Chapter Eight: Did Someone Say Party?

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Jade hated parties.. correction she hated getting ready for parties. She stood in the mirror looking at her terrible outfit, and her terrible hair wondering if Wes would haunt her for looking terrible at his memorial. Mindy walked in the room and saw Jade, "What are you doing?"

"Trying to look nice." Jade replied, crashing down onto Mindy's bed.

The twin smiled, slowly approaching the bed and laying down next to her depressed looking friend. "You want to look nice, why?"

"It's a party, shouldn't I look nice?" Jade asked, turning to look at Mindy.

"Well... its more of a memorial then a party so no. Come on, you just put on you're regular jeans with holes and a nice sweater or something and I'll braid your hair back. How is that?" Mindy asked, but then she smiled. "Or do you wanna look nice for a certain someone?"

"No! no, no, no I'll just do that." Jade said, standing up and getting her normal clothes to change into. Once she was changed she grabbed her crutch and smiled at Mindy, "This okay?"

"Mhm, you look good. Now come here and I'll braid your hair." Mindy replied, patting her bed and making room where Jade could sit. After a few minutes of hair braiding there was a knock on the door. "Come in."

Chad peaked his head in with a cheeky smile, "You ladies ready?"

"Hold on...and done." Mindy smiled, tying the last braid with a hair tie.

Chad offered a helping hand for Jade and she shook her head, taking his hand and slowly stood up. "Thank you sir."

"Of course M'lady, now your chauffeur awaits." He joked, putting one arm behind his back while pointing his other arm towards the door.

Mindy gagged, helping her friend out of her room and towards the car.

Once they were all ready the twins and Jade drove to Ambers house and stood outside for a few minutes while trying to help Jade out of the car. "Guys please don't leave me alone.. if I hear one more person say 'oh I'm so glad you're alive.'" Jade mocked people in an annoying voice before turning to Chad. "I will hurt them."

"Woah Jades calm down a bit, okay?" Chad laughed, standing by her side as they walked through the doors.

"Jade!" someone exclaimed, coming up to hug her. "I'm so glad you're alive."

Jade turned and glared at Chad. The boy was quick to grab Jade's shoulder with a smile as he pulled her away from the girl who just hugged her.

"Oh I get it, you don't wanna talk about it... no problem." the girl awkwardly smiled.

"Oh she gets it." Jade whispered, fake smiling up at Chad. "I'm so glad she get's what it's like to be stabbed and sliced multiply times by a killer, getting her hands crushed in the door and having to walk with a crutch. I'm sure she gets it."

Chad placed Jade on a couch and put hands on her shoulder, "Hey, take a breather. I'll get you some water."

"I want a drink." Jade replied, staring at the alcohol.

"Water it is." Chad smiled, quickly walking away.

"Chad!" she exclaimed, but he was already gone.

Jade sighed, crossing her arms and slouching down in the comfy couch before Liv sat beside her. "Hey have you seen Chad?"

"Hey! For Wes!" Chad screamed, holding up a shot glass.

"FOR WES!" everyone who really didn't know Wes screamed back.

Jade scoffed as she noticed how mostly everyone here didn't like or even know Wes except for a few hand full of people. Chad quickly walked over from his shot taking with a tiny shot, going to hand it to Jade but Liv grabbed it. "Thanks."

"Oh, um actually that was for-."

"I'm going to walk around for a bit." Jade smiled at Chad before looking at Liv. "You two have fun." she finished, grabbing her crutch and walking to a secluded area where she could finally be alone and at piece. She took a deep breath as she opened a window next to where she was, zooming out the place around her as she got rid of the smell of smoke and alcohol from her nose.

Her mind flooded with memories as she thought back to her childhood with Wes. The boy may have gotten on her nerves sometimes, but he knew her the best. Even better then the twins, because she wasn't afraid to tell him anything. Wes knew about the crush and how she felt about Chad, but we always kept it a secret and never pushed her to do anything because he knew her friendship with Liv was more important. Though a lot of people know how much Liv takes control of her and Jade's friendship.

A body crashed into her causing Jade to stumble a bit, "What the.. Liv?"

She noticed a now crying Liv walking out of the house, her make-up smearing down her face.

"Liv, wait up!" Jade exclaimed, walking after her. "hey." she said, grabbing Liv's arm and pulling her back. "What is going on?"

"Do you like chad?" Liv asked, her face full of betrayal and anger.

"W-what?" Jade laughed awkwardly.

"You do don't you?" Live replied, laughing and crossing her arms. "You know, I always knew you were jealous of me."

Jade looked at Liv like she was crazy. "I was jealous of you?"

"Yeah! Ever since I joined the friend group."

"Liv, I'm not jealous of you! I mean god damn I'm so sorry that I had to let you like Chad, even though I liked him since I was like ten!" Jade covered her mouth as she noticed her 'friends' face.

"So you do like him." Liv scoffed, running off once more leaving Jade in a very awkward state.

Jade let out a heavy breath as she walked back to the couch and noticed that Mindy was now sitting there, so she carefully walked over and sat down next to the twin.

"Okay, you know what's going on between Liv and Chad?" Jade asked, staring at the girl.

"Oh, you didn't hear? So Liv kissed Chad but he pushed her off and told her he liked someone else." Mindy explained, with a smile.

"Wait really?" Jade responded, looking at her with a confused face.

"Mhm.. wanna know that better part? He likes-."

"OKAY EVERYONE OUT THE PARTY IS OVER!" Amber yelled, once the lights suddenly flicked on cutting Mindy off.

"Hey, hey hey! Hello, can we cut the music please?" Richie's asked, making Jade stand up confused.

"Hey." Mindy said, grabbing Jade. "Go find Chad he'll explain everything, I think he went to go apologize to Liv."

"Oh okay I will, I'm just going to see what's going on. Hey, actually can I have your phone?" Jade asked, which Mindy nodded her head and handed her her phone before Jade started walking to the front door.

"Uh, hi... Gen Z. How are you? Um... Both Sam and Tara have been attacked by the killer twice, and now they're here, which makes this place a huge murder target... oh Jade is also here, hi Jade." Richie waved, causing Jade to wave back with a fake smile. Richie cleared his throat, "So that triple the targets now, so if I were you I would probably leave." Richie ordered, trying to get all the kids to leave.

The kids boo'ed him and threw a cup at him so he frowned. "Okay I tried to be nice, get the fuck out!" Richie went on with telling the kids to get the fuck out as they all boo'd and called him names as they left the main door.

Jade shook her head, grabbing Mindy's phone tight as she walked towards the back door. Jade thought about once she found Chad it was going to change, she was going to finally tell him how she felt.

How hard could that be?

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