Jaune (Aisha): The Order

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Quintus: Bridge

In the Bridge of the Quintus, the One-Five is seen on Hyperspace as they just left the System they were figuring on earlier. The Battle was rough, costing numerous Casualties on both Sides, and it was not only the Black Arms they were fighting. No, they were also fighting a Faction that came out of nowhere a couple of Weeks ago, they call themselves; Heaven's Gate. No one knows where they came from, but they have proven themselves to be strong, very strong to the point Arcadia considers them a legitimate Threat like the Black Arms.

Here, we see Jaune in the front of the Bridge with Yukong manning the Helm of the Cruiser. He glanced behind him to see Lilly walking up to him. Like with everyone here on the Bridge, Lilly dons her SPARTAN Armor but isn't wearing her Helmet, holding it by the side of her stomach, revealing her appearance. She has straight brown hair with bangs in the forehead, a noticeable smile present on her face.

(She's still wearing her Armor. Appearance for this Universe)

Jaune responds to her by giving Lilly a smile as Lilly informs him of the Report she received from Arcadian Command.

Lilly: You want the Good News or the Better News?

Jaune: No Bad News?

Lilly: Nope, from what these Reports say. I have a feeling you're going to like it. The Good News is a Team will be waiting in Arcadia when we arrive and will have Custody of our Prisoner. They'll take her to a Maximum Security Brig where she'll stay there for a very long time. We still don't know what her Powers are suppose to be, but from what I can see from your Mother along with Willow and An. They know something, especially when we told them about this Aisha Person.

Jaune: Then I'll make sure to ask my Mom when we get back Home.

Lilly: Speaking of Home, the Better News is all Sectors in Arcadia and the Galaxy have been secured. Reports stated that the Black Arms Leadership has collapsed, the War is finally over. 

Jaune turns to Lilly with complete shock. He needs to make sure he heard that right. The War is finally over?

Jaune: Wait, you serious?

Lilly: Yup, Reports all over Arcadia are stating the War has ended and we won. We can finally go back to our you know, normal lives as how we like to say it.

Jaune: I see.

He looks over to the Window of the Bridge, they are still in Hyperspace as they're making their way back to Arcadia. He couldn't, he really couldn't. The War is finally over, after everything, almost close to 2 Years of fighting, it's over. They can all go back Home. Celebrate this Victory and honor the Sacrifices that were made. To show their deaths were not in vain. Jaune will make sure to honor them every step of the way.

Jaune: So it's over. It's finally over.

Lilly: Yup, and no doubt we'll have a big celebration when we touchdown back Home. All those sacrifices, they will not be vain and everyone will remember the hard work we accomplished to get to this point. 

Jaune: You're right. I couldn't ask for an amazing Group of People to fight alongside with. A shame it will come to an end and we'll all go our separate ways.

This was met with Lilly raising her eyebrow and asking Jaune a question.

Lilly: Is it the same for me? I mean, we both have our own Goals. So do you plan on saying goodbye to me as well?

Jaune: With you, I won't ever let you go.

Her response to Jaune's statement was to blush and look away from him, but a noticeable smile is present on Lilly's face.

???: Excuse me, Jaune, Lilly.

The two turn and were met with the Admiral of the Quintus, Erica Baasch.

Erica: The latest Briefing has come in. It's regarding News about our Victory and what's going to follow in the coming days.

Lilly: Want to have a look? Who knows what your Parents have in store for us when we get back Home.

Jaune: Not at the moment. I still need to process this whole Victory of ours, and, I rather not be spoiled of the surprise waiting for us back Home. Had enough surprises for one day.

This was met with Lilly sighing, Jaune's right, they had many surprises this whole Week, from the Heaven's Gate confrontation, their Leader being very powerful, them nearly dying trying to capture her, then the War finally ending. She understands where he's coming from as Lilly takes her leave alongside Erica. Leaving Jaune, who turns his attention back to the Windows of the Cruiser.

