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Jonathans POV

i opened my eyes slowly, and peeked over at my alarm clock. "7:23am" it said. i groaned and sat up. "another shitty school day." i mumbled to myself.

I rubbed my eyes and kicked the blankets off me. i yawned and walked towards the kitchen. there stood my mom making pancakes and Will sitting at the table talking to her. "ah! Jonathan ur up. i'm making pancakes, want one?" she smiled.

"Yeah sure, your pancakes are the best." i chuckled slightly and sat down next to Will.


i finished the pancake and went to my room to get dressed. "7:38am" the alarm clock said.
while getting dressed i remembered that today we were getting our study partners.

Usually we're able to pick out partners, but not this time. The teacher said we're not allowed because there was so many arguments. i'm really annoyed about that because usually i go with no one.

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