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Crumbling Cakes

31,267 likes / 612,993 reads
(Wattpad Picks - Up and Coming List - 06.07.2018)
There are three things Dalia is sure of about her life. She will always refuse to join her Mother's ranks, her luck is absolute shit, and her boss might be in the running to beat that wench as The Devil.

When one giant mishap forces her into a massive debt, she has no choice but to stick it out with a boss that's hellbent on making her pay for it. But is there no more to The Devil than just a brooding demeanor and an ill temperament? Or can he help Dalia finally find a place to ground her?

With the Red-Haired heathen on her heels and what she deems as indefinite servitude to pay off her debts, Dalia is about to find out.

**Warning** There is strong language included.
Possible triggers: Assault, Homelessness, some violence.
I will also be keeping any author notes at an all-time low to maintain a steady story flow. Have questions? Feel free to comment or PM me!

(All rights reserved)
[Cover Design Credit to @seyachowdhury]
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