident he's tried working on the pod to get his mind distracted from it, but proved impossible single handedly. It didn't help he still had a few bruises from the encounter and got a bad cough so it hurt moving. He contemplated having N help a few times, but he didn't fully trust him, so he turned his attention to his old arm trying to everything he could. It proved unsuccessful, it would have helped if he originally made the arm but it was a group project with his friends to try and recreate the arm he received but they never made it as advanced.

Feeling all hopes destroyed an idea came to his mind. "Hey V? Your guys saliva fixes mechanics, and what not right?" 'Yeah.' She mumbled dismissively blowing bubbles. "Mind giving me some?" Y/n asked holding out a empty container. She looked at him disgustedly eyeing him up and down. "The hells wrong with you? Why would I do that?"

"Well Im trying to fix up my old prototype arm but it keeps breaking apart and I'm hopping this will work. Like when Uzi's hand got hit with the nanite acid and N used his saliva to repair it. So I'm hopping I could use some of it to fix this." V spun around in her chair looking away, bubbles emiting from where she was facing. 'Unbelievable. When the hell is N coming back.' Y/n grumbled facing back to his work.

An hour has passed, N has yet to come back. Y/n gave up on his work frustrated and decided to entertain himself by playing the game he and N made up whenever they weren't out getting materials and hunting on N's end. The premise of the game was to count the timing of the flickering lights on the control panel and hitting a certain button on a 2'2 grid. Each light was assigned to a button, and the length determined how many times a button needed to be pressed. Basically a more complicated version of Simon says.

"Ow!" Y/n yelled grabbing at the back of his head immediately glaring at V. "The hell is wrong with you?!" Y/n shouted rubbing his head in pain glancing down at the metal container that was thrown at him. "I'm overheating again." She said annoyed. "Seriously? You couldn't have just tried getting my attention instead of trying to give me a concussion!" "Aw, but wheres the fun in that?" V said in a sadistic tone. Groaning Y/n mumbled out curses at the drone while fumbling with his bag zipper taking out a plastic bottle filling most of it with oil. "Here, it's the last of the extra oil I have left. And stop throwing this at my head!" He yelled annoyed grabbing the metal canister on the ground, "or what." She teased leaning back. "Or I'll let you over heat and die, I can't kill you naturally cause then you'll turn into whatever the hell J is. I think." He said still unsure how it worked.

"And why haven't you yet?" she questioned leaning in. Y/n sighed leaning back in the chair. "Simple, for some unknown reason N seems to be attracted to you and I'd feel it'd only hurt him worse. Besides, you can still be of use.... There's something I need to get." Y/n explained grabbing his bag standing up heading out the pod. "I'll be back soon, don't brake anything!" Y/n yelled out to V closing the door pulling down his goggles and pulled up his scarf, walking a bit away from the pod he looked up trying to spot if the other drone was on the ceiling. "Hey N! You up there?!" He called out.

A few seconds pass gaining no answer. 'Guess he isn't back yet.' He mumbled exiting the spire walking out into the deserted city. Approaching the giant doors he looked up at the massive doors letting out a small sigh knocking against the giant doors. A minute passed with nothing happening, annoyed he knocked on the door again but kept knocking. Soon the doors opened, glancing down he Kahn standing at the door, arms crossed. 'Oh, its you.' He mumbled annoyed. "Can I come in, I need to get something." "No. You and your murder friend are banished!" He announced going to close the doors. "Wait, wait, wait! What the hell man?! What have we done to get banned." "You're a bad influence on Uzi, and I will not have her be tainted by you two." Y/n scoffed looking to the side.

"Oh so NOW you care about her. Besides she's more violent than N. And he was programed to murder! She's more of a bad influence to us then we are to her." "That is not true, my daughter is an angel." "Shes the one planning to kill all humans, not us. She's more violent then a murder drone for Christ sakes!" He yelled in disbelief at the man's stupidity. "She's just in a phase!" He yelled back slamming down on the button closing the door nearly crushing him. "Hey, watch it asshat!" He kicked the door annoyed. 'Screw that jerk, I swear one of this days I'm gonna shoot that bastard in the face.' He grumbled going back to the spire.