But, in the Brig, located in a Cell that is being protected by a Ray Shield. We see a literal Tomb-like Prison holding what appears to be a Woman, the only part visible is the clear Window on the top centre of the Door, showing the face of the Prisoner held inside, but also lets them see out.

Suddenly, the Woman opens her eyes, the Pupils on her eyes showcasing a Galaxy. What nobody notices is a smirk appearing on the Woman's face.

Woman: It has begun.

On the Bridge, Jaune was quietly looking at the Window before his Communicator started beeping. He looks at it for a few seconds, wondering who is contacting him at this time. Jaune presses the Button on his Gauntlet, followed by the Button on his Communicator, listening in, and to his surprise, he hears the voice of his Sister, Bianca.

Bianca: Jaune-Jaune, come in!! Listen, do not come back to Remnant!! I repeat! Don't come back to Remnant!! It's too dangerous here!

What made Jaune cautious and worried is the sound of Bianca's voice, it's filled with panic and fear, the sounds of Blaster Fire obvious in the Call.

Bianca: We're being attacked by our own Men!! Saphron, Aqua, we got Tangos to our left!!

Jaune wonders what Bianca is talking about. What did she mean by her own Men attacking her? This is unsettling Jaune, he needs more answers. He continues listening to Bianca's Call, the Call becoming more static.

Bianca: Jaune-Do not-Do not trust anyone!! I say again-do not trust anyone!! Not even the One-Five!! Missile!! Saphron, Aqua, get down!!-

The Call cuts the minute an explosion hits. A look of confusion and worry is seen on Jaune's face, he didn't say anything at first and tries to contact his Sister on the Comms, only to get Static on his end. He even rushed over to a Console and typed on it, trying to contact Bianca or any of his Sisters and got nothing.

Jaune: Shit. What's going on? What did she mean by "Don't trust anyone"? But why is the One-Five involved?

Unbeknownst to Jaune, as he is trying to figure out the situation. Lilly, who is seen in the Holotable, her face devoid of any emotion, stares at a Hologram of Nicolas Arc. From there, he gave out the Order.

Nicolas: Initiate Protocol 66.

Lilly: Yes, Emperor Nicolas.

Just as Nicolas' Hologram disappears, the Doors open to Jaune rushing over to the Holotable where Lilly is.

Jaune: Lilly, alert all of the One-Five and have them report to the Hangar Bay. It's Bianca, something's happening in Arcadia and we need to redirect our course to somewhere safe until we can figure this out.

Lilly said nothing, her face started to sweat and her body is shaking, it's noticeable on her Helmet, which is shaking. Lilly's grip now loosens as her Helmet crashes to the Floor.

(A/N: I don't own this Gif, it belongs to their respective Owners)

Jaune: Lilly?

Radio Chatter is heard on two One-Five Members behind Jaune. Erica is right in the middle of the two, then beside her are Lin Yühsia and Kal'tsit. All three are pressing on the Communicators, the two on their Helmet, while Erica on her ear. The three turn towards Jaune, the two Faunus aiming their Blasters and Erica her Pistol, at Jaune.

Lilly: No! I'll do it.

Jaune: Lilly, what's happening?

Lilly: Stay back!!

The minute Jaune was about to take a step, Lilly took action and whipped out her Dual-Pistols, aiming it right at Jaune, said Arc steps back in fear and worry, bringing his arms forward as a sign of surrender. That he means no harm.

Lilly: Jaune. You need to.....you need to get out....I can't control....controlling us.....get out!! Get out!!


Shots were fired as Jaune immediately switches to his Armor, no longer wearing his SPARTAN Armor.

Jaune sprints forward, summoning his Shield to block the Blaster Bolts being fired upon by Lilly, he tackles Lilly as the back of her head hits the Holotable, a noticeable crack present. Lilly falls to the Floor with Jaune standing on top of the Holotable, equipping his Sword and a custom Katana, he turns to the three behind him, blocking and deflecting their Blaster Bolts. How this is possible is Willow and An upgrading Jaune's Swords with the Ability to deflect any form of Bullets, Willow was the Individual who trained Jaune in this Form of Defense, cause in her words.

