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"Let them go, Dante."

I whip my head to see a small boy standing the clearing with blonde hair and a green cloak hanging from shoulders. He isn't very tall however he holds his stance well. He doesn't seem to be more than Cassandra's age. Maybe 12 at most. I abruptly turn my head back hearing the man holding a sword to my throat chuckling with a sinister grin.

"Oh, poor boy, what are you go to do about it?" The yellow teeth gleam as he begins stalking towards the boy who does not look the least bit fazed. I look around at the other men who are following the leader. I pull Cassandra tighter to my back as I take small steps back. I keep my eye trained on the men but also fear for the naive boy.

"Do you really want to test me Dante?" He asks raising a single eyebrow. For a minute the men stop their movements. I see their hesitation for fear... Fear of what? I take the moment to stick Cassandra behind a nearby tree. She crouches down while I pull my sword out from its place.

"How do you know my name?" The scoundrel raises his sword challenging towards the boy before taking a final step towards him. Then the unexpected happens. The young boy chuckles so darkly. It sounded almost... demonic. All the men instinctively raise their swords.

"Oh Dante, I didn't know your name... but you know someone dear to me."

"Spit it out boy!" The once grinning man is now looking around frantically. I continue my eyes scanning the small boy. He looks directly me and gives me a small nod before saying one word that caused all hell to breaks loose.


Artemis is not an ordinary girl. She grew up in the wilderness after being shunned due to unique abilities and her different physical attributes. Blessed with an ability that scared others, she roams the wild with only her guarded one. That is until she stumbles into a situation that brings her in front of a prince.
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