In the Land known as Eridu, a large Continent located on top of the Dragon Continent by a few miles, the large Landmass being away from the Lands of the 4 Kingdoms, going here would take around a day by air, but longer by sea. Despite the Land being called Eridu, the Main City is also called that, but goes by the name New Eridu. It was named that after a Catastrophic Event which nearly destroyed the Lands, it was known by many as a Supernatural Phenomenon called, the Hollow, which was believed to have been bestowed upon by the God of Darkness.
In turn, it also created the Ethereal Grimm, who have merged with the Hollow, being much stronger than the Grimm belonging to that of the 4 Kingdoms, and the Land of Darkness. This forced Eridu to make changes to combat the Ethereal Grimm, to ensure their Civilization does not fall by the hands of these Monsters.
This new change led to Eridu being a far more Advanced and bustling City, with many of its Citizen thriving, a factor that played out to this, was not only discarding Dust, but using a far more better Energy Source or Resource, along with acquiring the Technology that allowed them to extract Resources out of the Hollows. Which led to Hollows being industrialized and monetized by the City's Administration. Areas that are part of the Hollow have been labeled as Restricted Zones and all Citizens of Eridu are not allowed to be there unless said otherwise. The City, being protected by a large Wall to prevent the Ethereal Grimm from barging in.
And to combat the Ethereal Grimm, Eridu did something that the 3 other Kingdoms refuse to do, create a Military. Eridu created the New Eridu Defense Force, a Military Organization tasked with protecting Eridu from external threats, primarily Hollows, the Ethereal Grimm, and many more around the Borders of the City. This Military Organization is far more better than what Atlas has to offer, seeing as they don't have their egos far up this asses like with Atlas.
Along with this, many other Organizations were created to combat these Supernatural Threats, but even with that. There are other Organizations that were created to keep the peace in the City, one such Organization is known as the New Eridu Public Security or NEPS, the Police Organization in the City of New Eridu.
And just like that, the NEPS have the task of maintaining peace and order within New Eridu. Right now, they are facing a dilemma in the Streets.
???: Zhu Yuan and Lowell in position outside HIA Club!!
A Woman's voice calls out, as she and another Officer, take cover by their Vehicles, which are in the form of Motorcycles. They are seen wearing Helmets and Body Armor, but appearance wise, the Woman has black hair with orange streaks, tied to a ponytail, and orange eyes. For her Gear, besides the Standard Uniform she wears, she added in extra Ammunition and Gear on her Belt, and more Armor Plates by her legs. While the Man has medium-length white hair, Lynx Ears, and purple eyes. His Set of Gear which was added on, are two large Pouches by his Belt, two Radios strapped on to his chest, and extra Armor by his knees and shins. Who we see right now are two Officers of NEPS; Zhu Yuan and Seth Lowell.
These Police Officers are Part of a Special Division in the NEPS, known as the Judges. These Division of Officers are what the City Administration would say, "Judge, Jury, Executioner". They are tasked of eliminating High-Ranking Criminals, Gangs, Terrorists, Rogue Huntsmen, and even Political Officials; if given the authority to do so, without the need of Due Process. In the beginning, this led to many Protests from the People, seeing this as a means of Injustice, and with the high demand of change, the NEPS followed their requests and only allowed Judges to execute their authority if given the right to do so. If not, they are to follow Protocol as how the Police Officers do so.
But here, they are given authorization to use Lethal and Brutal Force.
Zhu Yuan: We're under fire from the Upper Floors. Request Backup. Location, New Eridu's Janus Quarter, Lumina Square. Requesting Backup immediately!
Her Call was heard as it plays on a Screen that is built on to a Motorcycle, with an Individual listening to it. The Screen tracks their Location and sets up a GPS Marker, the sounds of the Engines revving up can be heard as the Rider drives the Motorcycle, which is revealed to be an Armored Motorcycle, extremely heavy-duty, armed with Mounted Machine Guns. This here is a Motorcycle used by the Judges called Lawmaster.