Once arriving at the spire he opened the door to the pod. "I'm back V, has N-" He quickly paused noticing she was nowhere to be seen. Scanning the room he saw N's headless body laying on the ground. 'Ah shit.' he quickly dropped his bag kneeling down. "Come on bud, I'm gonna need you to wake up now." He said panicking shaking the body. A few seconds the oil like substance formed into a head. Taking a step back N gasped awake looking around eyes landing on the skeleton next to him. "Oh no! Oh, no, no!" He quickly stood up in a panic.

"N, what the hell happened?! Where's V? And why are there skeletons in here?" He asked concerned yet intrigued. "She went to worker drones hideout, she's gonna kill them all. We gotta go!" N quickly explained and went up the ladder stopping to glance at the two other skeletons. He went to climb up the ladder again stopping once again looking back. "No! No time!" He yelled at himself fully going up the ladder to poke his head down staring at the skeletons in suits. Dapper N.' He whispered to himself.

He quickly hopped down grabbing the suit off the skeleton looking to Y/n who was packing his knife and pistol. "Are you gonna get dressed?" He questioned while Y/n equiped his non completed arm. "What are yo-" He stopped noticing N was holding a suit while one remaining skeleton having a suit. "N, I'm not putting on a dead man's suit." He sternly told N going to head up the ladder. "But dapper buddies!" He pleaded, Y/n paused glancing at the suit and to N. "No, okay no I'm not doing it." "Please!" He begged. "No! I am not wearing... That." He hesitantly said glaring at the suit. 'Dapper buddies.' N whispered, sparkles in his eyes. Y/n took one more look at the suit contemplating his life choices.

The two flew in the air, Y/n holding onto N for his life, both in a suit. Nearing the worker drones home he crashed down landing on the snow, Y/n hopped off wiping the snow off his suit. Once the dust cloud cleared they noticed Uzi on the ground in a dress. "N!?" "Uzi?!" The two shouted at once. He quickly walked over to help her up but stopped moving back. The two tried talking but kept interrupting each other before pausing in an awkward silence. Y/n eyed the two drones noticing the awkward tension. "Why are-" "You look-" "How did-" "I, uh- "I think something bad-" "I could help... But you probably don't want me here."

N mumbled the last part depressed turning around. "No I could use the help, with you... Being there... With me." She mumbled embarrassed, a smile came across N's face moving behind Uzi. "Dapper buddies!" He said excitedly moving behind Uzi grabbing her shoulders. Uzi nudged him away embarrassed, hitting N but glanced to the side with a small smile and blush on her visor. "Aren't you two just adorable." Y/n spoke up catching their attention, Uzi looked embarrassed pushing N away as he awkwardly scratched this head with a small chuckle. "Now can we please head inside and get this over?" He begged scratching his neck, fidgeting with the sleeves of the suit.

N crashed through the ceiling letting go of the two. "Unhand them you fieeee...?" Uzi stopped trailing off as everyone looked at them, all standing up straight now. "I'm confused." Uzi said looking at the two who where equally confused. V was wearing a red dress in a crown standing on a stage. "I thought you said V was killing everyone." Y/n said turning to N who was confused stammering over his words. "Uh, I, she... I, don't know." On stage one of the female drone quickly looked to V concerned. "On second thought, you way hotter than doll! Run idiot!" She shouted, in an instant a metal rod shot out from the ground impacting V's right, and left arm. The drone on stage got thrown by something as all the other drones where running in fear, few dying by getting crushed, all expect for a purple haired drone walking towards V with a red glitching effect around her.

"Привет, В. В любом случае, ты понял." {Hello, V. anyways, you get it.} The drone spoke raising her hand as another rode came out the ground impaling her in the stomach. V managed to rip her right arm out the rod turning her hand into a gun shooting at Doll. But every bullet either missed or ricochet of an invisible force field. She summoned a butcher knife throwing it at V slicing her arm clean off. Raising her hand she ripped down the ceiling fan turning the blades into sharper blades.

