Part 20 - Happenings

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(Nobody's POV):
         "Well, isn't that just adorable..?" Karl Heinz teased as his son, Laito, and (Y/N). His hand grazed his chin as he continued to mock the young couple. "Don't fool yourself, my children, love does not exist. Isn't just an illusion. As you know, Laito, love is just an excuse for lust," he blabbed about what love was. The pair would have none of it.

         Laito held (Y/N) tighter against himself. Her feet barely touched the ground. She buried herself into his chest as she cried. Her hot, wet tears dropped down his body. "I used to think that way. Sometimes, I still question my love. But I know what lust feels like. I felt it for (Y/N) the moment that we met. It has evolved now, greater than words can express," (Y/N) started to weep louder. She looked up at Laito with worry on her face. Her cheeks were stained red.

        "I have never felt a lust," she admitted, "I've only felt love. Whenever we were alone, it was never for my own pleasure, I always wanted to please you. I didn't care about how I felt, even if I was against it," her crying arms reached out to hold Laito. She gripped him so hard that he could never dream of escaping.

        Heinz took a step closer to the duo, "really, it is cute..." his eyes rolled sharp, he had a hostile glare down to (Y/N). "But, Laito, tell me... who it was who sparked the flame in the first place," Laito's pupils shrank with fear and regret. His mind ran with memories. His father's words pierced him, he had struck the most sensitive of nerves.

Laito's POV (Flashback):

         She's asleep. (Y/N) is adorable when she sleeps like that, she reminds me of a baby. Her hair is wrapped around the pillow. Her body, resting on the blankets, causing perfect ruffles. Oh, how I will protect thine honor... I stood over her, staring down at her exhausted being. She only reflect beauty. Her stomach was perfectly round and soft. No other woman could compete for my love as well as (Y/N) can.

       Suddenly, I felt a strong prescense coming from the entrance hall. That man..? Why would he be here?  In a moment, I teleported downt to the entrance hall to see father standing the doorway. My brothers were all standing around, on their guards. Yui had been hiding behind my younger brother, Ayato.

       "What the hell do you want?" Ayato yelled at our father, "you have to business being here, you goddamn peice of crap," he raised his voice to express as much anger as he possibily could. He threw him arms around Yui, making sure she would not be hurt by father.

       "It isn't like you to appear so suddenly, why was I not informed about your arrival sooner?" Reiji propped his glasses, keeping his composure. He stood firm, his face was emotionless. He seemed to be holding back harsh words to say to father.

       "What're you here for, old man?" Subaru taunted, he grasped his knife in his left hand.

       Our father only smiled at the threat, "I want to see the fair lady who holds my first grand child. Now, tell me, Laito, where is your lady?" My lady... He looked towards me, those words forced my heart to sink. He doesn't seem to have bad intentions, but I don't trust it. If I know one thing about father, it is that he has everything planned out carefully. I can't take any chances. I stood, glaring at the man who is the object of my hatred.

"Why do you care about my little bitch?" I questioned, (Y/N) had nothing to do with him. She won't benefit father in anyway. I won't allow her to be touched by our father. Nothing can surpass the way she makes me feel, that one short minute gives me joy in her sight. "Not only won't I let you see her, but it is rude to wake a woman up from her beauty sleep."

My father took a step towards me, closing the door behind him. I could hear the rain pounding on the door as the thunder shook the whole manor. "Ah~ so the lady's asleep? Well, that would be expected since she holds my grandchildren," he walked past me and towards the staircase. He turned back to face all of his sons.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" I yelled at father. Yelling at the top of my lungs, all I could think about was my love being harmed. Don't worry, (Y/N), he won't touch you. No matter what has to happen, I will be there for you and our child. Not only was I on edge, but my brothers stood firm, too. Surprisingly, Shuu decided to stand up for the first time in like ten years.

