Read Stories BlueGreen - tincan fanfiction - TeenFic.Net




BlueGreen - tincan fanfiction

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"Why can't we just continue being friends?"
I'm still where Tin left me. Sitting against the wall, head in hand, trying to make sense of what happened.
"Friends who sometimes kiss..."

I'm not really sure where this is going, if anywhere. But the point is sailing The TinCan ship, right?

After reading a million or so "tincan ff" (some of them are really good btw), I felt inspired. I haven't written in years, especially in English, so I apologise in advance.

- Feel free to point out any misspelling, grammatical errors or something otherwise "wrong". Also, let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas.

My story begins with Can, more or less where the finale of season 1 left him.

If you haven't seen "Love by chance" (the thai series this story is based on) or read the novel the series is based on "My accidental love is you" (written by MAME), you may be a bit lost. I highly recommend you watch it - regardless of whether you're gonna read my story or not. I haven't read the novel though.

I have no claims on the characters, they are obviously from the series/novel. All rights to their respective owner(s).

First published: 25 January 2020

If you have a problem with homosexuality,
I really can't help you.
You should leave.
(without saying a word)
May be you like?


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