"Holy crap, what is she doing?" Uzi questioned confused as they all watched unsure what to do just standing there. "This isn't what I expected at all." "Should we, help her...?" Y/n questioned unsure, Uzi let out an exaggerated groan. Doll threw the ceiling fan but before it could hit V N kicked it away as the other two threw a knife and butchers knife which was easily deflected. The doors suddenly opened letting everyone out as the ran in a panic.

"Узи, ты действительно встанешь на сторону дронов-убийц? я не единственный, кто потерял семью из-за них" {Uzi, you would really side with the Murder Drones? I'm not the only one who's lost family to them.} "Bite me! Whoever started this wants us to fight. I'm not dealing with anything well, but I'm done dealing with everything alone. We move forward together, or not at all." "Милый. Но мне не нужна твоя помощь." {Cute. But I dont need your help.} Another rode came out of the ground straight through N's leg. Summoning two blades they flew in N's direction, thinking quickly he shoved Uzi off the stage out of harms way giving a small thumbs up, while Y/n quickly ducked under narrowly avoiding the attack as the blades sliced through N sending him back into the wall with V.

Slamming onto the ground Uzi coughing up Oil as Y/n stodd back up pulling his pistol out. Doll summoned another Knife sending it in Uzi's and Y/n's direction. Y/n jumped off the stage avoiding the blade while Uzi caught the knife by letting it impale her hand. She stood up yanking the knife out her hand laughing. Doll looked surprised before summoning another knife sending it in her direction easily deflecting the blade with her now acquired knife. Aiming his gun at Doll he took a few shots only for them to get caught by a red coded wall freezing the bullets in mid air, with a smirk she sent the bullets flying back as he took shelter behind a table. Doll summoned het another blade sending it in Uzi's direction.

Uzi easily kicked it away, the blade flying into the DJ booth. Y/n stood up from the table emptying the rest of the magazine at the drone which all ricochet of the same shield. The knife from the booth zipped back to Doll multiplying them sending them at Uzi's direction. Turning her attention to Y/n as another pole shot out from the ground going through his robotic arm. He tried removing himself his arm while she summoned a group of knife sending them his direction as she held out her right hand stopping a microphone stand from hitting her.

He quickly detached his arm jumping to the side falling onto the ground holding his side in pain. The microphone stand flew back at Uzi along with another metal pole pinning her down dropping her knife. Doll picked up the knife multiplying once again sending them in Uzi's direction only to be blocked by N's wing as he held a hand out for her. "Ugh! Stop saving me!" She shouted getting up, N quickly grabbed her giving a little spin as a table flew at them and a knife which Uzi caught.

Pulling Uzi back he shot a missile as she threw her blade. The knife nearly hit Doll as the explosion sent her flying back. "Seriously, don't do that again." Uzi mumbled embarrassed. "Uzi," he then noticed another table being thrown at them. "Ah, okay your turn!" He shouted throwing her upwards as the table slammed into him.

Doll threw more tables at Uzi who jumped off the tables landing on one of them. Annoyed Doll summoned two more blades thrown at Uzi who deflected one of them back at Doll hitting her bracelet. Momentarily distracted Uzi jumped down kicking Doll across the face sending her flying backwards.

Annoyed Doll stumbled up holding out her hand, the absolute solver logo glowing when a gunshot went through her head falling onto the floor reavilng it was V who shot her. "V! We needed her for answers." Uzi yelled annoyed as N walked over. "What? She's fine." V said motioning towards the body pausing as oil spilled out everywhere. "A little tuckered out." "V did that on purpose!" N accused as she looked annoyed. "She's hiding mystery stuff and being over dramatic about it!" "N! You suck!" She yelled hitting him in the arm.

