Chapter 1: The Beginning

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A 22 year old male was seen sprawled against a twin size bed quietly snoring his name was Y/n and he has a robotic arm after a work accident in Silica City.

Thankfully a kinda shady group of people there gave him a replacement arm. He was 5'10 and had a scar on his right shoulder traveling to his shoulder blade, and a little along the base of his neck. An older male who was Y/n's father named Charles walked into the room turning on the light and tapped against the doorframe of the younger males room a few times.

"Y/n, it's time to wake up." His father Charles spoke.
"Ugh why?" Y/n asked groggily rubbing his eyes.
Charles sighed walking over to the younger boy sitting down at the edge of the bed. "Because you have the special project today," Charles said leaving the room.

Y/n sat up rubbing his head feeling the soreness from sleeping on his back for too long. "I knew I was forgetting something." He mumbled rubbing his eyes.
Charles smiled looking at the younger male. He leaned forward placing his hand onto Y/n's shoulder gently shaking him. "You're not late yet just get dressed quickly and meet me downstairs," He told Y/n getting off the bed.

Y/n nodded, grabbing a clean set of clothes from one of the drawers, placing his prosthetic arm on before walking out of the room. Heading out of his room he walked into the kitchen seeing a note on the microwave. Taking it off he opened the microwave seeing a plate of food. Heating it up he glanced down noticing the time. "Jesus Christ, it's already past 10?" He muttered in disbelief. After eating he headed out to the garage seeing his father working on the underneath of the car.

"Hey dad," Y/n said with a yawn. Charles rolled out from under the car sitting up. "Good morning sleepy head," He greeted smiling, "Are you ready for your special day?" Y/n nodded, "Yeah bit nervous though, this project could end horrendously in many ways." He admitted. Charles laughed shaking his head. "Don't worry about that, you'll be fine and besides you'll have help from everyone there. Nothing can go wrong."

Y/n nodded trying to ignore the growing pit of anxiety forming in his stomach. "Yeah, I think I'm gonna head to the warehouse before going to the laboratory. See if they've made any progress yet on the other projects." Y/n said grabbing his keys from one of the drawers. "Have fun, just don't lose another arm." Charles yelled out, Y/n gave a fake laugh grabbing his jacket.

"Real funny dad." "I honestly don't understand why you kids keep making such dangerous weapons." Charles complained shaking his head. "Says the man who helps create artificial intelligence robots." Y/n responded throwing on his coat. "There made to help with task, mechanics, cleaning, chores, not Killing." Charles explained. "You never know...." Y/n trailed grabbing his key card leaving the house.


Y/n was staring at the large building with a small smile on his face. Entering the building he ran into his friend Donovan. The two boys were best friends since middle school, and even went to the same elementary school. Y/n's dad was an engineer teaching him the workings of mechanical engineering at a young age. He doesn't remember much of his childhood, just mainly they moved to the city once he was 13 and he always had a fasciation with machinery.

"Hey Y/n," The younger male greeted walking over to the older teen. "Hey Donovan, how's life been treating ya?" Y/n asked walking over to the door leading into the warehouse. Donovan chuckled shaking his head. "It's been interesting," He said with a sigh. "What's up with you?" He asked looking over at Y/n.

Y/n shrugged scratching the back of his head. "Just worried about this stupid project," He said nervously.
Donovan laughed shaking his head. "Going into cryo freeze is dangerous. But hey, when's the last time you really got hurt in a project?" Donavon questioned glancing with a stupid grin, Y/n lighty smacked him against the back of the head. "Ow! The heck was that for?" He asked turning around.

"For being an idiot." Y/n responded with a giggle. "But seriously, you're not going to die, there's nothing to worry about." Donavon reassured Y/n. "I know but...well, you know. Being frozen, I have no control over that. What if I'm stuck like that forever?" Y/n said looking at the ground.

Donovan put a hand on his shoulders. "Look, you're not gonna die. When the two months limit is over me and the others will wake you up then you'll see. You'll realize how silly these worries were and move on." He said with a smile. Y/n smiled back looking up at Donovan.
"Yeas you're right, this is all just my nerves talking." Y/n admitted.

Donovan nodded giving his friend a pat on the back. "That's what friends are for, to keep you sane." He joked. Y/n gave a small laugh. "Yeah, I have about two hours before the procedure starts and I plan on getting some work done so let's head in." The two boys headed towards the warehouse, entering the building and heading upstairs. They reached their lab where Y/n found it in disarray. A few of the others were working on various projects, and several more were just hanging around relaxing.


Arriving at the laboratory he stood starring at the massive building with bold letters JC JENSON. With a deep sigh he entered the building seeing a few others were inside the building and some were outside. Seeing a familiar face coming towards him he waved. "Hey Y/n, how are you?" She asked. He smiled, "Good, I'm ready to get this over with." He replied.

Natalie smiled nodding. "Alright, please follow me to Professor Neils." She said walking through the halls Y/n following a bit behind. As soon as they arrived at the in the room they saw a bunch of scientists walking around typing on computers, and a massive circular container in the center. "Ah, Mr. Stockton, welcome back." Professor Neils spoke. "If you'd step into the chamber please."

Y/n hesitantly looked around scratching the back of his head. "I'm not sure, this isn't dangerous... Right?" He questioned hesitantly. "It will be completely harmless, we've run the calculations many times." Neils explained placing a hand on his shoulder. "And they've all came back positive?" He questioned inspecting the chamber. "Of course, now if you will. We have much to do."

Y/n sighed and stepped into the cylinder. Sighing he looked around nervously. "So, how does this work." Y/n questioned as the door closed. "Just stay calm and take deep breaths." Neils explained typing in a few commands on the computer. Doing what the man said he closed his eyes taking a few deep breaths letting the now cold temperatures take him over loosing consciousness as everything went dark. Not knowing the dark future he'll awake to.



Y/n could feel himself gaining consciousness, being reminded of the coldness of his surroundings. Opening his eyes he was expecting to see the lab but could barley see the door infront of him. Looking around confused he felt his surroundings to realize he was still in the pod. He looked out the glass small glass window although he couldn't see what was through the window. Y/n tried to push open the door but it seemed stuck closed. Knocking on the door he waited for a response but nothing. Panicking he kept banging against the door. "Hey, anyone out there? The doors stuck!" He shouted but nothing.

Y/n began to panic slamming his body into the door multiple times trying to break it open. To his surprise the door cracked open slamming onto the icy ground face first. Y/n pushed himself up looking around confused noticing the now damaged walls covered in ice, with multiple frozen skeletons in lab coats around the room. "Holy shit..." Y/n whispered under his breath able to see his breath in the freezing air.

Walking to one of the skeletons he tapped the skull accidentally pushing it over smashing into a million pieces on the floor. "Fuck," Y/n cursed, heading back into the main area in hope of finding someone, only finding more and more frozen skeletons. Feeling the harsh temperatures start to take affect on his body he reluctantly took one of the lab coats off the skeleton slipping it on.

Sitting down on the ground he tried to warm up his body, breathing deeply until finally feeling heat return to his body, if only a little. Getting up he pushed the doors open letting a massive gust of cold wind rush into the building. Y/n was able to make it a few steps before losing consciousness due to the new spike in temperature falling onto the snowy ground all while a humanoid robot watched from afar with curiosity spread across it's visor.

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