The Judge drives off to the Road, the Sirens now blaring out. More explosions erupt in the HIA Building with Zhu Yuan and Seth taking cover by their own Lawmasters, the Judge able to make it to their Location. The Civilians have already been cleared by the Public Security Officers, as the Judge drives through the Flames and has made his arrival to the Scene. Zhu Yuan and Seth watch as the Judge gets off his Motorcycle.
To give an idea on what a Judge wears, they wear
black Leather Overalls, armed with a Bulletproof Vest that is connected to multiple Armor Pieces in the chest and arms, such as the Shoulder Pads and Body Armor on the chest, along with Armor on his wrists and Gloves. An Ammo Belt with the Buckle showcasing the Emblem of the New Eridu Public Security. A Badge is present on his Vest, the words etched on there is the Last Name of the Man, "ARC". He wears a Helmet with his mouth being the only thing visible, the Helmet has an X-Shape by the Visor and another Badge. This Judge is none other than Jaune Arc himself, or how he's called here, Judge Arc.
But Jaune doesn't go into cover, he just stands there in the middle of the Street as Bullets fly by around him.
Seth: Holy shit! He's a sitting Duck out there!
Zhu Yuan: Jaune knows what he's doing.
Another explosion erupts in the Building as Jaune's Helmet opens up, showcasing a Microphone. Jaune then looks up and speaks on the Mic, his voice echoing out in the entire Street.
Jaune: I AM......THE LAW!!
He was ignored as more shots fly out from the Building, hitting another Building with multiple explosions erupting everywhere.
Zhu Yuan and Seth look up towards the Building as we see the ones who are making a mess in the Streets. These are Thugs, Members of Gangs that mainly perform their Activities in the Hollows, but do Criminal Work in New Eridu to retrieve or raid Supplies on different Areas of the City before heading back to the Hollow. Most of them exhibit mental problems or peculiar quirks, and are recognizable by their Astronaut Helmets, with the Visors' faces resembling Halloween Faces you would see in a Pumpkin.
Among them, we have the Assaulter, they are described to be wearing a brown and beige Bodysuit with blue and orange Wires on their arms. A torn up beige Sleeveless Shirt armed with Straps holding Ammunition, and a Backpack with a Device attached to the Handle. Their Helmet has an Antenna with a crack on it that is being held by Bandages. Its Visor is orange, with the face being yellow. Next is the Arsonist, wearing a gray Sleeveless Shirt, red Leather Jacket, Cloth wrapped around their elbows, and other Accessories. Their noticeable feature is the Radio and Night Vision Goggles on their Helmet, with the face being black in color.
Then we have the Raider, they wear a white Sleeveless Shirt, Armor by their left arm, black Undersuit with Wires attached to it on the right, a Backpack, Strap for their Ammo, with the Helmet's Visor being white, and the face, black. And finally, we have the Poacher, they wear a black Sleeveless Shirt over white Bandages wrapped around their shoulders, black Long Sleeves on their arms, black Gloves, and their Helmets are gray with the face being black, along with an added Hood to it.
(Top; Left to Right: Assaulter, Arsonist. Bottom; Left to Right: Raider, Poacher)
One of the Gang Members, a Poacher, looks through the Scope of his Crossbow, and sees Jaune in the middle of the Street, broadcasting his Ultimatum to them. And seeing him, the Poacher is scared shitless.
Poacher: That's Judge Arc, man!
Bulky Intimidator: Hey!!
A Man shouts at the Poacher, who looks at the one shouting at him, and is revealed to be known as the Bulky Intimidator. They are described to be very muscular and tall, wearing a white Sleeveless Shirt with Spikes wrapped around their arms, then a Backpack with Accessories attached to it, Bandages on their right arm, black Gloves, and the Helmet being much bigger compared to the rest, the Visor is black and Horns placed on the Helmet.
Bulky Intimidator: You wanna be afraid of somebody? Be afraid of me!!