Our father questioned me, "is it to bad that I want to see the newest additions to the family?" Now, he was trying to get past my defenses. That couldn't have been his old motive. It isn't his only motive. "Laito~ why are you so tense? Is it because you hate me? Why so? Anyways, you always were a useless child, you slept with your own mother after all. I'm really not surprised you were the first to impregnate a beautiful lady such as herself," he really is grinding my gears. What was I supposed to do? Refuse my mother? I had no choice. I didn't like it, nor did I dislike. She would come to me when nobody else was available to satisfy her greedy needs. It's not my fault. It's not.

Tears from the agonizing memories ran down my face, the cold chilled me to the bone. It was silent as they hit the floor. "You have no right to say that..!" In a desperate effort to defend my position, I lunged at him. I tried to use my bare hands to harm a being such as himself. The world around me disappeared in my rage. Am I hurting? I was able to grab his vest, pulling myself closer to him. He would not move, he was stiff. Without a warning, I felt a warm pain in my abdomen. When I blinked, I was on the floor in front of him.

"Though I had no hopes, I expected a better attempt from you, Laito," his disappointed glare reigned over me. I will show you that I am better than you, I will prove that I am worthy, father..! The only thing I was able to do to him was rip his cape. I held the cotton and silk in my hand, I threw it down, onto the smooth floor.

It doesn't matter if he has hopes, does it? It will all end the same. He won't touch my lady. As quickly as I could, I took the torch resting on a nearby pillar, and forced it to the ground. The fire sparked more, making the floor a bright orange. "You won't touch her! I don't care if I have to burn all of us alive, her beauty won't be tainted by you!" Now, the tears that dripped down my face turned to blood. My eyes were worn, they could not take the pain. Even if she dies, it will be worth it. It's worse than death to be in a trance set by that guy. If she dies, I will, too. Mother was forced into loving him, she knew nothing other than the love that he taught her. (Y/N) is just as susceptible to his madness as my mother was.

The embers lit more fires. The walls soon collapsed. The pillars withered. Smiling with grief, I laughed until I couldn't stand. "Laito!" Ayato yelled to me, "what the hell were you thinking?" Smoke made my vision blurry.

"I will do anything to keep (Y/N) away from our father," I yelled above the crackling of the flames. I could see nothing but orange, yellow and red. "She will be safer in a burning building than she would be facing him..!" I ran up the stairs, father had disappeared.

    I turned the corner to hear her feeble voice, overcome by the flames, crying out. "No..." she cried. I could barely hear over the roar of the fire. It had spread at an alarming rate. She started to scream the names of my brothers and I. "Laito... Laito...! Ayato, Kanato!" With each syllable, she screamed louder. The flames rose to the ceiling.

I glanced toward the door, it already had been opened. Her screams stopped. I heard no other voices. The moment was unusually long. I couldn't move, I had frozen. The flames were slowed down. Nothing seemed to move. Not even the bats in the sky.

Nobody's POV (regular time):

        Tension peaked. "Why would you... Laito..?" (Y/N) continued her plead. She whimpered, her lip quivered, she shook at the thought of Laito attempting to murder her.

       "If you died, you would be safer than with him. I had to do it, you may never understand, but I'm okay with that," I looked at her, held her shoulders firmly. "I should have known. No matter what I tried to do to save you, he would have gotten a hold  of you. I love you too much to let that happen," gently Laito whispered into her ear. From my pocket, I pulled a knife. Subaru lent it to him for just one night. "I will protect you," his expression now blank, he pulled away from (Y/N). Glancing towards his hate, one last tear rolled down his face.

"Please, Laito, do try to kill me. I've been so bored, I'm in need of amusement," Heinz teased at the air. He laughed at his own jokes. Without remorse for his actions, he failed to see that his son, his own flesh and blood, was suffering at the hands of his game.

"Laito- don't hurt anybody. It's not like you, please," (Y/N) shouted, she grabbed his arm to pull him back. She wanted to avoid him getting hurt. If he were hurt, she would be harmed by Karl Heinz. If she were harmed, her child would be at risk. This she knew.

"I have been dreaming of murdering my father for years now, there is nothing that you can make me do that will stop me. Now, close your eyes," He beckoned her. With his arm, he shoved her too the side. She hit the wall with a thud, landing on the ground. Sitting, she looked up at Laito.

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