Read Stories Crimson Daggers |  Chad Meeks-Martin - TeenFic.Net




Crimson Daggers | Chad Meeks-Martin

520 likes / 26,033 reads
"So you're telling that this psychopath in a ghost mask is going to try to murder us one by one?"

Scream 5 (6/7/23- 6/28/ 23)

Scream 6 (7/6/23 -10/20/23 )

💌: Chad Meeks-Martin
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120 5 8

Hanya Rawak…

Unseen Departures

Unseen Departures

0 0 1

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law. Date:July 5 2024Date Complete: -…

How Merciful He Is

How Merciful He Is

64 14 18

This might help you to have a relationship with Allah SWT.if you like it then make sure to tell about what message you have liked in this and trust your rabb is with you always don't fear about anything. everything is going to be fine and take care of yourself and trust Allah SWT promises he never break his promise. I hope you like this.and always be positive and smile . If I did any mistake in this then tell abt it I will surely don't do that again and alhamdulillah for reading this 😊…

Captain Jeon 'Since 1894' | Alternative Ending |

Captain Jeon 'Since 1894' | Alternative Ending |

45 0 14

''Since 1894'' Captain Jeon is a famous Taekook story on wattpad by @BANGTAN27BLACKPINK this story is good but I'm not fully satisfied with the ending so I created this story with a Happy Ending. Also I connect some similar pictures for better experience. Hope you all like it.[All rights goes to the right owners specially the writter and the fanarts owner]Hopefully within 40 days this story would be end and all of you like it. Mostly I changed the the story when the fairy 🧚‍♀️ come again in the stay turned. ♡© All Rights Reserved…

Sinners in Love

Sinners in Love

34 8 6

This is the preface of the series ' Sinners in Love'It will include book tropes, aesthetics and couples.Book will be posted separately.I have already uploaded the first book of the series.Each book in the series will have different tropes. Every book in the series can be read as a standalone but you will enjoy it more if you read it as a series. A series that will contain thrilling romance with toe- curling smut.They will stop at nothing to take their revenge but at the cost of what ?Losing the one they LoveWho taught them how to live againJoin the journey of their Forced Love to know more.…

Letters From 10497

Letters From 10497

23 12 10

It all started when a dove landed on my window sill,leaving behind pieces of seemed like a letter."A letter from 10497"…



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KD's Songs and Lyrics

KD's Songs and Lyrics

872 3 61

This is just gonna be the Lyrics of KD's songs!! (spotify, soundcloud & bandlab!!)NOTE: Some of these Songs are !!Explicit!!…

Double Trouble (sakuryo)

Double Trouble (sakuryo)

34 4 2

"Wow.. Sakuya is really cool! How can someone be that handsome and good at soccer at the same time?" Said one of the two girl students sitting on the bleachers. Both of them are junior grader based on their tie. "I know right? He's also smart and talented, I heard all the sports clubs were on him but soccer is the one he had chosen. He is also friendly to everyone, he seems so nice I wonder if he is dating someone?" The other girl agreed. Both girls watch the topic of their conversation playing at their school's soccer field with dreamy eyes.Fujinaga Sakuya, currently a sophomore in high school, is quite popular in the Neo School for being an athlete, handsome, and cute guy. Boys and girls of different grades wanted to be close with him. All of what the girls said are true except one unidentified information.'He is dating someone, but seems like they're not dating at all.'NCT WISH: Fujinaga Sakuya x Hirose Ryo (sakuryo)Short Story 2/2 ChaptersAll Rights Reserved.green_ryoing6.22.2024…



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美国留学买毕业证文凭?芝加哥洛约拉大学学历认证【Q/威信:1954 292 140】专业为留学生办理毕业证《加急办理芝加哥洛约拉大学毕业证认证》、成绩单、使馆留学回国人员证明、教育部学历学位认证、录取通知书芝加哥洛约拉大学Offer、在读证明、雅思托福成绩单、网上存档永久可!留学生归国服务中心面向留学生提供以下服务:一、办理毕业证成绩单《加急办理芝加哥洛约拉大学毕业证认证》【Q/微1954292140】《美国LUC学位证书范本原版定制》(学校原版1:1高仿真制作)二、使馆认证(留学回国人员证明,大使馆存档可查,查到后付款)三、教育部学历认证(中国教育部留服中心存档可查,查到后付款)四、可提供钢印,激凸,烫金,烫银,激光标,水印等防伪工艺五、诚招各地区中介代理,合作共赢!如果您有兴趣,欢迎您的加入!合理推荐业务:1.如果您只是为了的应付父母亲戚朋友,那么办理一份文凭《美国本科学历证书怎么购买芝加哥洛约拉大学毕业证认证》【Q/微1954292140】《原版定制芝加哥洛约拉大学学位证书范本》即可2.如果您是为了回国找工作,只是进私营企业或者外企,那么办理一份文凭即可《美国LUC毕业证认证加急办理》【Q/微1954292140】《怎么购买芝加哥洛约拉大学教育部学历认证书本科学历证书》,因为私营企业或者外企是不能查询文凭真假的!3.如果您是要进国企 银行 事业单位 考公务员等就需办理真实教育部学历认证!…