Assaulter: I got it! Why don't I run down there, and surrender? Sort of throw 'em off guard!!
The Bulky Intimidator stares at the Assaulter, not saying a single word and just cocking his Shotgun.
Assaulter: Bad idea.
Bulky Intimidator: Hey, Arc! Come and get us!!
The Bulky Intimidator aims his Shotgun out of the Window and fires, the rest of the other Thugs do the same, the Bullets hitting the ground all around Jaune, but are not hitting him whatsoever. Jaune's not even fazed by them.
Jaune: I knew they'd do that.
Seth: Judge Arc, take cover!
He looks over to both Zhu Yuan and Seth, who are still taking cover by the Lawmasters.
Jaune: They're firing 20 millimeters Caseless Flechette Rounds at 300 meters. The effective lethal range, is 200 meters. You're safe. What are you doing down there, Judge Zhu Yuan?
He says as Jaune sees Zhu Yuan crouched down by the Lawmaster, the Bullets still flying by in the background. Zhu Yuan stands up, along with Seth, as she answers Jaune's question.
Zhu Yuan: Waiting for Backup.
Jaune: It's here. Let's move it out. Keep it simple. Single file. Standard relay. I'm point. You're last.
The three head over towards the Building, with Jaune up front, but as Seth went to the middle, the minute Jaune said he's last, Seth complies and switches positions with Zhu Yuan. Jaune, now whips out the Lawgiver from his Holster, a Voice-Activated Machine Pistol.
The Lawgives makes a starting sound, meaning it's good to go. He then activates the Voice Feature in the Lawgiver.
Jaune: Grenade.
The small Screen on the Lawgiver shows that it switches to Grenade as Jaune aims at the Entrance, and fires, causing an explosion that blows the Door down as it crashes to the Floor. The three of them now entering the Building.
Seth: Nice shot, Sir!
Jaune: You two meet me on the 15th.
Bulky Intimidator: Hey, you need to get some more Ammo!
He says to the Poacher, as the Poacher runs off to the Crates and gets more Ammo, but he hears something in the Hallway, and can only stare at the Door, then shakes off the thought as the Poacher grabs the Ammo they need. While that was happening, the Bulky Intimidator calls out to the rest of the Thugs.
Bulky Intimidator: Hey, you guys with us?!
Assaulter: Yeah!
This was followed by more of the Thugs shattering the Windows and aiming their Weapons outside. All of them cheer as they shoot out Bullets towards the Street and the Buildings, causing untold destruction and mayhem. But out of nowhere....
Multiple Bullets Holes started bursting out from the Ceiling, creating a circle shape as all of the Thugs turn towards it in fear. Then suddenly, that part of the Ceiling collapses as Jaune jumps down from it and lands on the Floor, right in front of the Thugs.
Assaulter: Arc!!
Without wasting no time, Jaune fired a multitude of Rounds from the Lawgiver, taking out all of the Thugs in the Room, sparks fly out as the Thugs' bodies drop to the Floor, dead. The Doors of the Room were kicked opened as Zhu Yuan and Seth entered the Room, with their Lawgivers at the ready. But see only Jaune was left, the Judge turning towards the two.
Jaune: This Room has been pacified.
Seth: Next one's mine!
He says as Seth excitedly runs off to the other Room without a moments notice.
Jaune: No! Seth! Hold on!
Seth rushes towards the Door of the Room, ignoring Jaune's shouts as he kicks the Door open.
Seth: This Room is under arrest!!
The Thugs all faced Seth and opened fire, the Bullets sent flying as he was hit, and crashed towards the Wall, dropping Lawgiver to the Floor. This was seen by both Jaune and Zhu Yuan, who are taking cover by the Wall.
Zhu Yuan: No!!
Bulky Intimidator: Die, Judges! Die!
Zhu Yuan runs over to Seth and immediately does the Medical Procedures to keep him stable, while also avoiding the amount of gunfire the Thugs are letting out. Zhu Yuan now pulls Seth towards the side, holding him closely as she aims Lawgiver at the Room.