"Your Armor ain't going to protect you. So being able to deflect Bullets and send them back to your Enemy will save your Life"

Jaune sends a flurry of Blaster Bolts back at the three, hitting Lin first as she topples to the Floor, followed by Erica, who was hit in the leg as she fell to her knees. Jaune charges his hand with Purple Energy before firing off a shockwave that sent Erica flying towards the Helm, crashing into Yukong who was about to assist them. Kal'tsit slowly moves towards Jaune, firing an array of Blaster Bolts, Jaune slashes at the Bullets, blocking them before sending one back at Kal'tsit, hitting her in the side of the stomach as she crashes to the ground.

He looks to the Controls of the Door and fires off a Slash Projectile, causing a small explosion of sparks as the Doors close. Jaune looks over to see Lilly slowly getting back up, holding the back of her head in pain.

Jaune: Lilly-

The sound of the Doors of the Bridge behind Jaune open. Jaune turns and was met with the entirety of the Original 15, Violet Evergarden was the first to fire, followed by the rest. Jaune spins his body around, unleashing a burst of Flames to push his Friends back, but it didn't stop them as they continued firing. Jaune looks up and sees his way out, he blocks all of the Blaster Bolts being fired at him before subtly firing out Slash Projectiles at the Ceiling, sparks flying out everywhere as the Original 15 does not stop firing. Blaster Bolts continue to fly out with Jaune blocking them, he spins his body, releasing another swirl of Flames before a blur moves upwards. The sight of Smoke engulfing the entire Bridge, the middle now covered in darkness.

Original 15: He's down!/Hold your fire!/We got him!

The Original 15 slowly step forward, guns drawn, they move in towards the Holotable, again, the Place being covered with nothing but Smoke. They look to see Jaune is nowhere in sight, the Original 15 turn to the only place where he would've went. Up. They aim their Blasters at the Ceiling to see a large hole made out of the Slashes and Blaster Bolts Jaune deflected. This was Jaune's means of escape.

Ch'en: Ma'am, are you all right?

She looks over to Lilly, now putting her Helmet while shaking off the hit she endured earlier.

Lilly: Fine, just tired is all. I want you to go to the Detention Level. Execute Valkia. We will bring her body for study back in Arcadia

Ch'en: Yes, Ma'am.

She gestures to Talulah Artorius and Hoshiguma as the three rush out of the Bridge, the Doors open with them making their way to the Brig.

Lilly: All right. We know Jaune Arc is on board. He's been marked for termination by Protocol 66. Under this Directive, any and all Threats to Arcadia whether it be anyone from Arcadia, the 4 Kingdoms or the Arcs themselves must be executed for treason against Arcadia. Any Soldier that does not comply with the order or aids those who are deemed as Traitors will also be executed for treason. Understood?

Original 15: Yes, Ma'am!

Lilly: There are only so many places to hide on this Ship. Gather up Search Parties. We'll fan out and move Section by Section. Come on. Let's get moving.

The rest of the Original 15 take their leave as the Doors of the Bridge leading to the Hallway open, Lilly watches them in the Holotable before following suite.

(A/N: I don't own this Gif, it belongs to their respective Owners)

Quintus: Brig

Inside the Brig, the Woman, who is now named Valkia, looks at the clear Window to see the two Guards in her Cell; Calvin "CC" Copper and Madison Kennedy, getting their orders in the Comms as Valkia watches Calvin (CC) closing the Ray Shields on the Panel. The two head inside, the sounds of heavy breathing from Valkia can be heard, despite her being powerful, the very reason why they put her in this Cell, more like a Tomb, is it has the means to hold and negate even the most powerful Magic to have ever existed in Arcadia. This Tomb or what it was called, a Vault, was sealed in the Vault of Arcadia.

