Author's note

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First of all,
thank you for reading!
I really hope you will enjoy my story.

Before we start, I feel like saying a few words. You can totally skip this and jump directly to the next part, the actual story will start there.


This is my first time sharing my writing like this. Honestly I feel a little insecure, but I'm also excited at the possibility of someone actually reading this.

Like I mentioned earlier, I am not really sure if this story is going anywhere. I have a couple of chapters already written, and a few ideas as to what will happen next or down the line, but it's far from complete. Therefore I would really love to hear your thoughts, ideas, suggestions or whatever input you have. I will also try my best to answer if there's something you find confusing or unclear. 

Also, there will be alternating point of views. It may affect the "writing style" to some extent. I hope it doesn't get too confusing.

I am really enjoying writing this, and I sincerely hope you will like reading it.

Thank you so much for 
giving my story a chance!



PS: I started writing this quite some time ago, and then I got distracted and started writing something else. And then something else, again. I tend to do this, so no promises. I'm a bit of a scatterbrain. 

PPS: Second season of lbc !!! Is it even real?!!

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