Jaune: You're under arrest!! Throw down your Weapons, and prepare to be judged!!
Raider: Judge this!!
The Raider grabs on to the Lawgiver on the Floor, with many of the Thugs telling him not to.
Arsonist: That's Lawgiver man!
Bulky Intimidator: No, don't. They're Booby Trapped!
The Lawgiver sends out an Alert that can be heard by everyone, as the Screen shows "ID FAIL", and from out of nowhere, Lawgiver makes a sound...then...
The arm of the Raider explodes into blood and guts, with the Lawgiver still in tact, and for the Raider, he slowly kneels to the Floor, looking at his right arm, which is completely gone, and falls to the ground, dead.
How this works is each Lawgiver has a Sensor on its Grip, programmed to recognize the palm-print of the Authorized User registered to the Weapon. If anyone else, including another Judge, attempts to use the Weapon, it will self-destruct in the User's hand, leaving them severely crippled or dead, like what you saw with the Raider.
Seeing the Raider's arm being blown into pieces, freaked the Thugs out.
Jaune: Full Auto. Rapid-Fire.
The Lawgiver is now set to that Feature as Jaune gets out of cover and unleashes a Horde of Bullets towards the Thugs, killing them all. Jaune then gets back to cover as the Thugs fired back.
Jaune: Armor Piercing.
A shot was fired as Jaune gets out of cover again, and hits an Arsonist right through his Weapon, and like what the Feature does, the Bullet pierced through the Weapon and hits the Thug, who falls to the Floor dead. This angered the Thugs as they fired out more shots at Jaune, the Judge back in cover once again.
Poacher: Drop dead, Arc!
Jaune now switches to another Feature in the Lawgiver.
Jaune: Double Whammy.
He gets out of cover one more time and fires off two Homing Shots at the same time, hitting the last two Thugs in the Room, killing them as they fall to the Floor. Once the Area is clear, Jaune heads inside, where the Bulky Intimidator is down on the Floor, leaning against the Wall with a few shots on his chest. He looks forward and raises his hands in surrender, now seeing Jaune is inside the Room.
Jaune: New Eridu Municipal Code 213: Willful destruction of Property, that's two years.
The Bulky Intimidator slowly stands up, his arms still raised. But what Jaune doesn't know is, one of the Poachers is still alive, looking forward to see a Weapon in front of him.
Jaune: Code 310: Illegal Possession of Assault Weapons, five years. Code 447: Resisting Arrest, twenty years!
Just as the Poacher was about to fire at Jaune, the Thug was immediately gunned down. Jaune looks over to see Zhu Yuan was the one to take the shot.
Jaune: Thank you, Zhu Yuan.
He then looks at the Bulky Intimidator as he walks away from him. Unknown to Jaune, the Bulky Intimidator is pulling out a Pistol from the back of his Pants.
Jaune: And Code 3613: The Attempted Murder of a Judge.
Bulky Intimidator: Let me guess. Life.
The Bulky Intimidator screams out and aims the Pistol at Jaune.
But was immediately shot by Jaune, as he says his one-liner.
Jaune: Death......Court's adjourned.
Lumina Square: New Eridu Public Security District
Right now, Jaune is in his Desk in the New Eridu Security Building in Lumina Square. After the Battle in the HIA Building, as usual, Jaune needs to submit the Report, which is the procedure after a Shooting, an Arrest, or basically anything involving Police Work. This is the Part of the Job that Jaune hates the most, well, his Partner, Zhu Yuan, is fine with it, but Jaune knows she likes to work a lot.
As he continues writing the Report, Jaune glances over to his Computer Screen, seeing the Emails or Messages he's received, and one particular Message put him in a sour mood.
Jaune: When will they learn to just stop.
It was Messages coming from his Parents, Jaune did not hesitate and deleted all of those Messages from his Inbox, an action that was seen by two Individuals, one is Zhu Yuan, and the other is a Young Girl, whose body
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