Valkia looks to her right to see Calvin (CC) going to the Panel on the Vault. He presses a set of Buttons as Steam shoots out from the Doors of the Vault, it slowly opens, Valkia's look is frantic, seeing she does not have the means to defend herself. But inside, she knows what's about to happen next. She looks in front to see Calvin (CC) and Madison aiming their Blasters at her. But Madison notices Valkia looking in front of her, immediately turning around, she was met with Jaune standing in the Entrance of the Cell.

Madison: Look out!

A circular outline appears on Jaune's hand, he sends out a shockwave that pushes Madison violently to the Wall, she crashes on it and falls to the Floor. As she slowly gets up, Calvin (CC) fires his Blaster but is blocked due to Jaune using his Shield. Jaune dashes forward and shield bashes Calvin (CC) so hard, a small crack appeared on his Visor. Jaune uses his Sword, with the Blade being very heated, and cuts the Blaster in half. Jaune follows this up by using his Telekinesis to lift Calvin (CC) up to the Ceiling, followed by shooting out another shockwave that knocks the Man out, a noticeable dent in the Ceiling.

Calvin's (CC) body falls to the Floor, Jaune now looks at Valkia and walks up to her, he aims his Sword right by her face.

Jaune: Don't make me regret this.

He walks over to the Controls and presses a Button on the Panel in the Vault. The Restraints on Valkia's body open, freeing Valkia from her Prison as she steps out. Valkia, or her Full Name; Valkia Harkon, is described to be a beautiful Woman with pale skin. She has long black hair with blue eyes, her Pupils having a glow to it. Her Outfit is comprised of a Spiky Crown that has a blue Veil, wears a dark blue Dress with an opening by her chest, dark bluish gray Armor is present on her arms, chest, and Skirt Area, with a white Robe in the middle of her lower body.

Valkia: I knew you would survive. I have foreseen it. But to think this is the kind of reception both of us would be getting.

Jaune: Is this your doing? Choose your words carefully for I am not in the mood of dealing with your cryptic monologues.

He says as Jaune places his Sword right by Valkia's neck, Valkia feeling the Power of Ifrit powering the Blade of Jaune's Sword. 

Valkia: No, no. None of this was my doing. I only knew of it due to my Power.

Jaune: Explain. And make it quick.

Valkia: Why should I explain when I told you beforehand that your Father had something to do with this.

He suddenly remembers the very conversation he had when they confronted Valkia back at her Base. Where she stated that something bad will happen to Arcadia, and will change their Home for the worst, and she said one name, Nicolas, his Father. He never understood what it meant at the time, and with Valkia here, he wants answers and he's going to get it.

Jaune: What makes you think my Father is responsible for this? And I want you to tell me everything. No more lies this time.

Valkia: Simple really. I had the chance of looking into someone's Dreams and Memories, an Ability I have at my disposal. I saw the deception, the lies that Man has concocted. He has deceived all of you for years and was able to do so at this very moment. Problem is, I never fully understood how he is able to accomplish it. A Dream where the entirety of Arcadia and the Galaxy, belongs to him. And it appears, that Dream has come true. A Dream I thought would fail due to his arrogance. But apparently I was wrong.

Jaune: And you didn't think to tell anyone this?

Valkia: Oh, I did. If you recall, I warned you not to trust Nicolas or anyone during our Fight. That everything leading up to this very moment, will be the end for ALL of us. Besides, even if I did tell the truth. None of you would believe me. This moment right here is an example of it. You and I are simply a Loose End to that Man, moreso a Pawn for a greater Power.

Then Jaune recalls why they were tasked of hunting down Valkia and eliminating the entirety of Heaven's Gate.

Jaune: It's Aisha isn't it? This Goddess you serve and praise.

Valkia: Indeed, and to think when she told me I would acquire a

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