"You!" Uzi shouted as they both pointed at each other in confusion. Uzi glanced down noticing the bracelet on the ground. Kneeling down she picked it off the ground glaring at the two. "Lucky for you, we're not done yet." She said noticing something. "Where did Y/n go?" The two murder Drones looked noticing he wasn't there. "Sorry about that." Y/n spoke up standing up from behind one of the tables walking to them placing his mechanical arm back on. "Guess I'm a bit rusty, sorry I wasn't much help." He explained embarrassed with a small chuckle. "Whatever, come on." Uzi demanded walking off as they all followed.

Entering Dolls room they flicked the light switch on, the room being emitted in a red glow. They immediately noticed the insane amount of worker drone corpses and oil filling the room along with many robotic cockroaches. "Uh, oh." "Nice." Looking around the room they saw only more worker drone corpses. Hearing a clanking sound they turned seeing V with one of the arms in her mouth sucking it like a lollipop. Annoyed Uzi grabbed it yanking it out her mouth. "Self respect." Uzi said walking off. Soon everyone split off around the room.

Y/n entered what seemed to be the bathroom seeing a stack of shattered mirrors heading up to a vent. When out of sight he slumped against one of the walls sitting on the floor. He took off his mask momentarily looking in noticing the amount of blood filling the inside. He tried standing up only to cough out more blood stumbling around nearly falling grabbing the sink for support. Once he's able to properly stand he whipped his mouth of any excess blood, then used his shirt to wipe out the blood from inside placing it back onto his mouth. Looking down he pulled up his suit jacket looking at the white under shirt as a blood stain started forming on his side

"What are you doing." He jumped startled looking at the doorway seeing V staring at him. "Nothing, just resting a bit." He quickly answered pulling his jacket back down covering the stain. "What were you just doing just now?" She questioned glaring at him. "Nothing. Why are you suddenly worried for me?" He asked sarcastically as V rolled her eyes walking away. Looking back to the mirror he thought to himself for a moment with a sigh before walking out the room.

Inside the living the room N pulled off a tarp reavilng two worker drones with a gunshot hole through each of their heads both looking horrified. "I think we found her folks." N said sadly as Y/n and V joined him. "They didn't even taste that good." V said using her clawed hand to pick at her teeth. "V, you kinda suck." N said as V chuckled. "Yeah. I'm not doing okay." She said tossing one of the robotic roaches in her mouth. 'The hell did you see in her?' Y/n mumbled to N who didn't respond turning around Uzi.

Uzi turned to them quickly hiding her hand behind her back giving a thumbs up with a smile. She hopped over the table with the help of N as they surrounded the table. Uzi walked over grabbing one of the name tags on the drone while Doll appeared behind them in a red hue without anyone noticing.

She pulled the bullet out her head pointing it at Uzi. "Как раз к ужину." {Just in time for dinner.} They all immediately recognized the voice turning to Doll gasping in surprise as she shot the bullet at Uzi. But it stopped midway as a purple code appeared infront of her and the absolute solver logo also in purple covering her right eye and stopping the bullet. Doll looked both surprised and worried and what she saw.

"Я... мне жаль тебя..." {I... I'm sorry for you...} The symbol soon disappeared the bullet shooting out the window. "Если я найду то, что ищу, я тоже помогу тебе." {If I find what I'm looking for, I'll help you too.} "What?" Uzi said panicked. "Мне жаль." {I am sorry.} Doll spoke as she started glitching out. "Oh don't you dare!" Uzi shouted running at Doll as V shot a missile at her. But they where to late as she's already disappeared. "Ugh! I hate it here!" She shouted frustrated.

Meanwhile outside.

A worker drone stood outside shuffling through the snow finding his glasses. "Ah, that's where I left my excuse to be outside right now." He said putting his glasses on. Glancing up he saw a white glow crash down exploding reavilng to be a landing pod. More and more podd kept falling from the sky crashing expect for one. A human shot out from the top landing infront of the drone quickly slicing off the head of the worker drone. A name on her chest read Tessa, Tessa sheathed her sword as a murder drone exited the same pod. "Righty-o, work to do. Eh J?" She said as J flew next to her tossing her a key. "Maintenance work." She commented as the two headed deeper into the city.

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